Barrhead Housing Association Limited

Minute of Management Committee Meeting

Thursday27th February 2013

60/70 Main Street, Barrhead


Rena McGuire, Chairperson Laura Hendry

Brian Connelly, MBE, Secretary David McCready

Claire Boyd

In Attendance

Shirley Robison, Managing Director

Helen Sutherland, Director of Corporate Services

Jim Munro, Director of Customer Services (part meeting only)

Karen Nutt, Minute Secretary

1 / Apologies & Sederunt Check
Apologies were received from Gavin McVicar, Katie Sturrock and Eddie Tweedie.
Jack Tait is currently taking a leave of absence. The sederunt was signed by those present.
2 / Declaration of Interest for noting
The Managing Director informed the meeting that all staff would leave for agenda item 5.11.
3 / Approval of Minute
Management Committee 23rd January 2014
It was proposed by Brian Connelly and seconded by Claire Boyd that the minute be approved.
Confidential Minute of Management Committee 23rd January 2014
It was proposed by David McCready and seconded by Laura Hendry that the minute be approved.
Management Committee 6th February 2014
It was proposed by Brian Connelly and seconded by Claire Boyd that the minute be approved.
Minutes for Noting
Finance and Performance Sub Committee 26th February 2014 – to follow
4 / Matter Arising from Above Minutes
Management Committee 23rd January 2014
  • Credit Union leaflet/membership now ready and being posted with the rent increase letters.
  • Darnely Road Site – a Development Group meeting will take place on 6th March 2014 at 2.30pm. D. McCready submitted apologies.
  • Community Regeneration – Impact Arts project is ongoing and there are six regular attendees. No confirmation regarding Scottish Government funding as yet for 2014/15.
  • Big Lottery Funded Posts;
Energy Advisor – interviews were held on 26th February and the post was verbally accepted today.
Income & Sustainment Welfare Advisor – interviews are taking place 28th February 2014.
CAB isrecruiting a Welfare Disability Champion.
Voluntary Action is recruiting a Project Administrator.
Credit Union has signed the service level agreement accepting their involvement in the Big Lottery project.HERO – workshops are being set up to enable individuals to get IT experience in preparation for Universal Credit but meantime for applying for jobs online.
  • Hugh Henry, MSP will be coming to the Association on 3rd March 2014 at
2.30 pm. All committee members are welcome to attend.
  • Rankin Way Roofs –no progress on this and no follow up despite contact with NHBC. Janice Peters will be pursuing this as NHBC has verbally confirmed the roofs are to be replaced.
Confidential Minute 23rd January 2014
The Managing director highlighted that a Rena McGuire sent a letter to EVH in regards to the handling of the pension issues and statement from EVH/Unite. The response will be scanned and sent to Committee.
Management Committee Minute 6th February 2014
  • Satisfaction Survey results – a final report will be provided to the next meeting and an action plan will be created in response to these results.
  • New contractor – Atlas Maintenance have been selected as the new contractor but this has not yet been approved due to QL still being implemented. It will be June 2014 before the Association starts working with them properly. Discussions have taken place with them and it is hoped that they will start in April 2014 with hourly rates which will give them some time to familiarize themselves with our stock and our property elements.They have agreed to place BHA logos on their vans.

5 / 5.1 Final Budget
The Director of Corporate Services presented the final budget to the meeting and highlighted the main assumptions including rent increase, CPI figures, salary increases, overall surplus, commitment to Darnley Road new build, and ROTS. Estate costs were also confirmed including cyclical and planned spend of £471.4k and external funding of £25k from Scottish Water for Dunterlie replacement showers.
Following discussion, members agreed to take the report on rent and service charges before approving the final budget for 2014/15.
5.2 Rent and Service Charge Review
The Director of Customer Services presented the report to the meeting and highlighted that there had been 167 responses received from the rent consultation and that majority of tenants (61.1%) agreed that the rent increase was fair. A total of 76.7% felt that their rent was value for money.
As part of the rent review, a rent increase comparison has been carried out with FLAIR partners and East Renfrewshire Council as reported. The Association is proposing a rental increase of 3.1% and this requires approval from Management Committee.
It was proposed by Claire Boyd and seconded by Brian Connelly that the 2014/15 budget is approved and this included approval for a 3.1% rent increase.
The Managing Director suggested that item 5.12 be presented before moving on to item 5.3 on the agenda as this would allow the Director of Customer Services to leave the meeting.
5.12 Eviction Report
The Director of Customer Services presented the eviction report to the meeting and gave an update on the current situation. The tenant has now proposed to clear the arrears by the end of the month.It has also become apparent that the tenant could have qualified for benefits and this will be taken up with Citizens Advice Bureau.
Following discussion, members agreed to allow delegate authority to be given the the Managing Director and Director of Customer Services to oversee the payments anticipated and therefore avoid the eviction. However, eviction may be necessary if payments are not received. It was proposed by David McCready and Seconded by Claire Boyd that this recommendation be approved.
The Director of Customer Services left the meeting at this point.
5.3 Management Accounts
The Director of Corporate Services presented the accounts to the meeting and highlighted that they had been approved at the Finance & Performance meeting on 26th February. DCS highlighted a few points to Committee in relation to turnover, interest payable, staff costs, void spend, and under spend on planned works. It was noted that £400k spend on planned was due before 31st March 2014. Members noted the quarter 3 accounts as presented.
5.4 LPS Management Accounts
The Managing Director informed the meeting that all future management accounts should be presented to Committee and apologised for the delay in receiving these. Quarter 3 accounts would be ready soon. There were no issues with the LPS accounts presented.
5.5 SHR Financial Risk and Viability Report
The Managing Director highlighted that the Associations responseto the Regulators expectations for RSL’s was attached for their information. The risk issues for SHR guidance have been pulled and applied in context to BHA. Most areas are covered by staff within SHR’s framework, however, BHA’s longer term plans need to be updated. This has not been possible due to the implementation of a new IT system but will be a priority for 2014/15.
The Managing Director asked the meeting to put forward any questions or comments they had on the report. There were no concerns raised by the meeting.
5.6 Business Objectives Q3
The Managing Director highlighted progress against the current objectives, noting that considering the increased workload for the IT installation, a great deal of progress had still be carried. The one exception was the update of the 30-year business plan which will be prioritised for 2014/15. Following discussion, members noted the amendments and updated position with current objectives.
5.7 SFHA New Model Rules
The Managing Director stated that after the training session with TC Young Solicitors earlier in the month, the draft rules have been attached for consideration. The Association has asked TC Young if we can remove the obligation to offer postal voting at the AGM, which we have never used and that the maximum number for committee members (including co-optees) be changed to 12 from 15. SHR will be asked to approve these changes.
The issue around the 9 year rule, has now been clarified. Annual appraisals will take place for committee and those members that have been part of the Committee for over 9 years will be re-assessed. Their skills and experience will be assessed and if they are acceptable to the remaining Board members, they will stand for re-election at the AGM. This process will take effect from April 2015. It is anticipated that further guidance will be forthcoming from the Scottish Housing Regulator on this issue.Committee is required to approve the new draft rules.
It was proposed by Brian Connelly and seconded by Laura Hendry that the draft rules be approved. These will now go forward for approval to SHR, OSCR, FCA and progress will be provided at the next meeting.
5.8 Draft Business Objectives 2014/15
The Managing Director highlighted that a first draft of the eight business objectives has been provided for Committee’s approval. This follows the successful review day held in January 2014 with senior staff and Committee members. In addition to the objectives, BHA has a long list of tasks that also need considered going forward.
It was proposed by David McCready and seconded by Brian Connelly that the draft business objectives 2014/15 be approved for further development.
5.9 LPS Re-appointment of Board Members
The Managing Director informed the meeting that BHA is required to review the governance of the LPS Board and it was noted that we are awaiting further guidance from SHR.
However, some work required to be progressed now. Under the current arrangements, it is required that one third of the Board stand down each year. This will be taken to the next LPS board meeting and subject to approval from BHA, assuming that those standing down want to be automatically re-appointed. This is for noting only as will require approval at the next meeting.
5.10 Compensation Payments
The Managing Director highlighted the recent situation with compensation and the requirement for policies to be updated. However, this item required further approval in the short term. Members noted that such compensation payments were not frequent occurrences, however, following a recent complaint, it has been noted that we do not state in any policy or procedure that anyone entitled to compensation from BHA would receive a credit to outstanding debts with the Association rather than cash.
Policy documents that require amending to reflect this are; debt and rechargeable policy, compensation for improvements policy, rent arrears management policy.
It is proposed that this amendmentis approved in principles with updated policiesand consultation to follow. The only exception would be where senior staff felt that to deny such compensation would provide financial hardship to the customer.
It was proposed by Claire Boyd and seconded by Laura Hendry that the amendments be approved.
6 / 6.1 Work plan Update
For noting only.
LPS Board meeting scheduled for 6th March will now take place on Thursday 20th March at 5.30pm.
6.3 Documents For Execution
For information, Brian Connelly as Secretary had signed a right to buy disposal.
6.4 Correspondence Report
Documents attached for information only. Pension correspondence – there were 126 responses to the changes proposed.
7 / Health & Safety
The Health and Safety group meeting will take place on Wednesday 26th March at 3.30pm.
8 / AOCB
Brian Connelly highlighted that there has been several occasions recently where only three people have attended a sub-committee meeting. He stressed that the time had already been changed to suit everyone, yet still people were not attending.
The Managing Director stated that the Sub-committee meetings would all be changed to 6.30pm apart from the Development working Group, if this would be suitable. In addition to this, the need for sub-committee meeting is being reviewed as they are not working effectively.
The Managing Director added that the new website is due to go live in the next few weeks. If any members wish to see the website can they let her know and this can be arranged.
It is to be noted that there has only been six days lost to sickness absence in the 9 months to December 2013, this is for all staff. Members and the Managing Director wished a vote of thanks to all staff to be recorded.
5.11 Senior Officers Remuneration Package - confidential report
The Managing Director, Director of Corporate Services and Minute Secretary left the meeting at this point for Committee to discuss the attached report. The chairperson confirmed that the report from EVH had been noted.
9 / Date of next meeting – The next meeting will be held on 27th March 2014 at 6.30pm.

Signed by Chairperson: ______

Date: ______