Project 811 May 3 1997
English Questionnaire
INTERVIEWER: Enter respondent's gender please
<1> Male
<5> Female
<8> don't know
What is the most important issue to YOU PERSONALLY in this election?
INTERVIEWER: one word answers, like "the economy" are NOT ACCEPTABLE,
ask "and what about the economy?"
<1> Enter text, end with ///
<98> don't know <99> refused
How important are the following issues to YOU PERSONALLY in this
<1> to continue
Preserving national unity.
To you personally, in this election, is it very important, somewhat
important, or not very important?
<1> Very important
<2> Somewhat important
<3> Not very important
<7> do not plan to vote
<8> Don't know <9> Refused
Reducing the deficit.
To you personally, in this election, is it very important, somewhat
important, or not very important?
<1> Very important
<2> Somewhat important
<3> Not very important
<7> do not plan to vote
<8> Don't know <9> Refused
Creating jobs.
To you personally, in this election, is it very important, somewhat
important, or not very important?
<1> Very important
<2> Somewhat important
<3> Not very important
<7> do not plan to vote
<8> Don't know <9> Refused
Cutting taxes.
To you personally, in this election, is it very important, somewhat
important, or not very important?
<1> Very important
<2> Somewhat important
<3> Not very important
<7> do not plan to vote
<8> Don't know <9> Refused
Keeping election promises.
To you personally, in this election, is it very important, somewhat
important, or not very important?
<1> Very important
<2> Somewhat important
<3> Not very important
<7> do not plan to vote
<8> Don't know <9> Refused
Protecting social programmes.
To you personally, in this election, is it very important, somewhat
important, or not very important?
INTERVIEWER: If r asks, social programs are health education and welfare
<1> Very important
<2> Somewhat important
<3> Not very important
<7> do not plan to vote
<8> Don't know <9> Refused
Fighting crime?.
To you personally, in this election, is it very important, somewhat
important, or not very important?
<1> Very important
<2> Somewhat important
<3> Not very important
<7> do not plan to vote
<8> Don't know <9> Refused
Defending the interests of Quebec.
To you personally, in this election, is it very important, somewhat
important, or not very important?
<1> Very important
<2> Somewhat important
<3> Not very important
<7> do not plan to vote
<8> Don't know <9> Refused
<1> Certain
<2> likely
<3> unlikely
<7> Certain not to vote
<8> Don't know <9> Refused
INTERVIEWER: The next question is a response time item. Read the
question as usual, then enter (1) as you finish reading the last
word of the question.
When the respondent gives you a substantive response, enter (1) again.
After entering the second (1) the response catagories will be displayed.
<1> To continue
>ch21< TIMER
which party do you think you will vote for: the
Conservative Party, the Liberal Party, the New Democratic Party,
the or another party?
which party do you think you will vote for: the
Liberal Party, Conservative Party, the New Democratic Party,
the or another party?
<1> Liberal
<2> Conservative
<3> N.D.P
<4> Reform Party
<5> Bloc Qubcois
<0> Other (specify)
<96> Will not vote
<97> None
<98> Don't Know/Undecided <99> Refused
[store <Quel parti tes-vous tent d'appuyer?> in F006]
[store <Est-ce qu'il y a un parti que vous> in F006]
leaning toward?
INTERVIEWER: do not read list
<1> Liberal
<2> Conservative
<3> N.D.P
<4> Reform Party
<5> Bloc Qubcois
<0> Other
<97> None
<98> Don't Know <99> Refused
>a7< ------+
| exclude BQ from ROC
And which party would be your second choice? The
<0> other, includes giving leaders name but not party
<98> Don't Know <99> Refused
On a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 means no attention at all, and 10
means a great deal of attention, how much attention did you pay, over
the last few days, to news about the election on TV?
<0-10> Enter number from 0-10
<98> Don't Know <99> Refused
...and news about the election in the NEWSPAPER?
On the same scale from 0 to 10, how much attention did you pay, over
the last few days, to news about the election in the NEWSPAPER?
<0-10> Enter number from 0-10
<98> Don't Know <99> Refused
...and news on the RADIO about the election?
On the same scale from 0 to 10, how much attention did you pay, over
the last few days, to RADIO news about the election?
<0-10> Enter number from 0-10
<98> Don't Know <99> Refused
On the same scale, where 0 means no interest at all and 10 means a
great deal of interest, how would you rate your interest
in this particular election campaign,
<0-10> Enter number from 0-10
<98> Don't Know <99> Refused
And your interest in politics generally?
0 means no interest at all and 10 means extremely interested,
<0-10> Enter number from 0-10
<98> Don't Know <99> Refused
In the last few days, did you see any TV commercials for a
political party?
<1> yes
<5> no (includes does not watch TV)
<8> Don't know <9> Refused
And did you hear any radio commercials?
for a political party?
<1> yes
<5> no (includes does not listen to radio)
<8> Don't know <9> Refused
In the last few days, have you talked about the election with friends
and relatives often, occasionally, or not at all? <1> often
<3> occasionally
<5> not at all
<8> Don't know <9> Refused
And have you talked about the election with other people often,
occasionally, or not at all?
<1> often
<3> occasionally
<5> not at all
<8> Don't know <9> Refused
>b8b< Have you disagreed with the people you talked with, most of the time,
some of the time, or not at all?
<1> most of the time
<3> some of the time
<5> not at all
<8> Don't know <9> Refused
SATISFIED, or NOT SATISFIED AT ALL with the way democracy works in
<1> Very satisfied
<3> Fairly satisfied
<5> Not very satisfied
<7> Not satisfied at all
<8> Don't know <9> Refused
For each of the following statements, please tell me if you strongly
agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree.
First, those elected to Parliament soon lose touch with the people.
Do you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree or strongly
<1> Strongly agree
<3> Somewhat agree
<5> Somewhat disagree
<7> Strongly disagree
<8> Don't know <9> Refused
People like me don't have any say about what the government does.
Do you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, or strongly
<1> Strongly agree
<3> Somewhat agree
<5> Somewhat disagree
<7> Strongly disagree
<8> Don't know <9> Refused
Sometimes politics and government seem so complicated that a person
like me can't really understand what's going on?
Do you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, or strongly
<1> Strongly agree
<3> Somewhat agree
<5> Somewhat disagree
<7> Strongly disagree
<8> Don't know <9> Refused
I don't think the government cares much what people like me think.
Do you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, or strongly
<1> Strongly agree
<3> Somewhat agree
<5> Somewhat disagree
<7> Strongly disagree
<8> Don't know <9> Refused
Politicians are ready to lie to get elected.
Do you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, or strongly
<1> Strongly agree
<3> Somewhat agree
<5> Somewhat disagree
<7> Strongly disagree
<8> Don't know <9> Refused
Financially, are you better off, WORSE off, or about the same
as a year ago?
<1> better off
<3> worse off
<5> about the same
<8> Don't Know <9> Refused
Is that MUCH better or SOMEWHAT better?
<1> much better
<5> somewhat better
<8> Don't Know <9> Refused
Is that MUCH worse or SOMEWHAT worse?
<1> much worse
<5> somewhat worse
<8> Don't Know <9> Refused
Do you think that a year from now you will be BETTER off financially,
WORSE off, or about the same as now?
<1> better year from now
<3> worse year from now
<5> about the same
<8> Don't Know <9> Refused
Is that MUCH better or SOMEWHAT better?
<1> much better
<5> somewhat better
<8> Don't Know <9> Refused
Is that MUCH worse or SOMEWHAT worse?
<1> much worse
<5> somewhat worse
<8> Don't Know <9> Refused
Have the policies of the FEDERAL government made you BETTER off,
WORSE off, or haven't they made much of a difference?
<1> better off
<3> worse
<5> haven't made much difference
<8> Don't Know <9> Refused
Have the policies of the government made you
BETTER off, WORSE off, or haven't they made much of a difference?
<1> better off
<3> worse
<5> haven't made much difference
<8> Don't Know <9> Refused
>ch32< >c5<
Do you think unemployment in CANADA has GONE UP, GONE DOWN, or
STAYED ABOUT THE SAME since the Liberals came to power?
<1> Gone up
<3> Gone Down
<5> Stayed about the same
<8>Don't Know <9> Refused
And in the next few years, do you think unemployment will go UP, go
<1> Go up
<3> Go down
<5> Stay about the same
<7> depends
<8> Don't know <9> Refused
Now I want to ask how much you know about the party leaders.
Do you know a lot, a little, or nothing at all about Jean Chretien?
<1> a lot
<3> a little
<5> nothing at all
<8> Don't Know <9> Refused
And what about JEAN CHAREST?
Do you know a lot, a little, or nothing at all about Jean Charest?
<1> a lot
<3> a little
<5> nothing at all
<8> Don't Know <9> Refused
Do you know a lot, a little, or nothing at all about Alexa McDonough?
<1> a lot
<3> a little
<5> nothing at all
<8> Don't Know <9> Refused
Do you know a lot, a little, or nothing at all about Preston Manning?
<1> a lot
<3> a little
<5> nothing at all
<8> Don't Know <9> Refused
Do you know a lot, a little, or nothing at all about Gilles Duceppe?
<1> a lot
<3> a little
<5> nothing at all
<8> Don't Know <9> Refused
Now we're going to ask you how you feel about the party leaders using
a scale from 0 to 100.
0 means you really DISLIKE the leader and 100 means you really LIKE
the leader. You can use any number from 0 to 100. <1> to continue
How do you feel about JEAN CHAREST?
On a scale from 0 to 100, where 0 means you really DISLIKE him
and 100 means you really LIKE him
<0-100> Enter rating
<997> Don't know who he is
<998> Don't Know how to rate him
<999> Refused
How do you feel about JEAN CHRTIEN?
On a scale from 0 to 100, where 0 means you really DISLIKE him
and 100 means you really LIKE him
<0-100> Enter rating
<997> Don't know who he is
<998> Don't Know how to rate him
<999> Refused
How do you feel about ALEXA MCDONOUGH?
On a scale from 0 to 100, where 0 means you really DISLIKE her
and 100 means you really LIKE her
<0-100> Enter rating
<997> Don't know who she is
<998> Don't Know how to rate her
<999> Refused
How do you feel about PRESTON MANNING?
The scale runs from 0 to 100, where 0 means you really dislike him
and 100 means you really like him
<0-100> Enter rating
<997> Don't know who he is
<998> Don't Know how to rate him
<999> Refused
How do you feel about GILLES DUCEPPE?
On a scale from 0 to 100, where 0 means you really DISLIKE him
and 100 means you really LIKE him
<0-100> Enter rating
<997> Don't know who he is
<998> Don't Know how to rate him
<999> Refused
Now we're going to ask you how you feel about each political party on
the same scale.
The scale runs from 0 to 100, where 0 means an extremely bad rating and
100 means an extremely good rating
<1> to continue
How do you feel about ...
The scale runs from 0 to 100, 0 means you really dislike the party
and 100 means you really like the party
<0-100> Enter rating
<998> Don't Know <999> Refused
On the same scale, how do you feel about ...
The scale runs from 0 to 100, 0 means you really dislike the party
and 100 means you really like the party
<0-100> Enter rating
<998> Don't Know <999> Refused
On the same scale, how do you feel about...
...the FEDERAL N.D.P?
The scale runs from 0 to 100, where 0 means you really dislike the party
and 100 means you really like the party
<0-100> Enter rating
<998> Don't Know <999> Refused
On the same scale, how do you feel about the...
The scale runs from 0 to 100, 0 means you really dislike the party
and 100 means you really like the party
<0-100> Enter rating
<998> Don't Know <999> Refused
On the same scale, how do you feel about...
... the BLOC Qubcois?
The scale runs from 0 to 100, 0 means you really dislike the party
and 100 means you really like the party
<0-100> Enter rating
<998> Don't Know <999> Refused
>ch50< >out6<
And on the same scale, how do you feel about POLITICIANS IN GENERAL?
The scale runs from 0 to 100, 0 means you really dislike them
and 100 means you really like them
<0-100> Enter rating
<998> Don't Know <999> Refused
And how do you feel about BRIAN MULRONEY?
The scale runs from 0 to 100, where 0 means you really dislike him
and 100 means you really like him
<0-100> Enter rating
<997> Don't know who he is
<998> Don't Know how to rate him
<999> Refused
How do you feel about Lucien Bouchard?
The scale runs from 0 to 100, where 0 means you really dislike him
and 100 means you really like him
<0-100> Enter rating
<997> Don't know who he is
<998> Don't Know how to rate him
<999> Refused
We face tough choices. Cutting taxes means cutting social programmes
and improving social programmes means increasing taxes.
IF YOU HAD TO CHOOSE, would you cut taxes, increase taxes, or keep
taxes as they are?
<1> cut taxes
<2> increase taxes
<3> keep taxes as they are
<7> R volunteers cannot answer question as asked
<8> don't know <9> refused
Cut a lot, somewhat or a little?
Should taxes be cut a lot, somewhat, or a little?
<1> a lot
<2> somewhat
<3> a little
<8> don't know <9> refused
Increased a lot, somewhat or a little?
Should taxes be increased a lot, somewhat, or a little?
<1> a lot
<2> somewhat
<3> a little
<8> don't know <9> refused
Remember, cutting taxes means cutting social programs.
Do you think the Liberal Party wants to cut taxes, increase taxes, or
keep taxes as they are?
<1> cut taxes
<2> increase taxes
<3> keep taxes as they are
<8> don't know <9> refused
Cut a lot, somewhat, or a little?
Does the Liberal Party want to cut taxes a lot, somewhat or a little?
<1> a lot
<2> somewhat
<3> a little
<8> don't know <9> refused
Increased a lot, somewhat, or a little?
Does the Liberal Party want to increase taxes a lot, somewhat or a
<1> a lot
<2> somewhat
<3> a little
<8> don't know <9> refused
Remember, cutting taxes means cutting social programs.
Do you think the Conservative Party wants to cut taxes, increase taxes,
or keep taxes as they are?
<1> cut taxes
<2> increase taxes
<3> keep taxes as they are
<8> don't know <9> refused
Cut a lot, somewhat or a little?
Does the Conservative Party want to cut taxes a lot, somewhat, or a
<1> a lot
<2> somewhat
<3> a little
<8> don't know <9> refused
Increased a lot, somewhat or a little?
Does the Conservative Party want to increase taxes a lot, somewhat,
or a little?
<1> a lot
<2> somewhat
<3> a little
<8> don't know <9> refused
Remember, cutting taxes means cutting social programs.
Do you think the N.D.P. wants to cut taxes, increase taxes, or keep
taxes as they are?
<1> cut taxes
<2> increase taxes
<3> keep taxes as they are
<8> don't know <9> refused
Cut a lot, somewhat or a little?
Does the N.D.P. want to cut taxes a lot, somewhat, or a little?
<1> a lot
<2> somewhat
<3> a little
<8> don't know <9> refused
Increased a lot, somewhat or a little?
Does the N.D.P. want to increase taxes a lot, somewhat, or a little?
<1> a lot
<2> somewhat
<3> a little
<8> don't know <9> refused
Remember, cutting taxes means cutting social programs.
Do you think the Reform Party wants to cut taxes, increase taxes, or
keep taxes as they are
<1> cut taxes
<2> increase taxes
<3> keep taxes as they are
<8> don't know <9> refused
Cut a lot, somewhat or a little?
Does the Reform Party want to cut taxes a lot, somewhat, or a little?
<1> a lot
<2> somewhat
<3> a little
<8> don't know <9> refused
Increased a lot, somewhat or a little?
Does the Reform Party want to increase taxes a lot, somewhat, or
a little?
<1> a lot
<2> somewhat
<3> a little
<8> don't know <9> refused
Remember, cutting taxes means cutting social programs.
Do you think the Bloc Qubcois wants to cut taxes, increase taxes,
or keep taxes as they are?
<1> cut taxes
<2> increase taxes
<3> keep taxes as they are
<8> don't know <9> refused
Cut a lot, somewhat or a little?
Does the Bloc Qubcois want to cut taxes a lot, somewhat, or a little?
<1> a lot
<2> somewhat
<3> a little
<8> don't know <9> refused
Increased a lot, somewhat, or a little?
Does the Bloc Qubcois want to increase taxes a lot, somewhat
or just a little?
<1> a lot
<2> somewhat
<3> a little
<8> don't know <9> refused