Carroll County S.E.A.T.S Pacing Guide
Grade Level: 5th Unit Title: GeneticsLesson # 1: Students will be introduced to genetics
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CCGPS Standard / S5L2. Students will recognize that offspring can resemble parents in inherited traits and learned behaviors.
b. Discuss what a gene is and the role genes play in the transfer of traits.
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Essential Question(s) / Why do we look the way we do?
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Activating Strategy / Students will look at the picture of the kittens on the first page of the flipchart. They will discuss and make predictions about why all of the kittens look different even though they have the same mom and dad.
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Teaching / Learning Strategies / Monster X activity: Students will be paired up and flip a red/yellow chip to choose traits of a monster. The flips will represent most common and least common traits. If both students’ chip is red they use the most common trait. If each student’s chip is different they will use the most common trait. If both students’ chip is yellow they will choose the least common trait. After choosing all the traits, the students will create their monster using the traits chosen by what they flipped.
We will go through the flipchart that covers heredity and genetics. The students will have a handout copy of the notes section of the flipchart so they are able to follow along with the slides and fill in the information as we go. During this flipchart students will learn how to fill in and complete Punnett Squares. They will also be introduced to alleles.
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Summarizing Strategy / The students will write a paragraph summarizing all they have learned about genes to far. They will use their notes to complete this. It should be written in their science journals.
Additional Planning Information:
Vocabulary / Genes, Alleles, Punnett Squares, Heredity
Assessments / Students will complete Coach pg. 153
Differentiation / To extend: After the flipchart, students can work with a partner to complete the spongebob genetics page that covers Punnett Squares and dominant/recessive genes.
Writing / Literacy Connection / Students will be writing about genes in their science journals.
Lesson # 2 Inherited Traits
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CCGPS Standard / S5L2. Students will recognize that offspring can resemble parents in inherited traits and learned behaviors.
a. Compare and contrast the characteristics of learned behaviors and of inherited traits.
b. Discuss what a gene is and the role genes play in the transfer of traits.
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Essential Question(s) / How did you become who you are today?
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Activating Strategy
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Teaching / Learning Strategies / Students will complete the trait inventory activity. It will begin with students filling in their trait inventory. Once they have completed that, the whole class will discuss the results and record them on the class trait frequency table. After this table is filled in students can work with a partner or work individually to answer the questions on the Trait Analysis Activity sheet.
We will go through the Inherited Traits flipchart. As we go through the flipchart, students will be taking notes about inherited traits. We will also discuss dominant and recessive genes and relate it back to the trait inventory (activator).
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Summarizing Strategy / Students will go back and add as well as revise their original paragraphs about genes. Students should add new information about that they learned regarding inherited traits and dominant and recessive genes.
Additional Planning Information:
Vocabulary / Inherited Traits
Lesson # 3 Learned Behaviors and Instincts
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CCGPS Standard / S5L2. Students will recognize that offspring can resemble parents in inherited traits and learned behaviors.
a. Compare and contrast the characteristics of learned behaviors and of inherited traits.
b. Discuss what a gene is and the role genes play in the transfer of traits.
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Essential Question(s) / Were you born the way you are today or have you changed since then?
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Activating Strategy / Every student will be given an index card which will either have a learned behavior or inherited trait written on it. Students will be asked to examine their card and decide where they believe it is learned or inherited. Once they have decided they will go to one side of the room. All the learned behaviors will go to one side and all the inherited will go to the opposite side. Students will be asked to explain their decision. After a short discussion about why they think they are correct and if classmates agree or disagree with them students will be asked to be seated.
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Teaching / Learning Strategies / I will present the inherited vs. learned Prezi presentation to the students. While I am doing this, students will be taking notes using a tree map comparing inherited and learned (students will set this up before Prezi is started). Students will also write examples of each trait in the corresponding section.
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Summarizing Strategy / Students will be given another index card, but this time it will be blank. They must come up with their own trait (learned or inherited) and write it on the card. The will pass it to a classmate which will then have to decide the correct answer. After this we will answer the EQ as a class.
Additional Planning Information:
Vocabulary / Inherited Traits, Learned Behaviors, Instincts
Assessments / There will be a ticket out of the door. It will be students must tell me if a certain trait that will be written on the board is an inherited trait or a learned behavior.
Lesson #4 – Genetics
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CCGPS Standard / S5L2. Students will recognize that offspring can resemble parents in inherited traits and learned behaviors.
a. Compare and contrast the characteristics of learned behaviors and of inherited traits.
b. Discuss what a gene is and the role genes play in the transfer of traits.
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Essential Question(s) / How can I tell if a trait is inherited or learned?
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Activating Strategy / Students will be grouped together by the tables they sit at. Each table will be given a white board and marker. I will ask multiple choice questions (from the genetics challenge sheets) and the table will discuss and hold up the correct answer. The team with the most points and the best attitude will get a piece of candy.
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Teaching / Learning Strategies / Students will be doing centers to review everything they have learned so far in the unit. There will be four centers but two will be the same. Students will only go to two centers. The first center will be the inherited traits file folder game where students will have to choose if the something is an inherited trait or a learned behavior. At the second center, students will be given scrambled vocabulary words with the correct definitions. Students must use the definitions to help them unscramble each vocab word. Students can use their notes or their textbooks to help them solve it.
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Summarizing Strategy / Students will pull out their paragraph about genetics and revise/edit it to accommodate all of the new information they have learned in the unit.
Additional Planning Information:
Vocabulary / Genes, Genetics, alleles, inherited traits, learned behaviors, traits, dominant, recessive, Punnett Square