Level 2 - 3 Pre-Assignment Worksheet
1. What are the 4 highlighted components (parts) that are considered when making logos?
2. What component utilizes textures, drop shadows, highlights, gradients, etc?
- Make a folder on your computer desktop, name it “Your Name & Block Logos” . Move the folder to your block folder. Now, inside your folder, make three other folders. Label them,"Trademark Logo, Logotype, Symbols"
- Utilizing any image search engines you can find (Dogpile, Yahoo, etc) find as many logos as possible. Assemble three sets of logos. At the top label each with "LOGOS" then "LOGOTYPE" then "SYMBOLS"
- Place as many appropriate logos as you can on each page
7. Choose "Save For Web" and save one copy of each as a JPEG or a .GIF.
Please MAKE SURE it will load within 10 - 20 seconds.
- Now, desaturate each page and adjust the contrast and brightness to the best position. Print one of each page, place your name on the back and turn this in.
Pre-Assignment Worksheet
1. How would you best describe a logo after having read the above link?
A graphic
representation of your companies identity.
2. Please list three things a logo should do?
- Attract attention, and then leave an impression
2. Create a look that is unique and distingishable
3. Reflect the overal "feel" of the company it represents
4. Promote a feeling of authenti - city and professionalism
3. List describe three reasons a new company needs a logo
A new business must compete with established companies. A quality logo is one of the easiest ways to gain creadibility and professionalism right from the start, when you need it most.
A new business usually has to attract customers away from competitors. A distinctive logo stands out in peoples minds, and is much easier to remember than a name alone.
A logo adds visual appeal to any document or website, and increases the impact of your promotional materials.
4. List at least three “logistics of a logo” suggestions you should know
before designing a logo.
- Check out the competition.
- A logo should reflect the nature of your business and provide people with some clues as to the services you provide or the products you sell.
- Remember a simple design works best for all mediums. It should be easy to see no matter the size, easy to recognize, and easy to download.
- Colors aren't as crucial as you might think, but think twice before selecting bold ones. They typically don't reproduce well, and can increase printing costs. If the logo doesn't look good in black and white, it won't look good no matter what color scheme you choose. Keep in mind that a logo will not only be used on a Web site, but it also will be placed on business cards, fax paper and envelopes. Pick a clean typeface and steer clear of thin type as well. They won't reproduce well, and if the type needs to be reduced, it can make for a difficult read.
- Think of the future and avoid being too trendy. A good logo will last your company 15 years and give customers a chance to burn the image into their brains.