#99.1Encourage Yourself in the Lord – It’s Warfare Instructor: Minister Bonnie Clark

God calls us to a deeper relationship in Him. A confident Christian should recognize the subtle wickedness of Satan, and his attempt to infiltrate the church through the members. This class is designed to teach students to encourage themselves and to claim victory during the test.

#114.6 The Theology of Church & Culture Instructor: Rev. Edward Turner
This class will explore the church's relation to culture, as well as biblical principles that will guide the engagement of church and culture. It will assist students in forming a position on the church/culture relationship as a discerning disciple of Christ amidst the social and moral issues of our time.

#126.16 Examination of the Book of Nehemiah Instructor: Rev. Willie Davis

The Book of Nehemiah is the last of the books of chronological history of the Old Testament. Nehemiah describes the events that took place as the Hebrews resettle in Israel after the Babylonian captivity, in particular, relating to us the events of the rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem. The Book of Nehemiah is a touching account of his heartfelt compassion for his peoples’ welfare and his efforts to help them regain self-respect in their native Promised Land. This course will explore the themes of compassion, steadfastness, goodwill, and restoration found in the book of Nehemiah.

#126.8 Survey of the Book of Job Instructor: Dr. Randy Ware

This course will explore the themes found in the book of Job. Students will examine themes such as the theodicy of God as it relates to human suffering. They will be able to identify various responses to suffering. Students will also investigate how the text of the book of Job can inform their responses to suffering in the 21st century.

#131.6 Living in a World with our other Brothers - Understanding the Three Abrahamic Faiths: Instructor: Rev. Hallie Richardson

Judaism, Christianity and Islam are all Abrahamic faiths. All three can trace their faith back to Abraham. Ordinary people from all three faiths share a deep desire for peace and justice. This class will seek to encourage and model friendship and respect for each other, tearing down walls built upon preconceived ideas and ideologies.

#142.6Focusing on Them - Effective Evangelism & Outreach

Instructor: Rev. Samuel Peoples

The world around us is constantly changing. Many times it seems that the church is not changing as fast. This course will examine ways the church can proactively evaluate its approach to ministry so as to effectively impact the culture in which it operates. This course will help students focus on targets of ministry in order to plan effective outreach and evangelism.

#149.4Health Ministry Instructor: Deacon C. Louise Brown

The New Standards of Practice for the PNBC Church Nurse will be taught including First Aid, CPR and caring for the congregation in special times. In addition, students will be prepared to work with the Pastor in assessing health needs in the congregation and obtaining local health resources. The Biblical message of health and wholeness will be incorporated throughout the class.

#214.7Puppet Ministry (Ages 3-5 & 6-8) Instructor: Jacqueline Turman

Witnessing to children through an organized puppet ministry is the goal of this course. Children will create puppets and examine biblical stories.

#214.9Teaching Good Manners and Social Etiquette to Youth (Ages 9-11)

Instructor: Allyson Boone

This course is designed to teach social etiquette (including cell phone and internet conduct), and good manners to youth.

#315.8 Yes, I’m a Christian, and it’s ok! (Ages 12-15) Instructor: Maria Owens, Esq.

This course will help youth learn about children of the Bible who were leaders because they were different, such as Samuel, David, Daniel, Joseph, Benjamin, the three Hebrew boys, and the lad with the lunch that Jesus used to feed 5,000+. They will learn how to be different in a positive way. Youth will be able to look at their own choices and the choices of those in their circle, seeing results of those times when negative choices were made, as well as the consequences.

#315.9 Youth and the Web (ages 16-18) Instructor: Rev. Emmett Young III

This course will be taught by a teenager with interaction of other teenagers, to enlighten adults into the technological world of children on the internet as well as how to do Biblical research on the internet. Students are encouraged to bring a laptop for this course.

#315.10 Following Christ in this Culture (AGES 16-18) Instructor: Dr. Phillip Kent

This course will assist students in coming to terms with expressing their Christianity in their daily lives. It will address such questions as: where do I fit in; how do I find and exhibit Christ; must I stand out, and many other questions.

#400.6 Religion versus Relationship Instructor: Dr. Gloria Winfrey

Does Jesus REALLY make a difference? This course is designed to teach students how to apply the principles of the beloved biblical stories they’ve learned so that they develop a relationship with Jesus as opposed to having knowledge of religious ritual. This course is designed to take the lessons of the biblical stories from the Sunday School classroom to the places where life is experienced.

#409Healing the Broken and Hurt in the Church Instructor: Reverend Jeffrey Smith

The church has often been called a hospital for those who are sick, but is it administering healing? This course is designed to acknowledge the presence of church hurts, identify and address the needs of individuals in the congregation who have been hurt, and devise a plan of action to minister to those needs. The students will develop systems of accountability for the perpetrators of infractions, and explore ways healing can take place for those who have been hurt and those who have hurt others. The class will explore traditional and non-traditional avenues of ministry to those in a state of ‘brokenness’. Students will be provided a list of referral resources when the needs of the congregation exceed the church’s capacity to minister in-house.

#421.2 Strengthening Your Prayer Life Instructor: Dr. K. Gerone Free

As a disciple of Christ, prayer is essential and provides the opportunity to gain new strengths, new insights, and new affirmations on your daily journey with God. This class will help you to enhance your prayer life and order your steps by joining others in journaling and developing daily prayer concerns and techniques to strengthen your prayer life.

#510Dimensions of Christian Leadership Instructor: Rev. Priscilla Loney

This course is designed to help those who are in leadership positions in the local church to shape their understanding of the origination, expectation, and implementation of leadership skill set.

#510.4New Leadership Paradigms in the Emerging Church Instructor: Rev. Keith Byrd

This course will define what the emerging church is and identify new patterns of leadership within its structures. It will answer such questions as: what is leadership, how does it develop in our churches. What are the ways in which leadership can change to meet the ever evolving needs of the church?

#614The Ushers Ministry Instructor: Mattie Williams

This class will address the practical and theological foundations for the ministry of ushering.

#663The Effective Deacon & Deaconess Instructor: Minister Thurmond Caldwell

This course is designed to assist the deacon and deaconess in becoming aware of their Biblical base. The student taking this course will be presented with ideas that will enable them to more effectively perform their duties and responsibilities.

#705.4Understanding Biblical Ethics Instructor: Diane Brandon

Ethics are the moral principles that govern a person or group’s behavior. Students will seek to define what Biblical principles govern one’s moral behavior. This class will span both the Old and New Testaments and will examine the Ten Commandments, the principles of Jesus, and much more. Students will learn that the Bible contains principles and guidelines enabling us to make tough decisions, especially in the example of Jesus and His teachings.

#705.5The Roman Road – Understanding Our Spiritual Assurance Instructor: Dr. Tyrone Petty

This course will explore the doctrine of Soteriology (salvation) as represented in the book of Romans. This course begins with the “Roman Road” plan of salvation and expounds on the principles within it. Students will be able to understand key concepts of spiritual assurance and explain them to others.

#802.2Strategic Planning from A Biblical Perspective Instructor: Rev. C.L. Hopkins

This course is designed for all students to understand strategic planning from a biblical point of view as opposed to a marketplace/commercial view. The student will look at the total process of strategic planning from inception to implementation.

#806.6 Characteristics of Expository Preaching (PREACHERS ONLY)

Instructor: Reverend Napolean Bradford

This course will seek to sharpen the preacher’s expository preaching skills. The students may look at such key research tools as the following: word studies, biblical language skills, computer research, and the use of other sources of historical and hermeneutical value. Expository preaching, as a valuable tool in the preacher’s skill set, is presented as a tool that will sharpen the preacher’s ability to research and preach a more effective expository sermon.

#831 Administering the Christian Education Ministry Instructor: Dr. Nathan Schaffer

This course is designed to help the leadership of the church’s educational ministry administer the church’s educational program. The participants will explore the principles and procedure for planning, organizing, staffing, directing and evaluating resources. In this course, students will also explore ways of ensuring the educational ministry of the church meets the growing needs of the congregation and community.

#840.2 Single, Secure & Satisfied Instructor: Renee Holloway

I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances (Phil 4:11b, NIV). Many view singleness as a temporary holding place until something better comes along. Others view it as something to be endured. This course will focus on the gift of singleness as well as the circumstances of singleness. Students will explore diverse ways of being satisfied with being single and God’s purposes for those who are. This course is recommended for clergy and laypersons alike who are serious about understanding their singleness as a gift from God.

#855Women in Ministry - For Women Only Instructor: Minister Leslie Malachi-Watson

This course provides an overview of how a woman’s Spiritual gifts, Personality, Experiences, Cares/passions, Interest, Abilities and Life gifts (talents) make her special and contribute to her God-given purpose; equipping her to minister to women. The objectives in this course will be to develop awareness and ability to match the gifts and strengths with appropriate ministry positions.

#900Ministers’ Seminar

This seminar is designed to provide a refreshing Biblical approach for ministers and pastors in all phases of ministerial life. It is an attempt to create an atmosphere of brotherly concern for problems that plague ministry in this 21st century. It includes preaching, lectures, discussions, and dialogue.

#912Understanding Your Spiritual Gifts Instructor: Rev. Akin Royall

This course is designed to aid the participant in understanding the nature of spiritual gifts as related in the Bible. The student will gain a comprehensive and working knowledge of spiritual gifts, and will discover and discuss their relevance to the life of the believer, and their uses for ministry in the local church.

#919.8 Social Media and the Sacred Service Instructor: Patricia Kroll

Technology and social media is the new way of communicating. This course will help students identify ways of using social media as an enhancement to the sacred service.

920.4Liturgical Dance Instructor: Lateshia McFarland

Traditionally, liturgical dance and mime ministries have taken the worship experience to a new level. This course will explore various ways of enhancing the liturgical dance and mime ministry. It will investigate new paradigms and techniques within the dance ministry genre. Students will leave invigorated with ideas that will take their dance and mime ministry to another level. Students should come prepared to actively participate as this class will combine theory and praxis.

#920.5 Music and Praise Ministry Instructor: Dr. Wayne Evans

In this class students will explore various ways of enhancing the music ministry. They will explore the Biblical basis for music in ministry, the role of the Levites, and their role as God’s instruments in setting the atmosphere for worship. This class will also introduce the latest trends within music and praise ministry. It will have a practical component with a final presentation (in combination with the liturgical and mime ministry class) to the general body during worship.

#1001The Issues of Forgiveness Instructor: Dr. Lynda Simmons-Matthew

Why have you not forgiven? This course will teach us to “LET IT GO” to get released from not only unforgiveness but also guilt, shame and pain.

#1003 Dramatics in Christian Education Instructor: Nadine V. Nunn, Esq.

This course is designed to present the basic techniques of dramatic interpretation and play production through the ministry of Christian theatre. Attention will be given to character motivation in acting, stage makeup and play directing through the production of a short play or pulpit drama.

#2000 Understanding Theology in Modern Literature –A Theological Analysis of Alice Walker’s “The Color Purple” Instructor: TBA

This class is designed to stimulate the thought process as it relates to integratingthe learner to find theological constructs as it relates to modern literature. This class will specifically discover the theological constructs of reconciliation, restoration, redemption, resurrection and restitution as it is seen in the classic work of Alice Walker. The student will be able to discover hidden messages of hope and inspiration not only in the treasures of the bible but also in works of modern writers.

# 2005 God’s Reply to Our Borrowed Anxieties Instructor: Dr. Preston Winfrey

This course presents strategies to encourage persons of all races, creeds, or nationalities to bring a halt to their cycle of worry. Worry is a self-created giant that has a crippling effect. The author utilizes Scriptures as the challenge is given to change the way one thinks about life by entrusting their worries and fears to God. Doing this enables them to be lifted from the dungeons of fear, depression, and despair.

#2010Finding and Maintaining Peace in the Midst of Chaos: You Don’t Look Like What You’ve Been Through Instructor: Rev. Yashika Tippett-Eggleston

Have your reached the edge? Has “don’t push me, I’m close to the edge and I’m trying not to lose my head become your theme song?” This course is designed to give the student practical skills through scripture and practical exercises that will help one find and maintain peace in your life when everything is in chaos. Students will be able to define, recognize and learn skills to control chaos or chaotic situations without losing their mind.

#5909 Striving to Survive in Times of Economic Crisis Instructor: Ricky S. Simmons

This class will focus on how Christians should respond during difficult economic times and why they should seek God’s perspective on daily money concerns to gain spiritual strength for coping. Students will learn the importance of financial planning for financial independence.