Appendix 2

Worcestershire Partnership Board

Monday 10th December 2012

Subject: Worcestershire Partnership Structure


At the Board meeting on 16th October proposals were tabled to formally merge the Shenstone Group and the Worcestershire Partnership Board. An outline suggestion was provided that explained the Worcestershire Partnership Board would be closed down and the remit and membership of the Public Services Executive Group (PSEG) would be amended to deal with the business side of the partnership.

PSEG have considered these proposals and their feedback has helped shape this report.


It is acknowledged that there is considerable duplication and overlap with existing groups in the current structure and that it is vital to make better use of what is already in place and to utilise the existing relationships with local government groups.

Board members have previously commented that the strengths in the Shenstone Group are that it is not constrained in bureaucracy and that it is important not to lose this in the transition. Also, the Shenstone Group contains our strongest representation of all the key sectors in the partnership.

The proposed structure (as shown in figure 1.) moves away from the previous hierarchal arrangements and presents the Worcestershire Partnership as a network of interconnected partnership groups with the Shenstone Group placed at the centre.

This partnership network removes the need for formal reporting lines but recognises the interdependencies that exist between these groups and places greater emphasis on coordination and influence.

This new structure will enable the Shenstone Group to focus on providing the overall strategic direction of travel for the Worcestershire Partnership with the administration of the partnership becoming the responsibility of PSEG.

Currently, the role of the PSEG is to have senior oversight of joint partnership projects which includes:

  • Capital Assets
  • Troubled Families
  • Local Integrated Services (Redditch)
  • Areas of Highest Need
  • Integrated Offender Management
  • Integrated Care Programme

Under the proposed new arrangements this role would be expanded to include oversight of the delivery of the:

  • Single Sustainable Community Strategy
  • Armed Forces Community Covenant

PSEG acknowledge that it would be helpful for the key partnership groups to have a link into them and this new model will enable them to do that and it is suggested that PSEG will agree at their next meeting the best approach to providing this link and follow it up with the relevant groups.

PSEG will also pick up the partnership administrative responsibilities previously undertaken by the Board which include:

  • Approve future requests for reward grant funding (while funding exists)
  • Monitor delivery of partnership funded projects e.g. Community Foundation

In the case of partnership funded projects which are restricted to county and district local authorities it is suggested that any monitoring and reporting will be done through Chief Executive's Panel and Leaders Board e.g. Green Deal.

PSEG will continue to meet on a quarterly basis and review its current membership in light of their new role and responsibilities and any identified gaps that emerge. It is therefore recommended that PSEG is renamed Partnership Executive Group (PEG) to reflect these changes and the potential revised membership.

Worcestershire County Council is currently reviewing its partnership support arrangements to assess the needs of partners in order to form options for the future. The outcome of the proposals set out in this report will be taken into consideration in this separate review to ensure that any new arrangements are adequately supported and resourced.

Financial Implications

There are no financial implications arising as a direct result of this report; however there are associated costs with partnership support which is currently subject to a separate review.


  1. That the Worcestershire Partnership becomes a network of partnerships with the Shenstone Group at the centre.
  2. That the Board is dissolved and the Partnership Executive Group is given responsibility for the administration of the Worcestershire Partnership.

Name: Alan Smith

Job Title: Worcestershire Partnership Coordinator

Organisation: Worcestershire Partnership

Figure 1. Proposed new partnership structure and relationships