Village of Hanna City
313 North First Street, P.O. Box 492
Phone 309/565-7411Hanna City, IL 61536-0492Fax 309/565-4389
Hanna City Village Council Meeting Agenda 7:30 pm, Tuesday, August 19, 2014
- Pledge of Allegiance and moment of silence
- Public Hearing on a proposed annexation agreement with propertieswith tax identification numbers: ; 16-10-100-005; 16-11-251-005;
- Recognition of guests
- Tony Schuering, Municipal Consulting Group
- Eric Jones, Village Auditor
- Public input
- Approval of previous meeting minutes 08/5/14)– Vote
- Approval of Treasurer’s Report
- Payroll report
- Warrant report
- Financial reports
- Engineer’s Report (Lott)
- Update on MFT plan
- Attorney’s Report (Connor)
- Approval of Ordinance No. 14-08-13, an Ordinance Authorizing the Entry into an Annexation Agreement for the Borland Land Trust property, PIN # 16-10-251-001 (and contiguous RO.W. - Vote
- Approval of Ordinance No. 14-08-14, An Ordinance Annexing Certain Territory Owned by the Borland Land Trust to the Village of Hanna City, Illinois. (PIN 16-10-251-001 and contiguous R.O.W.) - Vote
- Approval of Ordinance No. 14-08-15 an Ordinance Authorizing the Entry into an Annexation Agreement for the Borland Land Trust property, PIN # 16-10-100-005 (and contiguous RO.W. - Vote
- Approval of Ordinance No. 14-08-16, An Ordinance Annexing Certain Territory Owned by the Borland Land Trust to the Village of Hanna City, Illinois. (PIN 16-10-100-005 and contiguous R.O.W.) - Vote
- Approval of Ordinance No. 14-08-17, an Ordinance Annexing Certain Territory Owned by the Rosenbohms to the Village of Hanna City, Illinois (PIN 16-10-100-004,16-09-100-007, 16-09-201-001,16-09-251-001, 16-09-100-012,16-09-100-008, 16-09-100-009, 16-09-100-005, 16-09-100-011)-Vote
- Approval of Ordinance No. 14-08-18, An Ordinance Amending the Village of Hanna City Code Section 170.08 Expanding the size of the planning Commission and Providing For Identity of Members between the Zoning Board of Appeal and the Planning Commission – Vote
- Approval of Ordinance to add Agricultural Zoning District - Vote
- Update on annexations
- Committee Reports:
- Finance (Isbell)
- Update of employee accident/incident reporting procedures– Vote
- Approval of transfer from general fund to garbage fund $1804.80 - Vote
- Approval of training for Treasurer on August 26, from 9-11 ref. Website – Vote
- Approval of training fro Treasurer on November 4, from 9-3 ref. IMRF – Vote
- Approval of new agreement with AT & T for telephone and internet service - Vote
- Sewer (Pahl)
- Streets and Alleys (Weaver)
- Approval of MFT expenses – Vote
- Police and Planning (Gibson)
- Approval of Police Contract with the Peoria County Sheriff’s Dept. with an annual fee of $61,505.88 and monthly installments of $5,125.49- Vote
- Water (Johnson)
- Approval of checks from Water Escrow account-Vote
- Approval of update on sewer only deposit wording for ordinance - Vote
- Building and Grounds (Stear)
- Purchase of orange cones
- Approval of new Barricades - Vote
- Other Business
- Update on community survey
- Correspondence:
- Adjournment: