AP Chemistry Course Outline2012-2013

Teacher: Mr. Daniel BlocklinE-mail:

Phone: 410-437-6400 x 5728Room: C151Planning: 4A/2B

AP Chemistry is a year-long course designed to prepare students to perform well on the AP Chemistry exam and to be equivalent to the general chemistry course usually taken during the first year of college. Topics include structure of matter, kinetic theory of gases, chemical equilibria, chemical kinetics, and thermodynamics. An emphasis is placed on chemical calculations, mathematical formulation of principles, and laboratory work done by students. Students should expect to spend a minimum of five hours per week outside of class working on AP Chemistry.


Brown, Theodore; LeMay, Eugene; Bursten, Bruce; Murphy, Catherine (2009). Chemistry the Central Science, 11th Ed. Prentice Hall

Materials Required:

Pen (blue or black ink), pencil / Chemistry textbook
Notebook , Composition Notebook / Scientific Calculator

Classroom Procedures/Policies:

Attendance: Good attendance is expected: students must be in their seats before the bell rings. When absent, a student must bring in an Admission After Absence pass from their first period teacher. Tardy students will report to the Tardy Table in the main lobby to receive a pass. Tardy students will not be admitted to class without a pass.

Classroom Conduct: It is expected that everyone in the classroom will act appropriately. Respect will be given to everyone at all times. Any form of disrespect will not be tolerated. No food or drink other than water is allowed.

Make-up Work: Students will only be permitted to turn in work after the due-date, for full credit, if the student was legally absent. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain any missed notes from a classmate prior to the next class. Students must see the teacher for any missed work on their first day back in the school.Students will be allowed time equivalent to the time missed to turn in make-up work. Test make-ups will be after school on a date chosen by the teacher. Students must see the teacher to arrange the make-up test on their first day back in the school.

Emergencies: It is expected that all students stay near the teacher and follow any given instructions. NO TALKING

Grading Policies:

Homework will be assigned daily in the form of online problem sets or handouts.

Students will complete approximately three laboratory reports per quarter.

Students will complete approximately four tests or quizzes per quarter.

Students will adhere to the Anne Arundel County Public SchoolsAcademic Integrity Policy. All assignments are to be completed on an individual basis unless otherwise specified by the teacher.

Assignments submitted after the due date will be penalized on a sliding scale basis (10%/day) and will not be accepted more than five days after the due date.

Students have one additional opportunity to improve their score on qualifying assessments. To qualify, students must have completed and submitted the original assignment showing good faith effort by the due date and must have participated in the teacher-facilitated re-teaching within five school days following the return of the original graded work. Within ten school days of receiving the returned original graded work, students must complete and submit the new assessment, activity, or assignment. The higher grade shall be the grade of record.

Type / Weighting / Eligibility for Redo
Tests/Quizzes / 45% / Test/quiz corrections may be done for half point value
Lab/Classwork / 40% / Eligible
Homework / 15% / Eligible
Quarter Grades
100%-90% / A
89%-80% / B
79%-70% / C
69%-60% / D
< 60% / E

Please refer to the AACPS Grading Policy Regulation for additional information.

Course Content:

These are the topics to be discussed by the end of this school year.

FallSemester / SpringSemester
Calculations/Uncertainty/Atoms, Molecules, Ions (2 days)
Stoichiometry (3 days)
Reactions/Solution Stoichiometry (7 days)
Gases (5 Days)
Equilibrium (5 Days)
Acids and Bases (8 Days)
Thermochemistry (5 Days)
Chemical Thermodynamics (7 Days) / Chemical Kinetics (7 Days)
Electrochemistry (4 Days)
Atomic Structure and Periodicity (5 days)
Chemical Bonding (5 Days)
Liquids/Solids (3 Days)
Solutions (3 Days)
Nuclear Chemistry (2 Days)
Organic Chemistry (2 Days)
Review (3 Days)
Student Projects (9 Days)

Please refer to the College Board AP Chemistry Course Description booklet for additional information.


Parents and students are welcome to contact Mr. Blocklin through phone or e-mail with any questions or concerns. E-mail is the preferred mode of communication.

Parents will be informed of student progress primarily through grade sheets and e-mails.

Parents are encouraged to register for Parent Connect to monitor student progress.