Continuing Education Committee

Membership Application

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Name: Click here to enter text.

AIHA Member #: Click here to enter text.

E-mail: Click here to enter text.

Phone: Click here to enter text.

Years in the Profession: Click here to enter text.

Employer/ Company Name: Click here to enter text.

Position Title: Click here to enter text.

Employment Sector: Choose an item.

In which area of business practice do you spend the majority of your time? Choose an item.

What are the top three areas oftechnical practice where you spend the majority of your time?

Most time is spent in…



Choose an item.

Primary Practice Areas (select up to three)

Continuing Education Committee

Membership Application

Page 1

n Biosafety

n Chemistry

n Comprehensive

n Computer Applications

n Emergency Response

n Engineering

n Environmental

n Epidemiology

n Ergonomics

n Exposure Assessment

n Health Physics

n Indoor Environmental Quality

n Ionizing Radiation

n Lab Analysis

n Law

n Noise

n Nonionizing Radiation

n Occupational Medicine

n Risk Assessment

n Safety

n Stewardship/Sustainability

n Toxicology

n Other

Continuing Education Committee

Membership Application

Page 1

AIHA Technical Volunteer Groups(Select all that apply):

Red Council / Blue Council
Aerosol Technology Committee / Control Banding Working Group
Ionizing Radiation Committee / Risk Assessment Committee
Nanotechnology Working Group / Exposure Assessment Strategies Committee
Nonionizing Radiation Committee / Lab Health and Safety Committee
Protective Clothing and Equipment Committee / Oil and Gas Working Group
Real Time Detection Systems Committee / Sampling and Lab Analysis Committee
Respiratory Protection Committee / Toxicology Committee
Orange Council / Indigo Council
Biosafety and Environmental Microbiology Committee
Environmental Issues Committee
Green Building Working Group
Indoor Environmental Quality Committee
Indoor Environmental Quality SIG
Noise Committee
Stewardship and Sustainability Committee / Communication and Training Methods Committee
Computer Applications Committee
Law Committee
Management Committee
Minority SIG
Practice Standards and Guidelines Committee
Social Concerns Committee
Violet Council
Yellow Council / Academic SIG
Career and Employment Services
Consultants SIG
Engineering Industry SIG
Fellows SIG
Publications Committee
Student and Early Career Professionals Committee
Biological Monitoring Committee
Ergonomics Committee
Health Care Working Group
International Affairs Committee
Occupational and Environmental Medicine Committee
Green Council / Other:
Clan Lab Working Group
Confined Spaces Committee
Construction Committee
Engineering Committee
Incident Preparedness and Response Working Group
Safety Committee / Elected or appointed leadership group
Circle all that apply:
Academy, Local Section, Local Section* Council,
ACT, PCC, LCC, Finance Committee
Value Strategy PT
SDS and Label Authoring PT
4-Gas Meter/PID PT
Other ______

How do you believe you could be an asset to the CEC:

I understand that:

  • The mission of the CEC is to ensure the highest quality of educational opportunities for OEHS professionals
  • The goal of the CEC is to provide OEHS professionals with education and instruction designed to enhance, attain and retain core IH and technical competencies, as represented by the membership’s volunteer groups. This goal is supported by three objectives:
  • Identify and promote new educational programs.
  • Monitor the quality of courses presented under the auspices of the committee.
  • Improve communication with other AIHA technical committees.

In pursuing these objectives, the committee:

  • Coordinates and reviews the newly proposed, previously developed and development/ presentation of professional development courses, eLearning,symposia.
  • Periodically assess the members' needs for continuing education.
  • Analyzes evaluations, audits courses, and provides feedback of results.
  • Liaises with technical volunteer groups and councils in order to proactively interact, meet and promote membership interests.

CEC membershipexpectations:

If selected to serve on the CEC, you will be expected to:

  • Be a national member of AIHA
  • Serve on the CEC for a four (4) year term.
  • Have an interest in the content, quality, and availability of education for OEHS professionals.
  • Agree toassist with the identification and development of educational opportunities
  • Demonstrate an understanding of current IH issues and trends
  • Actively support theCEC’s mission statement, goals and objectives
  • Attendand actively participate inthe following CEC activities.**
  1. Spring Virtual Meeting
  2. Audit/reviewat least one (1) PDC at AIHce**
  3. Post-PDC Evaluation Process
  4. FallVirtual Meeting(PDC Selection Process)

**at the member’s expense

  • Complete tasks, assigned during CEC meetings in a timely fashion

I understand that inability to comply with any of the above may result in a decision by the CEC Leadership (Chair, Vice Chair and Past Chair) to revoke my CEC membership.
