Sonja R. Darlington, Ph.D.

Department of Education and Youth Studies

Beloit College, 223 MI, Beloit, WI 53511


Spring 2010


PhD (1990) Iowa State University, Curriculum and Instruction

Dissertation: An Alternative Approach to Literature as Visual Response and Aesthetic Experience

MA (1987) Iowa State University, English Literature

BA (1971) Baldwin Wallace College, Cum Laude

Major: German Language and Literature, "Passed with Distinction"

Summer Workshops: Carleton College (1979,1980); St. Olaf College (1981); Drake University (1981)

International Teaching Experience

Professor, Practical International Language and Leadership School,

English as a Second Language Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Summer 2009

Director, Associated Colleges of the Midwest (ACM)

“Nation Building and Development in Africa Program”:

Organization of Orientation, Instructor for an Independent Study Course, Development of Seminar Series, 19 student participants, Spring 2004

Professor in Department of Sociology, January 1, 2004 - May 30, 2004,

University of Dar Es Salaam, TZ

Teaching Experience, Beloit College

(2006-10) Full Professor, Education and Youth Studies (EDYS)

(2006-09) Chair, EDYS

(1999-05) Associate Professor, EDYS

(1999-02) Chair, Department of Education

(1993-99) Assistant Professor

(2005-09) Beloit College EDYS Curriculum

EDYS 102 Alternative Education Perspectives

EDYS 101 Education in a Democratic Society

EDYS 248 TESL Methods/EDYS 390

EDYS 267 Curricula and Theory for Adolescents

EDYS 276 Comparative and International Perspectives

EDYS 277 Pedagogies and Methods for Adolescents

EDYS 296 Research: Principles and Methods

EDYS 310 Overseas Education

EDYS 306 Fieldwork

EDYS 390 Special Projects

(2004) WGST 360 East African Women’s Practices

(1996-05) Beloit College Education Curriculum

ED 276 Special Topics: South African Literature

Ed 101 Education in a Democratic Society

Ed 236 Middle School Education: Theory and Pedagogy

Ed 237 Teaching Sec.: Language, Literature, and Technology

Ed 276 Special Topics: The American Eye: Art and Poetry

Ed 292/4/8 Introduction to Student Teaching

Ed 381 Senior Seminar: Critical Perspectives in Education

(2009) FYI 100 Environmental Cross Currents in Ethiopia and Sudan:

Literary and Visual Contexts

(2006) FYI 100 Agrarian Perspectives in African Novels and Contemporary African Economic Policies

(2002) FYI 100 Coming of Age stories at the Crossroads of Africa:

Negotiating Islamic Traditions

(2000) FYI 100 Coming of Age Stories in African Literature

(East, West, Central, North and South Africa)

(1994) FYI 100 Confronting Alternatives in a Postmodern World

(1993-96) Beloit College Education Curriculum

Ed 208 Adolescent Literature

Ed 235 Teaching Reading in Secondary Schools

Ed 285 Middle School Education

Ed 299 Theory and Practice of Middle and Secondary School Teaching: General and Subject Areas

Ed 299a Specific Methods of Modern Language

Ed 299d Specific Methods of English

Ed 300/ Middle and Secondary School

301/304 Student Teaching Supervision and Practicum

Ed 381 Senior Seminar (1996-7)

Visiting Assistant Professor, Beloit College (1992-93)

Ed 208, 235, 285, 299, 299a, 299d, 300/301/401

Temporary Assist. Professor, Iowa State University (1991-92)

Ed 204, Social Foundations of American Education

Ed 426, Principles and Issues of Secondary Education

Temporary Instructor, Iowa State University (1989-90)

Ed 426, Principles and Issues of Secondary Education

Secondary Teacher, Ames Public Schools, Ames, Iowa (1977-85)

German I–IV, Chair Department of Modern Languages

Elementary Teacher, German FLES Program, Ames, Iowa (1976)

Temporary Assistant Instructor, Grinnell College (1973-75)

Research: Edited Books, Book Chapters and Refereed International & National Journals

Darlington, Sonja. (in process for Research in African Literature).

“Environmental Cross Currents: Ethiopian and Sudanese Writers and

Visual Artists.”

Darlington, Sonja (2009, accepted chapter) “Tomorrow’s Babies Will Be

Born with Full Sets of Teeth: The Voice of the Girl Child in

Onwueme’s Dramas.” Tess Onwueme. Maureen Eke. Ed. Africa World


Darlington, Sonja. (2008) “Bessie Head’s Response to ‘The Call of the

Global Green.’” 46-58. In The Life and Work of Bessie Head: A

Celebration of the Seventieth Anniversary of her Birth. Gaborone,

Botswana: Pentagon Publishers.

Darlington, Sonja. (2007) “Bessie Head’s Response to ‘The Call of the Global Green.’” Journal of the African Literature Association,

2(1): 97-107.

Darlington, Sonja and Lilian Osaki, Eds. (2007) Tell Me, Friends, The

Wedding Songs, Proverbs, and Taless of Women (in progress).

Darlington, Sonja and Balla Masele, Eds. (2005). Tell Me, Friends, The Tales of Tanzania. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: Angaza Initiative Company & Department of Literature, University of Dar es Salaam.

Darlington, Sonja. (2004). “Eliesha’s Lema’s Parched

Earth: Scattered Hegemonies in a Tanzanian Coming of Age Story.”

Proceedings. ASNEL 2004 Conference. Frankfurt, Germany.

Njozi, Hamza and Sonja Darlington. (2004). Eds. Tell Me Friends the

Riddle of Ages: A Collection of Poems and Short by Tanzanian

Students. Tanzania, University of Dar es Salaam: Department of Literatures, UCLAS Printing.

Darlington, Sonja. (2004). “Introduction to Students’ Short Stories,”

1-11. In Tell Me Friends the Riddle of Ages: A Collection of

Poems and Short Stories by Tanzanian Students. Department of

Literatures, University of Dar es Salaam: UCLAS Printing.

Jilala, Hadija. (2004). Giza. Bukoba, Angaza Initiative

Company, 2004 (Darlington – editing, scene descriptions, glossary)

Mghanga, Ambrose, F. Kilio cha Jeska (2004). Bukoba, Angaza Initiative

Company, 2004 (Darlington – editing, scene descriptions, glossary)

Mwiru, Mariam S. (2004) Mpaka Lini? Bukoba, Angaza Initiative

Company, (Darlington – editing, scene descriptions, glossary)

Darlington, Sonja. (2003). “Multiple, Shiver, and Die:

The Violence Voiced by the Girlchild in Works by Sadaawi, Rifaat,

Abouzeid, Djebar, and Soueif. Proceedings ALA 2003 Conference

Alexandria, Egypt.

Darlington, Sonja. (2003). “Calixthe Beyala’s Manifesto and Fictional

Theory." Research in African_Literatures. 34(2):41-52.

Darlington, Sonja (2001). “Tess Onwueme: Brief Literary Biography/

Bibliography.” ALA Bulletin. 28(1):93-103.

Darlington, Sonja. (2001). “Coming of Age Stories in African

Literature.” Chp. 18. East Africa in Transition. Ed. Judith

Bahemuka and Joseph Brockington. Nairobi, Kenya: Acton, 250-263.

Darlington, Sonja. (1998). “Capital Punishment for Juveniles: Albert French’s Billy.” ALAN Review. 25(3):46-50.

Darlington, Sonja. (1996). “Challenging the Canon: Bastard Out of Carolina.” ALAN Review. 24(1):24-27.

Darlington, Sonja (1996). “Reframing Education’s Conversation: Politicizing the First-Year Student Environment.” Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 11(3):85-103.

Darlington, Sonja. (1995). “Adolescent Literature: Uprooting the Canon, Sowing a Choice of Texts, and Reaping Diversity,"

Transformations, 6(1):60-75.

Darlington, Sonja. (1994). "Reader Response: A Visual and Aesthetic Response,” Reader: Essays in Reader-Oriented Theory, Criticism, and Pedagogy, Spring (31):11-26.

Darlington, Sonja and Dennis Dake. (1994). “Interdisciplinary

Curriculum Possibilities for Middle School Visual and Language Arts Education,” Middle School Journal, 25(5):46-51.

Darlington, Sonja. (1994). “Dewey's Theory of Experience at the Heart

of Literature.” Midwest Philosophy of Education Society. Proceedings, 317-325.

Darlington, Sonja. (1992). “Visual Literacy as the Basis for Writing Experiences: A Summer Gifted and Talented Program,” Journal of International Literacy, 11 (2): 77- 92.

Darlington, Sonja. (1991). “Visual Literacy as the Basis for Writing Experiences: A Summer Gifted and Talented Program,” Investigating Visual Literacy: Selected Readings from the 23rd Annual Conference of the International Visual Literacy Association, IVLA Refereed Proceedings.

Book Reviews in National/International Journals

Darlington, Sonja. (2010) “Moving People in Ethiopia: Development,

Displacement, and the State.” African Studies Quarterly,11(2&3),

Spring 2010.

Darlington, Sonja. (2010) “Darfur and the Crisis of Governance in

Sudan: A Critical Reader.” African Studies Quarterly,11(2&3)Spring 2010.

Darlington, Sonja. (2007). “An Unorthodox Review: Critical Essays on

Bessie Head, African Literature Association Bulletin,

Darlington, Sonja. “Critical Encounters in High School English:

Teaching Literary Theory to Adolescents.” Educational Studies

Journal 34.1(2003):81-84.

Darlington, Sonja. “Can We Talk: Shimmer Chinodya.” African

Studies Quarterly. 7(1). Spring 2000

(Online Journal Refereed Journal)

Darlington, Sonja. “Reflections of Change: Children’s Literature Since

1945. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy. 41.1(1997)85-86.

Other Articles

Darlington, Sonja. Projects Abroad “Teaching in Ethiopia.”

Darlington, Sonja. “News in Brief: EDYS Faculty This Semester.”

Education Times. February 6,2007, pg3.

Darlington, Sonja. “A Professional Woman: The Founder of Haika

Tailoring. The Guardian, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. May 20, 2004.

Darlington, Sonja. “Lessons American Students Learned from Tanzania.”

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, The Guardian, May 5, 2004.

Darlington, Sonja. “Reasons Behind Conserving Pugu Hills Forest

Reserve.” Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, The Guardian. March 30, 2004.

Darlington, Sonja. “Pregnant School Children from a US Professor’s

Perspective.” The Guardian, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, March 11,


Darlington, Sonja. “Who was Jane Addams. ”Beloit College Magazine.

Spring 2003, 18-21.

Darlington, Sonja. “An African Notebook: Beloit in Africa” Beloit

College Magazine, Fall/Winter 2000, 38-40.

Presentations on Research (International & National)

Abuja, Conference on Tess Onwueme “The Political Voice of the Girl-

Child in Tess Onwueme’s Dramas,” Abuja, Nigeria, November 2009

International Language and Leadership School, “Studying English

Abroad,” Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Summer 2009

African Literature Association Conference, “Environmental Cross

Currents: Ethiopian and Sudanese Writers and Visual Artists” Burlington, Vermont. April 2009

African Literature Association Conference. “Tess Onwueme’s Response to

the Environmental Debate” Western Illinois University, April 2008

American Education Society Association (AESA). “Barack Obama: A Reason to Hope?” Cleveland, Ohio. October 2008

Bessie Head Symposium, Bessie Head’s When Rain Clouds Gather as

Ecoliterature,” Gaborone, Botswana, July 2007

African Literature Association Conference, “Bessie Head’s Response to

‘The Call of the Global Green.’” Morgantown, West Virginia, April


Invited Speaker, Monmouth College FYI Workshop,“Details that Might

Resolve the Meaning of a Ph.D.: Alego on a Map or as Part of

Muslim Ancestry,” August 2007

American Education Society (AESA), “The Education of a Leader: Reading

Barack Obama’s Dreams of my Father.” Spokane, WA, November 2006

American Education Society (AESA), Session Chair, “Technology and

Democratic Learning Communities,” Spokane, WA, November 2006

Bergamo Conference, 25th Anniversary. “Pedagogy after Ujamaa: Current

Curricular Issues in Tanzania Education,” Dayton: Ohio, October


Association for the Study of New English Literatures (ASNEL)

Conference, “Elieshi Lema’s Parched Earth: Scattered Hegemonies

in a Tanzanian Coming of Age Story.” Goethe-Universitat,

Frankfurt/Main: Germany, March 23, 2004

Gender Lectures: “Degrees of African Feminist Theory: Case Studies in

Tanzanian Women’s Practices.” Invited Guest Lecturer, Humboldt Universitat zu Berlin: Germany, May 18, 2004.

Guest Lecturer in African Studies Department, “East African Literature

as Documentation for Coming of Age, Invited Speaker, Humboldt

University, Berlin: Germany, May 25, 2004

Invited Speaker, American Studies Conference 2004, “Afro-American and

African Coming of Age Stories: An Intellectual and Spiritual

Relationship to a Larger Community.” Mlimani Campus, University of

Dar es Salaam: Tanzania, May 8, 2004

29th African Literature Association Conference, “Sadaawi, Djebar,

Abouzeid, Soueif: The Quest for a Girl-Child Voice and a Synthesis of her Coming of Age,” Alexandria: Egypt, March 2003

Women’s World 2002 Congress, “School Activism: Teaching Young Females

through African Stories about the Girl-Child Voice,” University

of Makerere, Kampala: Uganda, July 2002

African Literature Association (ALA). “Tomorrow’s Babies Will Be Born

with Full Sets of Teeth: The Voice of the Girl-Child in Tess Onwueme’s Dramas.” San Diego: California, April 2002

Global Partners East African in Transition Symposium. “East African

Scholarship,” Panel Discussion, Dennison: Ohio, April 2002

Tanzanian Gender Networking Conference, “Examples of Proactive

Interventions in Schools to Challenge Social and Economic

Inequities,” Dar es Salaam: Tanzania, September 2001

Seminar Speaker, University of Cape Town, "Calixthe Beyala's Fictional

Theory" Cape Town: South Africa, June 2001

Seminar Speaker, University of Western Cape, "Where is the Girl-child

Voice in African Coming of Age Stories, Cape Town: South Africa,

May 2001

National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE). “Coming of Age Stories in African Literature” Milwaukee: Wisconsin, November 2000

Global Partnership Conference, University of Nairobi, “A Cause for Redefining Coming of Age Stories in African Literature: Problems between Educational Aims and Social, Political, and Economic Values in African Societies,” Narobi: Kenya, June 2000

African Literature Association (ALA). “Aboliga the Frog: The

Redefinition of Coming of Age Stories in African Literature.” Lawrence: Kansas, April 2000

Conference on Curriculum Theory and Classroom Practice (JCT).

“Polycentric Orientations in Local Economies and Culture in Africa,” Bergamo: Ohio 1999

Association of Independent Liberal Arts Colleges for Teacher Education. (ILACTE), “Exploring the Effects of Young Adult Literature on Teacher Education Communities” presenter; “Teacher Education Internship Program,” Presider; Washington, D.C., February 1999

Conference on Curriculum Theory and Classroom Practice (JCT). “Literature as Visual Response and Aesthetic Experience: Virginia Woolf’s Orlando, Charles Dickens’ Bleak House, Ralph Waldo Emerson’s ‘Circles,’ and Malcolm X’s Autobiography.” Bloomington:

Indiana, October 1997.

American Educational Research Association (AREA), “An Application of Reader-Response Theory in Adolescent Literature” panelist, “Participatory Democracy: A Critique of Education Reform,” chair; Chicago: Illinois, April 1997

Pedagogy of the Oppressed Conference, “Curricular Revision at a Small Liberal Arts College and a Land Grant Research University; How is Freire’s Problem-Posing Pedagogy an Appropriate Critique,” Omaha: Nebraska, March 1996

National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE), “Age, Gender, and the Composing Process,” Chair; College Conversations, Discussant, November 1996

Journal of Curriculum Theorizing Conference on Curriculum Theory and Classroom Practice (JCT), “Challenging Teacher Certification,” Monteagle: Tennessee, October 1996

National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE), “Teaching Multicultural Literature”; Chair, “Promoting Global Understanding with Children’s Literature,” San Diego: California, November 1995

American Educational Research Association (AERA), “Pluralism in the Secular and Sacred Understanding of Spirituality,” San Francisco: California, April 1995

Wisconsin State Reading Association (WSRA), “Contrasting Perspectives

in Reading Curriculum: Personal, Cognitive, Structural, and

Ecological,” Milwaukee: Wisconsin, February 1995

Midwest Philosophy of Education Society (MPS), “Dewey's

Theory of Experience at the Heart of Literature,” Chicago: Illinois, November 1994

JCT Conference on Curriculum Theory and Classroom Practice, “Traveling the Distance from Cognitive Psychology to Ecological Worldview," Banff, Alberta: Canada, October 1994

National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE), "Reader Response: Unleashing Visual and Aesthetic Experience for a More Democratic Vision of the Literary Transaction,” Pittsburgh: Pennsylvania, November 1993

American Educational Studies Association (AESA), “Pluralism in Social Foundations: A Rhetorical Model of Diversity,” Chicago: Illinois, November 1993

Bergamo Conference, “Collaborative Story Telling: Finding the Common Story in Curriculum,” Dayton: Ohio, October 1993

World Congress of the International Society for Education through Art, “Interdisciplinary Art Strategies which Link Visual and Verbal Responses,” Montreal: Canada, August 1993

American Educational Research Association (AERA), “Curriculum and Richard McKeon's Philosophy of Rhetoric,” Atlanta: Georgia, April 1993

American Independent Liberal Arts College Teacher Education (AILACTE), “A Rhetorical Approach for Liberal Arts Ideas in Education,” San Diego: California, February 1993

Journal of Curriculum Theorizing Conference, “Topical Invention in Making Curriculum: An Example,” Dayton: Ohio, October 1992

National Taiwan Normal University, Special Education Center, “Preparation for the Integration of Exceptional Children into the Regular Classroom” and “Iowa State Programs for Exceptional Children,” Taipei: Taiwan, May 1991

National Taiwan Normal University, Fine Arts Department, “A Visual Response to Literature,” and “The Iowa State New Art Basics Program,” May 1991

Taipei Municipal High School, “A High School Interdisciplinary Approach to Art and Literature,” Taipei: Taiwan, May 1991

International Visual Literacy Association Conference (IVLA), Washington D.C. “Visual Literacy as the Basis for Writing

Experiences: A Summer TAG Program,” October 1991

Iowa Foreign Language Conference. “Sprache - Eintrittspunkt zum dritten Jahr,” Grinnell College, Grinell: Iowa, Fall 1981

International and/or National Conference Participant