1. a) How Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies on the coming of the Messiah

Jesus was born from the lineage of David as prophesied by the Old Testament prophets

Angel Gabriel repeated the titles used by Isaiah to describe the Messiah in the annunciation message (Luke 1:32-33)

Jesus proved that he was the messiah at the start of his ministry by reading aloud the scripture of Isaiah 6:1-3 in the synagogue.

Jesus was born in Bethlehem as foretold, the city of David (Luke 2:1-7)

Jesus was the suffering Messiah as described by the prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 53: 3-12)

Jesus was betrayed by Judas Iscariot, one of his friends and disciple

Jesus as the Messiah established God’s rule through his death on the cross and his works among the needy.

Jesus is seen as a universal Messiah and not a political ruler as the Jews expected

When Jesus was brought to the temple for dedication, Prophet Simeon was so happy that he was ready to die in peace because he had seen the Messiah.

Peter identified Jesus as the Messiah of God when Jesus asked the disciples who they thought he was.(1 x 8 = 8mks)

b). Ways in which Jesus fulfilled Isaiah’s prophecy of the suffering servantof Yahweh.

He suffered humiliation

He bore the sins of humankind

He died on the cross because of human sins

He bore suffering and disgrace submissively

He was rejected and despised

He was mocked and spat on

He was pierced and wounded

He was innocent yet treated like a criminal7 x 1 = 7mks

c). What is the character of the Messiah according to Isaiah 61:1-2

He has the spirit of God.

He has been anointed by God.

He has been sent to preach Good News to the poor.

He has been sent to bring liberty or freedom to the captives.

He has come to proclaim the year of favour of God.4 x 2 = 8mks


a) How did John the Baptist prepare the way for the Messiah?(7 marks)

He baptized people in water as a way of purifying them to meet the messiah

He asked people to repent their sins

He encouraged the people to lead a charitable life

He warned the people of the coming judgment

John acknowledged that Jesus was greater than him

By baptizing Jesus to get him ready for his messianic mission

He preached that messiah will baptize with holy spirit and fire

He introduced Jesus as the lamb of God to the people

John asked the people to to be honest/sincere and avoid hypocrisy

He condemned the immorality of the king

b) Identity methods used by Jesus to spread the Good news.

Performing healing / miracles

Using parables

Forgiving sinners

Quoting the old testaments texts

House to house visit / evangelist

Preaching and teaching i.e the sermon on the plain

He lived exemplary life / role model1 x 6

c)Identify the problems church leaders encounter as they evangelize.(6 marks)

Lack of money/resources to meet their needs

Lack of acceptance by some Christians due to education/age/tribe

Lack of housing for themselves

People might expect too much from them

Uncooperative members(some)

Hostile working environment

Can/might suffer stress/depression from personal o congregational problems for fear of exposing their weakness

Too much demand on their time and service by members Might not know how to deal with different groups in the church e.g

3. The events that took place when Jesus was put on the cross. LUKE 23;33-46

Two criminals were crucified by Jesus.

Jesus pleaded with God to forgive his persecutors.

They cast lots to determine the possession of his garments.

They mocked him – to save himself if he is the son of God.

Jesus was given vinegar

He was speared

An inscription saying that there is the king of the Jews was put on his head.

One of the criminals mocked Jesus

The other criminal rebuked the other.

One criminal represented the other

One criminal represented to Jesus and recognized Jesus as innocent.

The repentant criminal asked Jesus to remember him in his kingdom.

The criminal was promised eternal life in heaven.

There was darkness the whole land on the 6th hour to the 9th hour.

The curtain of the Temple was cut into two.

Jesus died and committed his spirit to his father.(8x1=8mks)

b)Preparations that Jesus made for the last supper.

Jesus sent Peter and John to prepare for the last supper / Passover.

He instructed two disciples to go into the city / Jerusalem.

Jesus told them that they should follow the man into the house he would enter.

Once in the house, the disciples were to asked the owner / house holder to showthem the guest room.

Jesus told the disciples that the house holder / owner would show them a large

furnished upper room.

He instructed the disciples to prepare the room.

Jesus told them that the house holder / owner would show them a large furnished

upper room.

The disciples prepared the meal.

Jesus together with his disciples sat down in the prepared room.(6x1=mks)

(c)Reasons that made Judas Iscariot to betray Jesus.

Greed for money / material

It was God’s will for the fulfillment of the scriptures.

Judas was unable to overcome / conquest the power of evil / He was tempted by


He was looking for fame / recognition.

He was unhappy with Jesus activities / Jealous.

He was informer of the Jewish religious leaders.

He was expecting a political messiah yet Jesus was a spiritual messiah. (6x1=6mks)

4 a) Explain the teachings of Jesus about the unity of believers from the parable of the

vine and the branches.

God is the vine dresser and Jesus is the true vine.

Christians are the branches of the vine.

Christians are related to God through Jesus.

Christians can only bear fruits if they remain united in Jesus.

Christians are joined to one another through Christ.

Christians should rely on God for all providence.

Unfaithful Christian are punished.

Faithful Christians are nourished and attended to by God to produce more.

God’s love is passed to Christians through Christ.

Christians should be obedient to God’s commandments.

God is concerned with the welfare of Christians.

Christians should remain faithful to Christ.

(8 x 1 = 8 marks)

b) Explain the causes of disunity in the church today.

Doctrinal issue

Generation gap

Misuse of church funds

Gender discrimination


c) How can the church today in Kenya help to bring about unity in the country.

Advocating for peaceful co-existence among Kenyans.

Fighting corruption, discrimination tribalism and all form of favourism.

Acting as a voice of reason among the ruling political class demanding their unity

as a government.

Assisting the use fortunate in society

Condemning and reporting those who bring disharmony in society.

Developing joint rallies, prayers and reconciliatory meetings together.

Forgiving one another to avoid disunity.

Obeying church elders.

5. a) Identify the elements of the fruits of the Holy Spirit.(6mks)









Generosity1 x 6

(b)Explain the teachings of Jesus on the role of Holy spirit.(8mks)

The Holy spirit comfort the believers.

He teaches the believers all things

He bring into remembrance all that Jesus taught the disciples.

He convicts the world of sins and lead them to righteousness and judgment.

He guides Jesus amongst all the believers.

To enable the believers to be witness of Jesus in the world.

To counsel, advise and guide God’s people.

He reveals to God’s people what is yet to come in future.(8x1=8mks)

c) Four criteria for discerning the gift of e holy spirit in the new testament.

Confesses Jesus as Lord and saviour.

Brings freedom to the believer.

Their way of life should conform to the teachings of Jesus.

People who live by the Holy Spirit and guided by Him are known by the fruit of the spirit they display.

A person who walks by the Holy Spirit will not gratify the desires of the flesh because they are against the Holy Spirit.

A person guided by the Holy Spirit is sincere and honest.(4 x 2 = 8 marks)

6. a) State seven conditions which Jesus set for his followers (7mrks)

They must trust/ have faith in God/believe in Jesus/gospel.

They were to love God/Jesus

They should renounce everything to follow Christ.

They should be ready to serve others.

They were to forgive others.

They should be humble/look like young children

They should be committed to prayer without ceasing

They should do the w ill of God

They should be born again/be baptized

They should repent their sins. 7x1=7mrks

(b)Outline six qualities of John the Baptist as recorded by Angel Gabriel to Zacharia in (LK1:13-17) (6mks)

He will be great

He will be a Nazarite

He will be filled with the Holy spirit.

Fore runner of the lord / messiah

He will bring people back to God

He will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and disobedient to the wisdom of

the righteous

Will bring joy to his parents(6x1=6mks)

c)Identify six way sin which Christians play the role of John the Baptist today.(6mks)

They call people for repentance

They baptize new converts

They condemn the evils of their day

They remind people to prepare for the second coming of Christ

They advise political leaders of their day.

They announce the coming of divine judgment

They give moral advise on sharing and honesty

They preach Christ as the promised messiah. (6x1=6mks)