CGU Board Meeting
/ April 13, 2015 /6:30-8:30 pm
Kevin ValentoInterim President & Boys Competitive Director
Kim BurnsVice President & Director of Volunteers
Jennifer MeyerTreasurer
Kristin DegelSecretary
Beth SchultRegistrar
Lynn MitchellClub Administrator
Elizabeth LindblomCommunications Director
Randy LynchDirector of Equipment
Mike ButhDirector of Fields & Facilities
Sarah NeitzHigh School Liaison
Jeff LindblomDirector of Player Development
Stacey RustadDirector of Publicity
Kari LentzDirector of Rec Soccer
Dave GutzmanDirector of Tournaments
Jason WestDirector of Uniforms
Meeting Minutes
Call to orderKevin@6:30pm, Lynn secondPresent: Nietz, Lentz, Rustad, J. Lindblom, Buth, Lynch, E. Lindblom, Mitchell, Schult, Degel, Meyer, Valento, Burns
Approval of the last month’s minutes & today’s agenda, Mike approved, Beth 2nd,
Treasurer report
- Almost $29,000 as a cushion until June payments
- $100K cash on hand (leftover from last year)
- Need more documentation around big financial decisions
- Should technically be running all team money through treasurer. Too far into the season now, but should be put in place next year. Exact process needs to be discussed further.
- Main Board Report (Kim)
- Change made to website to reflect goalie requirements for U7 (according to MYSA guidelines). Additional Pug nets will be needed.
- Kevin to call last few Coaches/Managers missing background checks and/or concussion training
- Please adhere to 24-hour response time
- Phrase your emails thoughtfully and respectfully to both parents/members within the organization, as well as fellow board members
- Discussion around how to utilize the Communications role better
- New lock boxes will be ordered for Kingston; possibility of using one of the old ones at West Draw
- General Update: Kingston working on fields (1 6v6, 4 8v8, 6 11v11), West Draw will have 2 6v6, plus additional fields at Highlands
- 13 games scheduled prior to RWTW due to field availability (Hamlet is closed)
- Schedule should be out Friday, 4/17
- Raffle Tickets (Lynn)
- 3 people have already gotten more tickets
- Working with Park Place re: drawing
- New players can call/email Lynn for tickets
- Pizza fundraiser has been approved by CGAA (by Randy, per Dan) but needs to be approved by CGU
- Mini Camp on 4/20, 50 girls registered
- Coerver training will begin 4/27; Training times will be out by Friday
- Would like funds to replace/increase corrugated signs
- Spring Update (Lynn)
- Next year, will be cutting U10 due to consistent low registration
- All Spring field sizes have been determined
- Players that decide not to play Spring can be transferred to Summer
- Registration is low, funds are low, advertising may be less than in years past (?)
- Calls are being made to recruit teams; registration closes in 2 weeks (46 teams currently registered; last year was 93)
- Meeting Tuesday (4/14) night at 6:30pm at the Ice Rink. Beth & Beth will be attending and sending out an update after.
- Board members & Coaches may need to make calls (following an email campaign)
- Need to increase promotion next year; consider tying our tournament to a cause
- Ordered about 350 uniforms
- New kits in the Fall
- Dibs will open for Raffle Turn-in and RWTW soon, Kim to send emails to Beth
- Old Business
- 2015/2016 Winter Training Program & Fees
- Training is 18 weeks starting in Nov., Dome is reserved for 22 weeks (4 extra weeks), additional training will be available for $25/player fee
- Monday evenings have also been reserved- use and fee TBD
- $11,000 savings by dropping 3rd field and collecting player fees for April training
- 2016 Coaches Payments/Discussion re: Early Payments
- Contact Information- Beth L. to collect info from Board members
- New Business
- Someone needed to organize Google Drive update sharing settings.
- Kim motioned to allow 3 coaches to receive Half payment 5/1, 2nd payment late June/early July. Beth 2nd, MOTION WAS DENIED by majority vote
Winter Training: Attendance could have been better. 60-75% of players most of the time. Sunday afternoon is not ideal, but it’s all that is available. Next season we will have some time Monday evenings as well.
Spring: 8 weeks of training for U9-U12 (schedule is out)
3 Camps (like last year)
Potentially an additional night of training for Rec players (Sundays from 6-8pm)
Discussed MYSA Youth Academy Program (find highlights) as an option for CGU to look into.
Push RecPlus out to June in order to promote among Spring players?