Hosting Reservations Instructions
Hosting Reservations Instructions
If this is your first time as host, please don't hesitate to ask for assistance, either from one
of your sponsors or any of us on the Reservation Committee. We're always happy to help!
When you have priority number 1, you are the hosts for seven days beginning that Friday morning and ending the following Friday. Before your Hosting weekend, please review the material below. If you are unable to carry out these duties on your assigned week, you must swap with another assigned host family or find a substitute.
EXCEPTION: If your assignment falls on vacation week, the Reservations Committee will perform theroom assignments for you.
On vacation weeks, the host of the second half of week will assume their hosting duties on Wednesday.
MONDAYbefore your hosting weekend
- Here’s the basic sequence for assigning rooms:
By the Due date 9 pm Mondays (exceptions are New Year Holiday and February vacation weeks)
a)All Members (M) who submitted reservations by 9pm Mondaywill have their priority numbers honored
b)All Prospective Members (PMs), according to priority number of their Member** sponsors, but after all members
c)All Guests in priority number order of Member** (Guests of M1, M2, etc.) but after all members and prospective members
** as long as the Member made their reservations by the Monday 9 pm deadline
After the Due date
d)All Members who call/email by Wed. evening at 8 pm are first come, first served - after all members, but before PMs and guests.
e)Members calling after8pm Wed. can use any open rooms but PMs/Guests cannot be displaced.
You may want to defer assigning the rooms until Wednesday night to accommodate late reservations.
Note:Our objective is to maximize usage of the club. Members may not get their room request if there are a large number of member families who need rooms with bunks.When the Lodge is full, families must stay together in rear motel rooms and leave the front rooms free for others. (There are cots available for families with more than two children. They can be found in the linen closet, mattress under the bunk in room 9, and the rear of Motel 4.) Member requests should not be overridden to accommodate guests. You may ask a member for permission to override a request for a guest but there is no expectation or obligation on the member to give it.
- The use of the LargeDorm(5 bunks, holds 10 people) and Small Dorm(3 bunks, holds 6) by teenageboys or girlswho are ages 13+will be determined by the number of each that are expected to be in residence for that weekend.There are two back rooms in the upper Large Dorm that can be used for a single person (but must be the same sex as the teens using the upper dorm at that time).
- Members who reserve for Mon - Fri (of the following week) should also submit reservations. Please assign their rooms according to priority and post them on the room board.
- The number of guests one family can sponsor is limited. Each family can have 5 guests, this includes children. If there are more than 5, they can get another member to sponsor the rest, or contact the Lodge Chair to ask permission for more guests. (Derivative members can have only 3 guests). Members may invite guests, who are not staying at the club, for a meal. Please remember to include these in the meal counts.
- Unmarried couples may not be assigned to the same room, unless the unmarried adults are both 25 years old or older and one of them is a member.
- If the chef on duty needs lodging, remember to assign Room 18 to the chef.
- Please do a preliminary meal count (adults/children) on Tues. night and email that to Kathi Moore at o she can know how much food to order for the weekend.
- Hosts MUST be able to accept calls (emails) on Wed. night.Be sure to call any sponsor by 9 pm Wed. evening if their guests cannot be accommodated.
- CANCELLATION:Any cancelations without a reason will incur a cancellation fee of $10.00 after 9 pm instead of Thursday at 9 pm.
- Email o later than9 pm Thursdaywith:
a)the expected meal count (adults/children)
b)Names of members going that weekend for which nights.
Please indicate if any of the members are coming up without spouses and whether any members are not going to be present for a meal. This affects our ability to assign duties. You will be contacted later that evening by the Reservations Committee with the Duty Roster Assignments and the next family in line should someone cancel.
Note:Duties are assigned based on how much you and your guests use the Club. The more you use, the moreyou will get duty assignments. Theassignments of breakfast, bar or dinner duty will be random, and the expectation is that you should not get the same assignment every time.
- ROOM ASSIGNMENTS:If you can’t get to the Lodge early Friday evening, arrange to have the final list of names with room assignments and duties assignments delivered by another member who is going early, or email to all. Include the mid-week assignments.
NOTE: See to it that all members appointed to duties are aware of their duties and carry them out; otherwise, you, as Host, are responsible. In case of a no-show, the HOST will assign the duty to another family.
a)ASSIGNMENTS:Write the room assignment list for the week on the board with dry erase markers only.
b)DUTIES:Write down who has duty assignments for the weekend.
Check the arrival day of all people who have been assigned duties. Make sure that the member who was assigned the duty is at the club. If the person has not arrived who has breakfast duty, perhaps change the Saturday breakfast person with the Sunday person. Make sure the person who is switched is told before they go to bed.
c)MEAL COUNTS: Leave the meal counts on a full-size sheet of paper in the kitchen on the counter on Friday night so that the chef has the final count when he comes in on Saturday morning. If there are any changes after that make sure you let the chef know. Introduce yourself to the chef on Saturday morning. You are the club liaison with the chef for the weekend and will need to deal with any question or issue that arises.
d)LIGHTS:Turn on parking lot lights: 2 switches
i. Spotlight over unpacking ramp - switch on wall above motel 5. This shines on the entry walk from the
parking lot. Turn the light off in the morning as you leave for skiing.
ii. Main parking lot - switch above outside door betweenrooms8 & 9
iii. Optional lights - near the wood pile go on with a photo electric cell,they shine into rooms 20 - 23.
If people are bothered by thoselights, they can be turned off by setting the timer that is on the
kitchen wall above the heating table.
e)SIGN:Turn on the club sign every evening – located in the common area next to wall abutting the front door. Turn it off before going to bed.
f)ALARM:If set, turn off the alarm before you open the doors to the wings.
The alarm switch ishigh on the wall next to the lower numbered rooms. The alarm lights are along the front ofthe top porch facing the street. The alarm lights are off if the alarm is on and the lightsare on when the alarm if off. The alarm is not wired to the police station; it is used to frighten intruders.
g)HEAT:Please turn the heat up (using the new timer knob – the temperature is preset.)
h)APPLIANCES:Turn on the coffee pot and hot chocolate machine electrical switches.
i)DOORS: Lock all doors at night before going to bed. Make sure that all people staying in the motel rooms know how to unlock the front door.
- DOORS: Before leaving for skiing please make sure the 5 doors on main floor (kitchen, back and front boot room doors, front door, wood pile door) and the two upstairs doors (in large dorm room and at the end of family wing between Room 8 & 9) are locked. Also, make sure the front and back doors to the motel rooms are locked.
- PAYMENTS: Collect all MEMBERS CHECKS ONLY Saturday night before dinner.
Members pay for guests, guests reimburse members. For any member failing to pay before dinner, a l0% charge will
be added. As Host you are responsible for getting all checks and reservation forms, plus any unauthorized, late
cancellations to the Treasurer immediately after the weekend. If someone cancels after 8PM Weds. night there is a
$10 per adult charge, unless the cancellationis due to illness. Send the member an email about the amount owedand have them send a check to the treasurer. There is a folder on the desk or in the wood box with signed forms from mid-weekers. Please take those forms and add them to the weekend forms.
- SEATINGS:If more than 50 people are present for dinner, advise the cook that there should be two seating’s.
- ANNOUNCEMENTS:Saturday dinner announcements are done by an Executive Boardofficer or a past officer. If there are none present, then you as host introduce guests and make any necessary announcements.
- COMPLAINTS: All complaints of wrongdoing at the Lodge will be directed to the Hosts, who should try to resolve the matter. If in doubt, contact a member of the Executive Board.
- LOG BOOK:Copy all recent entries from the book and send to Lodge Chair for timely action on needed repairs.
- LOCK UP:Lock all doors and make sure nothing has been left on in the kitchen.
- BREAKFAST DUTY: Please remind the Sunday morning breakfast duty people that they are responsible for turning off the coffee pot burners and hot chocolate machine, washing the coffee pots and emptying the trash.When breakfast duty is over, breakfast crew should tell anyone who wants to linger with coffee and breakfast thatfolks are responsible for cleaning up their own dishes, turning off the coffeeburners and for washing the coffee pots. If coffee pots are left on to boil out, the coffee pot will shatter when washed.
- LOG BOOK:Before you are ready to leave the club, please write down new items that need fixing in the log book. It can be found on the desk in the office. Please mark, date and initial the last item recorded and send that information to the Lodge Chair.
- Empty the trash barrel at the head of the stairs.
- Check the wastebaskets in the ladies’ and men's rooms. If full, please empty them.
- The kitchen trash should have been emptied by the breakfast crew. If is full, please empty it.
- Empty the container under the dining room radiator below the large toaster.
- The bar trash should have been emptied by bar person, but if not empty it too.
The dumpster is emptied automatically every other week. If it is overflowing call Ann Albert at 603-745-8549.
- Recheck that all kitchen appliances are off. Turn off all lights, and make sure all outside doors are locked (five downstairs, two upstairs). Make sure the doors to the 3 wings are closed and turn on the alarm – switch high up on the wall above the door going to the wing with rooms 1 – 4 etc.
MONDAY after your hosting weekend
- Email n Monday night with the following:
a)A list of member families who were in attendance at the Lodge and the total number of reservation nights incurred. The club duties of dinner, breakfast and bar are assigned on the basis of reservation nights rather than person nights, for each night stayed when breakfast is served the following morning. That would be theFridays and Saturdays during ski season and many of the vacation nights. One reservation for one night counts as 1 reservation night, while one reservation for 7 nights counts as 7 reservation nights. Thus, a reservation for a family of 1,2,3,4 or more counts as 1 reservation night per night, while each guest reservation counts as 1 reservation night per night.
i)A family making 3 separate reservations for themselves and two friends would receive 3 reservation nights for each night they stay.
ii)A derivative bringing a friend would have 2 reservations and would receive 2 reservation nights for
each night they stay.
Prospective Members are an exception to this rule. You will not be charged duty nights for sponsoring a prospective family at the club. A prospective family is one that has submitted a membership application
and is on the Membership Committee’s list. Your friends that have expressed some interest but haven’t applied for membership are not prospective members. They are your guests.
b) A list of who actually performed which duty assignment. Almost every weekend something changes between Thursday night and Sunday night – if nothing changed please confirm that.
Mail ALLreservation forms, checks, and any unauthorized, late cancellations to Treasurer-
Dan Connell, 64 Robbins Road, Arlington, MA 02476. Questions? His email is .
Pour yourself a glass of wine and put your feet up – you deserve it!