
of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Table of Contents


Section 1. General 10

Chapter 1. General Provisions 10

Article 1. Basic Terms Used in this Code 10

Article 2. Environmental Legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan 15

Article 3. Relationship Regulated by this Code 15

Article 4. Environmental Basis for Sustainable Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan 15

Article 5. Fundamental Principles of the Environmental Legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan 16

Article 6. Fundamental Provisions of the Government Regulation of Environmental Protection and Government Administration of Natural Resource Use 17

Article 7. Objects of Environmental Protection 17

Article 8. National Nature Reserves 18

Article 9. Specially Protected Natural Areas 18

Article 10. Definition and Types of Nature Use 18

Article 11. Nature Users 19

Article 12. Grounds for the Creation, and Conditions for the Exercise, of a Special-Purpose Nature Use Right 19

Chapter 2. Rights and Obligations of Individuals, Public Associations, and Local Authorities 20

Article 13. Rights and Obligations of Individuals in Relation to Environmental Protection 20

Article 14. Rights and Obligations of Public Associations in Relation to Environmental Protection 21

Article 15. Powers of Local Authorities in Relation to Environmental Protection and Nature Use 22

Chapter 3. Competence of Government Agencies in Relation to Environmental Protection and Nature Use 22

Article 16. Competence of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan 22

Article 17. Competence of the Environment Protection Authority 23

Article 18. Competence of Special Authorised Government Agencies 26

Article 19. Competence of Local Representative Bodies of Oblasts (of the City of National Significance, and of the Capital) for Environmental Protection 26

Article 20. Competence of Local Executive Agencies of Oblasts (of the City of National Significance, and of the Capital) for Environmental Protection 27

Section 2. Licensing of Environmental Protection-Related Activities; Environmental Regulation; Technical Regulation of Environmental Protection; Environmental Impact Assessment; Environmental Review; Environmental Permits; and Environmental Audit 28

Article 21. Licensing of Environmental Protection-Related Activities 28

Chapter 4 Environmental Regulation 28

Article 22. Objective of Environmental Regulation 28

Article 23. Environmental Quality Standards and Their Setting Procedure 28

Article 24. Environmental Quality Goals 29

Article 23. Emission Standards 30

Article 26. Technical Specific Emission Standards 30

Article 27. Standards of Maximum Permissible Emissions and Pollutant Discharges 30

Article 28. Procedure for Emission Standards Determination 31

Article 29. Other Natural Resource Status Standards 31

Chapter 5. Technical Regulation in Environmental Protection 31

Article 30. Facilities and Procedure for Environmental Conformity Certification 31

Article 31. Standards for Conformity Certification for the Purpose of Environmental Safety 31

Article 32. Environmental Labelling 31

Article 33. Expert Council for Technical Regulation 32

Article 34 Introduction of International Standards 32

Chapter 6. Environmental Impact Assessment 32

Article 35. Environmental Impact Assessment 32

Article 36. Obligation to Perform Environmental Impact Assessment 33

Article 37. Stages of Environmental Impact Assessment 33

Article 38. Procedure for Performance of Environmental Impact Assessment 33

Article 39. Types of impacts to be Accounted in the Context of Environmental Impact Assessment 34

Article 40. Classification of Objects of Environmental Impact Assessment According to Significance and Completeness of Assessment 34

Article 41. Documentation of Environmental Impact Assessment 35

Article 42. Methodical Support of Environmental Impact Assessment 36

Article 43. Specifics of Environmental Impact Assessment with regard to Facilities Which is Likely to Have Transboundary Impact 36

Article 44. Specifics of Environmental Impact Assessment for Existing Facilities 36

Chapter 7. Environmental Review 36

Article 45 Types of Environmental Review 36

Article 46. Objectives of Environmental Review 37

Article 47. Objects of State Environmental Review 37

Article 48. Agencies Performing State Environmental Review 38

Article 49. Procedure for Performance of State Environmental Review 38

Article 50. Duration of State Environmental Review 38

Article 51. Statement of Opinion of the State Environmental Review 38

Article 52. Rights of Managers of Expert Divisions Performing State Environmental Review 39

Article 53. An Expert Involved in the State Environmental Review 40

Article 54. Engagement of External Experts for State Environmental Review 41

Article 55 Register of Draft Laws and Regulations That Passed State Environmental Review 41

Article 56. Expert Councils of the State Environmental Review 41

Article 57. Transparency of State Environmental Review and Public Access to Decision Making 42

Article 58. Procedure for Settlement of Disagreements in the Course of State Environmental Review 42

Article 59. Funding of State Environmental Review 42

Article 60. Public Environmental Review 42

Article 61. Organiser of Public Environmental Review 43

Article 62. Experts Involved in Public Environmental Review 43

Article 63. Rights and obligations of a Customer of Project under Public Environmental Review 44

Article 64. Financing of Public Environmental Review 44

Article 65. Procedure for Registration of Public Environmental Review 44

Article 66. Report on Public Environmental Review 45

Article 67. Use of Results of Public Environmental Review 46

Chapter 8. Environmental Permits 46

Article 68. Types of Environmental Permits 46

Article 69. Emission Permits 47

Article 70. Content of Emission Permit 47

Article 71. Categories of projects Requiring Emission Permits 47

Article 72. Documents to be Presented to Obtain Emission Permit 48

Article 73. Terms of Nature Use to be Included in Emission Permits 49

Article 74. Term for Application for, Consideration and Issue of, Permit for Emissions 49

Article 75. Basis for Issue of Emission Permits 49

Article 76. Term of Emission Permits 50

Article 77. Refusal, Suspension or Cancellation, of an Emission Permit 50

Article 78. Procedure for Reissue of an Emission Permit 51

Article 79. Complex Environmental Permit 51

Chapter 9. Environmental Audit 52

Article 80. Environmental Audit 52

Article 81. Types of, and Basis for, Environmental Audit 52

Article 82. Environmental Audit 52

Article 83. Decision on Mandatory Environmental Audit 55

Article 84. Specifics of Mandatory Environmental Audit 56

Article 85. Requirements to Environmental Audit Reports 56

Article 86. Procedure for Consideration of Mandatory Environmental Audit Report 56

Article 87. Environmental Auditor 57

Article 88. Environmental Audit Firm 57

Article 89. Chamber of Environmental Auditors 57

Article 90. Rights of Environmental Auditors and Environmental Audit Firms 58

Article 91. Obligations of Environmental Auditors and Environmental Audit Firms 58

Article 92. Restrictions on Conduct of Environmental Audits 58

Article 93. Rights and Obligations of an Audited Entity 59

Article 94. Audit of Environmental Management Systems 59

Section 3. Economic Regulation of Environmental Protection and Nature Use 60

Chapter 10. Mechanisms of Economic Regulation of Environmental Protection and Nature Use 60

Article 95. Types of Mechanisms of Economic Regulation of Environmental Protection and Nature Use 60

Article 96. Environmental Protection Measures 60

Article 97. Financing of Environmental Protection Measures 61

Article 98. Planning of Budget-funded Environmental Protection Measures 61

Article 99. Planning of Environmental Protection Measures Financed by Nature Users at their Cost 61

Article 100. Planning of Environmental Protection Measures Financed from Other Sources Not Prohibited by Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan 61

Article 101. Emission Charge 61

Article 102. Compulsory Payments to the Budget for the Use of Certain Types of Natural Resources 62

Article 103. Economic Incentives for Environmental Protection 62

Article 104. Sovereign Guarantee in Respect of Private Loans 62

Article 105. Market Mechanisms of Emission Management 62

Article 106. International Quota Trading 62

Article 107. Environmental Insurance 63

Chapter 11. Economic Evaluation of Environmental Damage 63

Article 108. Procedures for Economic Evaluation of Environmental Damage 63

Article 109. Direct Method of Economic Evaluation of Damage 63

Article 110. Indirect Method of Economic Evaluation of Damage 64

Section 4. Environmental Control 64

Chapter 12. Government Control in the Sphere of Environmental Protection, and Protection, Reproduction and Use of Mineral Resources 64

Article 111. Purpose and Types of Government Control 64

Article 112. Agencies Exercising Government Control in the Field of Environmental Protection, and Protection, Reproduction and Use of Mineral Resources 64

Article 113. Objectives of Government Environmental Control 65

Article 114. Targets of Government Environmental Control 65

Article 115. Organisation of Government Environmental Control 67

Article 116. Officials in Charge of Government Environmental Control 67

Article 117. Rights of Officials in Charge of Government Environmental Control 68

Article 118. Obligations of Officials in Charge of Government Environmental Control 69

Chapter 13. Environmental Inspections 70

Article 119. Definition, Types and Organisation of Environmental Inspections 70

Article 120. Frequency and Timing of Environmental Inspections 71

Article 121. Procedure for Conducting of Environmental Inspections 71

Article 122. Access of Government Environmental Inspectors to Territory or Premises to Conduct an Environmental Inspection 73

Article 123. Results of Environmental Inspection 73

Article 124. Procedure for Documenting Environmental Inspection Results 74

Article 125. Support Instruments for Environmental Inspection 75

Article 126. Procedure for Appealing Actions and Acts of Omission by Officials Who Exercise Government Environmental Control 75

Article 127. Ensuring of Confidentiality of Information during an Environmental Inspection 75

Chapter 14. Production Environmental Control 76

Article 128. Purpose and Objective of Production Environmental Control 76

Article 129. Procedure for Production Environmental Control 76

Article 130. Nature User’s Rights and Obligations during the Conduct of Production Environmental Control 76

Article 131. Drafting Requirements for Production Environmental Control Programme 77

Article 132. Types and Organisation of Production Monitoring 78

Article 133. Production Environmental Control Records and Reporting 79

Article 134. Organisation of Internal Reviews by Nature User 79

Chapter 15. Public Environmental Control 79

Article 135. Goals and Procedure for Public Environmental Control 79

Article 136. Information and Other Interaction 80

Section 5. Environmental Monitoring and Registries 80

Chapter 16. Environmental and Natural Resource Monitoring 80

Article 137. Government Environmental Monitoring 80

Article 138. Unified Environmental and Natural Resource System and Its Objectives 80

Article 139. Unified Information System of the Unified Environmental and Natural Resource Monitoring System 81

Article 140. Content of the Unified Environmental and Natural Resource Monitoring System 81

Article 141. Monitoring of the State of Environment 81

Article 142. Natural Resource Monitoring 82

Article 143. Special Types of Monitoring 84

Article 144. Levels and Monitoring Networks of the Unified Environmental and Natural Resource Monitoring System 85

Article 145. Basis for Functioning of the Unified Environmental and Natural Resource Monitoring System 85

Article 146. Funding of the Unified Environmental and Natural Resource Monitoring System 86

Chapter 17. Government Inventory of Polluted Areas 86

Article 147. Objectives and Principles of Keeping of Polluted Areas 86

Article 148. Procedure for Keeping Inventory of Polluted Areas and their Registers 86

Chapter 18. State Registers of Natural Resources 86

Article 149. Unified System of State Registers of Natural Resources 86

Article 150. Structure and Content of the Unified System of Registers 87

Article 151. Provision of Information 88

Chapter 19. State Registry of Industrial and Consumption Waste 88

Article 152. State Registry of Industrial and Consumption Waste 88

Article 153. Goals and Objectives of the State Registry of Waste 88

Article 154. Maintenance of the State Registry of Waste 89

Article 155. Information on Results of Maintenance of the State Registry of Waste 89

Chapter 20. State Registry of Burial of Hazardous Substances, Radioactive Waste and Discharge of Waste Water in Subsoil 89

Article 156. State Inventory of Burial of Hazardous Substances, Radioactive Waste and Discharge of Waste Water in Subsoil 89

Article 157. Contents of the State Registry of Burial 90

Article 158. Maintenance of the State Registry of Burial 90

Chapter 21. Environmental Information 91

Article 159. Environmental Information 91

Article 160. Compilation and Distribution of Environmental Information by Government Agencies and Other Legal Entities 91

Article 161. State Environmental Information Fund 92

Article 162. National Environmental Atlas 93

Article 163. Access to Environmental Information 93

Article 164. Rights and Obligations of the Parties with Regard to Access to Environmental Information 93

Article 165. Terms and Procedures for the Provision of Environmental Information 93

Article 166. Payment for Provision of Environmental Information 94

Article 167. Refusal to Provide Environmental Information 94

Chapter 22. Accounting of Nature Users and Sources of Environmental Pollution 94

Article 168. State Register of Nature Users and Sources of Environmental Pollution 94

Article 169. State Accounting of Nature Users and Sources of Environmental Pollution 95

Article 170. Exclusion from the State Register of Nature Users and Sources of Environmental Pollution 95

Article 171. Interaction between Government Agencies in Connection with Accounting of Nature Users and Sources of Environmental Pollution 95

Article 172. Provision of Data on Nature Users That Have Sources of Environmental Pollution 96

Section 6. Environmental Emergency Areas and Environmental Disaster Areas 96

Chapter 23. Definition and Procedures for Declaring Individual Areas as Environmental Emergency Areas or Environmental Disaster Areas 96

Article 173. Environmental Emergency and Environmental Disaster 96

Article 174. Procedure for Declaring Individual Territories as Environmental Emergency Areas or Environmental Disaster Areas 96

Article 175. Assessment of Environmental Situation of Areas 98

Chapter 24. Peculiarities of Legal Regulation in Environmental Emergency Areas and Environmental Disaster Areas 98

Article 176. Legal Regime in Environmental Emergency Areas and Environmental Disaster Areas 98

Article 177. Compensation of Damage to Persons Who Suffered from Environmental Emergency or Environmental Disaster 99

Article 178. Monitoring of the Environment Situation in Environmental Emergency Areas and Environmental Disaster Areas 99

Article 179. Termination of Environmental Emergency Areas or Environmental Disaster Areas 99

Article 180. Liability for Breach of Legal Regime in Environmental Emergency Areas or Environmental Disaster Areas 100

Section 7. Environmental Education and Awareness-Building, Research and International Cooperation in the Field of Environmental Protection 100

Chapter 25. Environmental Education, Awareness-Building and Advanced Training of Specialists 100

Article181. Goal and Main Objectives of Environmental Education, Awareness-Building and Advanced Training of Specialists 100