Gender and Communication In Class Presentations
SPE: 2770 100 points
In class presentations are 75 minutes in length. You will work with the other students volunteering at your organization to teach the class on your corresponding topic (see last page of the syllabus). Presentations should demonstrate your expertise in the topic area by providing an overview of the issue and in-depth consideration of 1-2 “new” aspect(s) of your issue.
Your presentation is your opportunity to demonstrate and further cultivate your developing expertise as a scholar of gender and communication and to actively participate in knowledge production and sharing within the context of our class. To that end, this assignment requires a good deal of forethought and preparation—consider how you would help “teach” the class in your topic area. Follow the directions below and use the attached rubric to ensure you are addressing all requirements and expectations.
Pre-presentation directions and requirements:
-Research your topic; identify relevant themes, thinkers, readings, and defining issues and perform any necessary background research concerning pertinent subtopics
-Select two readings totaling 15-20 pages for your classmates to complete in preparation for your presentation; the readings must be made available to the class a least one week in advance of your presentation date
-Consider class engagement; brainstorm and plan questions to stimulate class discussion; explore the use of activities, visual or presentation aids (no more than 10 min in length) to help communicate your message and encourage engagement with your topic
-The class period before your presentation, turn in an outline of your presentation, including a list of references you used in preparing for this assignment
Presentation directions and requirements:
-Each presentation must build upon material already addressed in class and provide an explicit connection between the presentation and class material and content
-Provide an overview of relevant concepts, terms, and issues relating to your topic
-Introduce new material in a clear and accessible manner; provide the information and content needed to gain a representative picture of the issue and topic you have selected
-Incorporate creativity into your presentation
-Engage classmates with activities, presentation aids and thoughtful and thought-provoking discussion questions
-Present material in a professional manner in accordance with communication competence and techniques of effective public speaking
Gender and Communication In Class Presentations
SPE: 2770 100 points
Presentation outline & attached reference page in APA style……………_____/10 points
Presentation………………………………………………………………………………..…………50 points
Content / Mechanics / Grade A sophisticated understanding of the subject is demonstrated
Logical and well-structured organization and main points are developed; focus is on major points
Strengths and weaknesses of the work under discussion are clearly illustrated and objectively discussed
A clear, well-grounded and thoughtful personal opinion on one or more major questions is expressed
Presentation includes purposeful and illustrating discussion of service-learning experiences /
- Presentation is well organized
- Terminology is clearly described
- Visual aids are clearly designed and effectively used
- Sources of information are authoritative and are cited
- Class discussion of the important points is stimulated
- Very few (<2) factual mistakes
- Respect shown for course participants at all times
50-45 points
A solid understanding of the subject posed is demonstrated
Clear main ideas are developed; focus is on major points
Strengths and weaknesses of the work under discussion are raised and explored
Student's own take on the subject is limited
Presentation includes illustrating discussion of service-learning experiences /
- Presentation is organized
- Terminology is clearly described
- Visual aids are clearly designed and effectively used
- Sources of information are authoritative and are cited
- Class discussion of the important points is stimulated
- Few (<5) factual mistakes
- Respect shown for course participants at all times
44-40 points
A superficial understanding of the subject and main ideas is demonstrated
Theorganization of the presentation is clear but difficult to follow or does not match the presentation content
Strengths and weaknesses of the work under discussion are raised
Student's own take on the subject is limited and uniformed
Presentation includes a few references to service-learning experiences but does not connect those experiences to main ideas /
- Presentation is moderately organized
- Terminology is correctly incorporated
- Visual aids are used
- Sources of information are cited
- Class discussion of the important points is stimulated
- Few (<5) factual mistakes
- Respect shown for course participants at all times
39-35 points
A weak understanding of the subject is demonstrated
Themain idea of the presentation is not clear
Strengths and weaknesses o the work under discussion are not explored
Student's own take on the subject is not developed
Presentation includes little to no references to service-learning experiences but does not connect those experiences to main ideas /
- Presentation is disorganized
- Discussion of main points is unclear
- Main points are hard to follow
- Visual aids not used effectively
- Sources of information are not acknowledged or not authoritative
- Factual mistakes (5-10) distract from major points/discussion
- Respect shown for course participants at all times
34-30 points
Failure to deliver presentation on proposed topic or address assignment requirements and directions /
- Does not demonstrate respect for course participants
0 points
Generating Discussion and Participation…………………………………………………40 points
Content / Mechanics / Grade A sophisticated understanding of the subject is demonstrated
Class discussion of the important points and issues is stimulated
Adds important ideas to the discussion / Respect shown for course participants at all times
Has thoroughly familiarized self with topic
Participates actively in discussion:
- Clear, accurate answers volunteered for questions posed
- Presenter helped in keeping discussion on track
- Presenter helped by adding facts, figures, or points in support of discussion topic
- Clarification of sticky concepts offered
40-36 points
A good understanding of the subject is demonstrated
Student's own take on the subject is interesting and provocative
Adds ideas to the discussion / Respect shown for course participants at all times
Has read readings carefully
Participates actively in discussion:
- Answers are volunteered
- Presenter helped by addingfeedback
- Corrects errors in understanding of self or presenter
35-32 points
An understanding of the subject is demonstrated
Student's own take on the subject is limited
Adds ideas to the discussion / Respect shown for course participants at all times
Has read readingsand draws from them
Participates actively in discussion:
- Answers are volunteered
- Presenter helped by addingfeedback
31-28 points
- Not much understanding of
- Extraneous, irrelevant points stop discussion in its tracks
Asks questions off topic
Has not demonstrably read the readings prior to class
Participates passively in discussion:
- Answers not volunteered
- Cannot add to clarity or content of presentation
27-24 points
- Does not attempt to generate discussion or engage class
0 points