In accordance with the Equality Act 2010, Rowlinson Knitwear has a positive ongoing commitment towards equal opportunities and aims to be an equal opportunities employer. We aim to ensure that no job applicant receives less favourable treatment on grounds of any protected characteristic within the act.
Post Applied For:Permanent □ Temporary □ Full Time □ Part Time □
(If applying for part time please specify your available days and times below)
______/ Home Tel No:
______/ If we may contact you at work, please provide the telephone number:
______/ Mobile:
______/ Email:
Do you hold a current full UK driving license?
If yes, do you currently have any endorsements?
For office use only:
Section 1a –Education
Section 1b – Further Education / Training
Section 2 – Employment History
Please provide details of all your previous employment in date order, giving dates by month and year, starting with your earliest first. If there are any gaps in your employment history then please ensure that the reasons are fully explained.
Section 3 – Further Information To Support Your Application
This section gives you the opportunity to explain which skills, personal attributes and experiences you have that are relevant to the post that you are applying for.
Section 4 – Values
At Rowlinson’s we believe that there are certain values which are important in mantaining a positive working environment. In your opinion what are the most important values in the workplace and why?
Section 5 – Examples of Values
Please provide a real life example of when you’vedemonstrated one of the values you listed earlier. Please give details about this event, how you dealt with it, and the outcome.
General Information
Personal Referee
Professional Referee (preferably your most recent employer)
Please could you state how many days sickness have resulted in time off work during the last 12 months.
Number Of Days / Reason For AbsenceIf selected for interview, are there any adjustments that would need to be made to allow you to attend?
Please specify:
Do you require a work permit? Yes / No
Do you have any other commitments which may affect your working hours?
How did you become aware of the position?
Have you previously applied for a position with Rowlinson?
If so, which vacancy was it and when did you apply?
Please give details of any pre-booked holidays that you have arranged.
Do you know anyone who is currently employed by Rowlinson? If so, please specify:
UK Data Protection Act 1998
All information gathered is for the purposes of employment selection only. Under the UK Data Protection Act 1998, Rowlinson’s will not disclose applicant information to a third party for any reason and all information shall be securely disposed off after the recruitment process has been completed.
For us to retain your information after the recruitment process has been completed, for a period of 6 months only and strictly for the purposes of any future vacancies, Rowlinson require your written authorisation. Please ensure you tick the appropriate box at the declaration stage of this application form if you consent for this to happen.
I confirm that the information enclosed is correct and that misleading statements may be sufficient grounds for cancelling any agreements.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this application form. We will notify you of the outcome to your application in writing, no later than 4 weeks after the application has been received. All applications will be kept for 3 months before being destroyed in line with data protection, unless you consent to the application being kept on file for longer.
I confirm that I give my consent for Rowlinson to retain my information for a period of 6 months after my application has been completed.
On completion please e-mail to or post back to:
Nicola Ryan
Human Resources Department
Rowlinson Knitwear Ltd.
Woodbank Mills
Turncroft Lane
You may send an accompanying CV with your application form if you wish.
Please ensure your postage is correct for the size/weight of the envelope you are using.