White/Engelman Spruce Genecology Climate Change Trial



Colin Pike of Bell Pole (250) 832-1180; Email:


Site was harvested in 2004. Will be commercially planted in June 2005


Bell Pole sp014-3.dgn

Mapsheet: 082K.071Lat: 50o 45’ 54.3” N’

BEC Zone: ICH mw 2Long: 117o 57’ 24.6” W

Elevation: 894 (m)


Akokolex 153.320 Hz

Access notes

Site is in cutblock 12-6 of Bell Pole

(km) / Access Description
Action / Cumulative
Distance (km)
0.0 / At GrizzlyPlaza downtown Revelstoke / 0.0
1.9 / travelling south over bridge over IlliciliwatRiver. / 1.9
3.8 / Travelling south on Airport Way, past airport / 5.7
10.0 / Airport Way asphalt turns to gravel. / 15.7
2.4 / Turn left onto Akokolex FSR. / 18.1
2.9 / (3.0 km on Akokolex FSR) Pass over Drimmie Creek / 21.0
4.5 / (7.5 km on Akokolex FSR) Turn right onto ‘Hard Way’ (steep downhill). / 25.5
2.8 / End of Hard Way. Turn right onto Crawford FSR (labelled ‘Dumont FSR’ in Backroad mapbook). / 28.3
0.1 / Cross bridge over Akokolex R. Stay left after bridge, traveling uphill. / 28.4
4.8 / Turn right at 3-way junction toward Sprout Mtn Lookout trail, still on Crawford FSR. / 33.2
5.8 / (28.5 km on Crawford; 50o45.860’N; 117o58.730’; 565 m elev) Turn left, steep uphill onto 4100 Road. / 39.0
3.6 / Test site on left (west) side of road. / 42.6

Field Notes

July 2004 / Visited site with Colin Pike. Moderate amount of slash. 5% slope. Mid-slope position. Fairly uniform. Some birch in SW corner / Greg O’Neill
26 April 2005 / Kurt Huettmeyer (837-7611) MoF silviculture forester asked Brent Farrell (MoF forestry tech) to drive me to the site. Brent knows the area very well. Road blocked by windfall 2 km from site. Site is usually inaccessible until about 20 April because of snow. Road is not plowed in winter / Greg O’Neill
15 May 2005 / Site established by Mike Brown and Sean (PTIRS). Mike felled 6 large trees in or near the test. (M. Brown) / Greg O’Neill
21 Oct 2005 / BJ and GO visited site. Trees healthy. Mortality < 1%. Brushing not required in 2006. Lots of planted Pw in the test. they will have to be removed. GPS coordinates of corners taken / Greg O’Neill

Continued on page 2

Field Notes continued:

18 July 2006 / We removed all herbaceous & deciduous competition around trees and between rows ( thick patches of epan throughout site, patchy rupa, raspberry and fern). In the South West corner of the block was a thick At/Ep pocket which was removed (suspecting At suckering in the future). We pulled all of the planted Pw, Pli naturals,etc. Any overtopping ‘slash/debris’ was removed from trees.Sx are doing well – nice growth –ave.ht. ~45cm-55cm . Good survival. / Sylvia Warantz
SummitLake Services
Sept. 28, 2011 / HOBO download and re-launch. Road access good. There are clumps of salix and some At suckering. Adelgid cooleyi on seedlings but good survival. Tree height ranges from 0.7 meters to 2.6 meters with the average height being ~ 1.2 m. No wildings removed but brushing is required in 2012. Stake and label condition good. / Notes taken by D. Gustafson of R. WhiteWoods Inc.
Entered by Vicky Berger
Oct. 27, 2012 / HOBO download and site maintenance. Road access good. Adelgid cooleyi on seedlings and some frost damage but good survival. Site fully brushed in 2012. Stake and label condition good. / Notes taken by J. Pelttari of R. WhiteWoods Inc.
Entered by Vicky Berger
09 Nov 2013 / Hobo download, site inspection. Road condition good, 4wd for last 2 km if road is wet. Some re-sprout after 2012 brushing. Fast growing willow clumps will need to be brushed in 2014. Some Adelgid damage. Stakes & labels in good condition. Good survival & growth. / Notes by J. Pelttari of R. White Woods Inc.
Entered by Val Ashley

G:\!Workgrp\KalamalkaGen\Greg\Sx climate change\access notes, access maps, visit notes\Revelstoke\Revelstoke Field notes.doc

Prepared by Val Ashley 10/08/2007

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