The Regular meeting of the City of Buffalo City Common Council was called to order by Mayor Dan Wicka at 7:00 p.m. Roll call: Brach Seitz, Lisa Schuh, Russ Lorenz, Kevin Mack and City Superintendent Stan Meier. Citizens: Larry and Claudia Brosnan. The meeting was held as noticed. Motion Mack, second Lorenz to approve minutes from the December regular Council meeting. All yes, motion carried.
Finance:Discussion on CapX2020 funds. The City received a check for $26,301 from the project to be used for park, recreation or conservancy. Wicka said the council should start thinking about what they would like to put the funds towards. Ideas included trees in the park, resurfacing the tennis court, Foelsch park and updating the skating rink. Will continue to discuss for the next few months and the Park & Recreation Committee can meet and make recommendations.
Building: Two permits issued for interior work and fencing.
Health and Safety: Large burning piles laying around the City were discussed. Seitz to speak to residents with extremely large piles on their properties. City does not allow burning any refuse or building materials but does allow burning of branches, etc. in small quantities. Discussion on bee ordinance continued. Mack to attend Buffalo County board meeting about their possible bee ordinance.
Recreation: Rink is running smoothly. Good weather and lots of users.
Public Works: Discussion on naming alley that runs through the former Krause Trailer Court, recently renamed River Valley Estates . Residents in the mobile home park do not have a personal physical address.. Motion Seitz, second Lorenz to name alley that runs from Humbolt to Herman Streets between 6th and 7th Streets River Valley Drive. All yes, motion carried. Council felt that designating a name for this alley is important for emergency purposes. Street signs will be added at each end of the new River Valley Drive. Plowing of all City streets was discussed. Wicka said he and other council members had recently fielded calls from residents not happy with the lack of plowing. Seitz said he sees no reason to plow when it only snows a few inches. Plowing for that little snow costs the City a lot of money. Keeping the north-south streets plowed means that no matter where you are in the City you are only about ½ block from a plowed street and many residents need to just slow down their driving. Wicka told Meier he is happy with the plowing.
Cemetery:Defroster broke down when trying to use during recent cold spell. Meier will work on getting it fixed.
Mayor: Wicka reported on the annual Tri-Community Fire Board meeting. The fire department had the tank on the tanker truck refurbished and Wicka said he was pleased with the results, noting the department paid for the entire cost with their own funds. The board agreed on purchasing a mini pumper with ½ the cost being billed to the communities this year and ½ next year.
Superintendent: Seitz questioned the $1,500 trade in cost agreement on the new bobcat. Meier will look at pricing of trade-ins during next year’s budget time.
Clerk:Motion Seitz, second Mack to approve the sale cemetery plot 123 N ½ of S ½ to Susan Lietha. All yes, motion carried. Motion Mack, second Lorenz to approve an operator’s license for Corrie Hansen (Buffalo City Resort), all yes, motion carried. Ballot names for the April Spring Election are finalized. Russell Lorenz, Jr. will be the only name on the Mayor ballot, while Brach Seitz and Ben Holien will be on the ballot for two at-large alderperson seats.
Motion Mack, second Lorenz to pay bills. All yes, motion carried.
Motion Seitz, second Mackto adjourn meeting. All yes, motion carried.
Jenny Ehlenfeldt, Clerk