Minutes for committee meeting held on Wednesday 19/02/2014 at R.N.O.C. Club
In Attendance:, Bill Hunt , Andy Simpson, Richard Barnicoat, John Keller, Paul Sellings, Mike Ashcroft, Spencer Dain.
1 Welcome from Chairman Bill Hunt
2 Apologies for Absence
i) None.
3 Minutes of Last Meeting
i) The January minutes were reviewed, agreed by the committee and signed by the Chairman Bill Hunt as a true record.
4 Matters Arising From Those Minutes
i) The referees for the Ladbrokes Trophy (Martina Lumsden and Colin Angior) done an excellent job, with Bill Hunt stepping in at the last minute in place of Paul Bullock, who could not make it, despite turning up to watch some of the games.
5 Chairman’s Report
i) Cup Finals Evening Date and Venue, Astley Roberts- HMI club in Hailsham, on May 1st 2014, Presidents Cup and John Hughes Cup now to be at the HMI club in Hailsham on 24th April 2014.
Presentation Night and Date and Venue, RNOC Club on May 8th 2014.
Ladbrokes Trophy, Eastbourne lost 10-7, unfortunately the games were started before any formal introduction was made, but the evening was a tremendous success with Brighton already asking if next year’s match could be held at the same instead of in Brighton. Andy to write to the Hailsham HMI club thanking them for their hospitality.
A new sponsor will be needed for next year’s match as Ladbrokes no longer sponsor the event.
Presentation prizes, Frank at Timpsons requires a list of the prizes for engraving purposes as soon as possible, Spencer Dain to drop the list in to him.
6 Treasurers Report
i) Three new registrations received from the Dolphin.
ii) Referees fees and team refreshments for the Ladbrokes Trophy paid out.
iii) Current balance £6746.
7 General Secretary’s Report
i) Nothing to report.
8 League Secretary’s Report
i) Glastonbury D rearranged a league match, against Ministries, from the 18th February 2014 to the 19th February 2014, as stated in our rules you are not allowed to do this, after a discussion it was decided to award all 5 league points to Ministries for a breach of the rules by Glastonbury D, Andy to write to Chris Healey, captain of Glastonbury D with the decision.
ii) A notice is to be put on the website reminding all Captains of the rule regarding re-arrangement of matches.
9 Web Masters Report
i) A few comments have been received about the layout of the new web site, many people seem to prefer the old style site, unfortunately this is beyond our control as the website layout is decided by League Republic.
10 Press Officers Report
i) The reports are making the papers with very good coverage on each week.
ii) Thanks to Richard for sending in the press reports to the paper while Bill was away.
11 Competitions and 4th Round Draw
i) The next round draws of all relevant competitions took place, and will be distributed to all clubs as soon as possible.
12 Any Other Business
i) Rumours of some teams dropping out next season.
ii) So far only 1 team will fall foul of the rule regarding walk overs and penalty points at the end of the season.
13 Date and Place of Next Meeting
i) 19th March 2014, 7.30pm at the RNOC Club.
Meeting closed at 8.55pm.