STUDY GUIDE: Macbeth Acts IV-V

(To be completed in your notebook on the assigned dates.)

Pre-Reading Speculation Journals: Act IV

a.  Scene i: In act III, scene iv, Macbeth vowed to go to the witches again to learn more about his fate. What do you think they will tell him?

b.  Scene ii: Based upon what Macbeth has learned from the witches and his sworn vengeance upon Macduff, what do you think he will do to Macduff’s family?

c.  Scene iii: When Macduff meets with Malcolm in England, what do you think he’ll ask Malcolm to do?

Speculation Journals: Act V

a.  Scene i: Now that Malcolm and Macduff are supported by English troops and have decided to get rid of Macbeth, how do you think the impending war and chance of defeat will affect Lady Macbeth?

b.  Scene ii: If you were a playwright, how might you show that additional nobles supported Malcolm and Macduff’s war against Macbeth?

c.  Scene iii: How do you think Macbeth might respond to the doctor’s diagnosis that Lady Macbeth is mentally ill, rather than physically ill?

d.  Scene iv: How might Malcolm make it seem that the forest is attacking the castle?

e.  Scene v: How do you think Macbeth will respond when he learns that the forest is approaching the castle?

f.  Scenes vi, vii, viii: Malcolm made the prophecy about Birnam Wood coming to Dunsinane come true. What “loopholes” might there be in the remaining prophecies that would allow them to come true as well.

Reading Questions: Act IV

Scene i:

1.  Lines 1-21: Describe the mood that is established in the scene description and stage direction at the beginning of scene 1. What elements help to create that mood? How does the supernatural add to this?

The apparitions are very important. Analyze them from Macbeth’s point of view.
2.  What is the first apparition and what does it indicate?
3.  What is the second apparition and what does it predict/imply?
4.  What is the third apparition and what is the impossibility it pictures for Macbeth?
5.  What is the fourth apparition that the witches do not want to show Macbeth and what is the implication of this appearance?
6.  How do these apparitions build up Macbeth’s feelings of security?

7.  What is Macbeth’s plan for avenging Macduff’s disloyalty?

8.  Macbeth says (about the witches), "Infected be the air whereon they ride, And damned all those that trust them!" (line 157) What is Macbeth, in effect, saying about himself?

Scene ii

1.  Lines 3-17: Identify and explain the irony in these lines. Why does Lady Macduff tell her son that his father is dead, even though the boy heard her discussion with Ross?

2.  Lines 32-50. What evidence of the son’s maturity is in these lines? Describe the son’s character in one or two words.

3.  Lines 69-79. Paraprase Lady Macduff’s thoughts about “this earthly world.” What theme developing since Act I do the ideas in this soliloquy support?

4.  Interpret Lady Macduff's son’s words when he claims that “liars and swearers are fools”. To whom might he be referring? To what theme are these words connected? Explain.

5.  Motive: Why does Macbeth have Macduff's family and servants killed?

Scene iii

1.  Lines 2-8. What is ironic about Macduff’s speech?

2.  What does Macduff say which finally sways Malcolm to joining Macduff in fighting Macbeth? Why are these words significant?

3.  Lines 44-102: What kind of king does Malcolm claim he would be? Why would he admit to this huge character flaw?

4.  Why does Macduff say, "Oh, Scotland, Scotland!"

5.  The doctor enters to inform the men that King Edward of England is “touching” sufferers in order to help make them well. How does this report of the goodness of the King of England contrast with the nature of the King of Scotland?

6.  What news does Ross bring to Macduff? How does Macduff react and what does this demonstrate?

7. Lines 200-224: Us the dialogue between Ross and Macduff to make inferences about the characters’ feelings. How does Ross feel about having to deliver such dreadful news? How so?

Reading Questions -Act V

Scene i

1.  Lines 1-17: What does the gentlewoman want the doctor to do? Why?

2.  Lines 30-38: What appears to have happened to Lady Macbeth? How can you tell?

Scene ii

1.  Lines 6-13: Where are Menteith and the other noblemen in this scene going to meet up with the English soldiers to march against Macbeth?

2.  Interpret Lines 16-22: What does Angus mean when he says “Those he commands move only in command/Nothing in love”?

Scene iii

1. Analyzing characters - Lines 1-28: How is Macbeth’s attitude here different from his previous attitude in the play, particularly in the way he treats the servant?

2. Lines 38-46: What ails Lady Macbeth? What does Macbeth wish the doctor could do?

3. Analyzing character - Lines 49-56: What does Macbeth’s dialogue to the doctor say about Macbeth? What is ironic about Macbeth asking the doctor to cure Scotland’s “disease”?

Scene iv

1.  Lines 14-16: Compare Macduff’s & Macbeth’s attitudes towards warfare.

Macduff’s / Macbeth’s

2.  Lines 17-28: Explain how these lines reflect Macbeth’s state of mind in the latter part of the play.

Scene v

1.  Lines 33-52: Describe Macbeth’s attitude toward the upcoming fight. Use text evidence to explain why he feels that way.

Scene vi

1.  What is Malcolm’s plan of attack

2.  Connecting - If you were present in 11th Century Scotland, which side would YOU be on and WHY?

Scene vii

1. Lines 1-13: How does Macbeth’s attitude towards fighting change over the course of this scene with Young Siward? Why?

Scene viii

1.  Lines 1-14: What character traits and/or tragic hero traits does Macbeth show in this final scene?

2.  Lines 27-34: Examine how Macbeth faces death and compare his character here to characterizations earlier in the play, such as the Captain’s description of him in Act I. What traits have stayed the same throughout the entire play?

3.  Lines 46-50: What does Siward wish to find out about the way hos son died? Why is it important to him?

4.  Share your reaction to the play here. ((Some ideas include: What did you like about it? What did you dislike? What helped you comprehend it best? What else would have helped?))

5.  What lingering questions do you have now that the play is over? Were you satisfied or dissatisfied with the ending? Explain.