Session 15 Lessons 114 - 120

How to Work for Peace and Justice

1. The best time to work for peace and justice is...

a. after your homework is finished.

b. at Christmastime, when it's trendy and tax-deductible.

c. your entire life.

d. when you're retired.

2. Sin can cause...

a. a rockin' good time, unless you get caught.

b. disruption with your relationship with God.

c. suffering in creation.

d. all of the above.

3. True or false? Patriotism is more important than the fate of people we'll never meet.(False)

4. True or false? Praying and caring for all of God's children is our vocation, our life's work.(True)

5. Working for justice includes...

a. hard work.

b. feeding the hungry.

c. voting with the poor in mind.

d. all of the above.

6. Peace is...

a. God's ideal for humanity to work toward.

b. a mission in the latest version of a video game.

c. impossible.

d. the top priority of all politicians.

7. Good works are the result, not the cause, of salvation, so we are freed to...

a. party!

b. skip confirmation.

c. play computer games.

d. live out our love of God through faithful discipleship.

8. True or false? Jesus talked about money at times, so it must have something to do with Christianity.(True)

9. The character on The Simpsons who best lives out the Christian way of caring for others is...

a. Homer.

b. Ned Flanders.

c. Moe.

d. Mr. Burns.

10. Working for peace and justice on behalf of all of God's people is a command for...

a. Democrats.

b. Republicans.

c. all Christians.

How to Forgive Someone

All the following questions are about life in New Testament times.

1. Forgiveness is easy for everyone to do.(False. Forgiving is one of the most difficult disciplines of faith.)

2. Jesus felt that forgiveness was an important thing for people to do.(True.)

3. People often find it easier to forgive others when they remember that God is constantly forgiving us.(True.)

4. Some of Jesus' last words were "Father, forgive them."(True.)

5. Forgiving someone over the phone or through e-mail is the same as forgiving them in person.(False. When possible, seek out a face-to-face situation.)

6. Saying "It's no big deal" or "That's alright" is the same as saying "I forgive you."(False. Those other statements pass off the fact that you were hurt and might not allow true forgiveness to take place.)

7. You only need to forgive people who have apologized.(False. It's difficult to do, but it's important to forgive even the people who aren't sorry.)

8. One of Jesus' most popular sayings was "Forgive and forget."(False. Jesus never said this in Scripture. There are times that you will forgive a person, but you might never be able to forget what happened.)

9. Jesus said, "If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven."(True. God gives us the power to offer true forgiveness to others.)

10. It's important to have God help you forgive people when they hurt you.(True.)

1. 1.Offering someone pardon for doing something wrong is called...

a. forgiveness.

b. apology.

c. weakness.

d. a grudge.

2. Forgiveness is something that God gives because...

a. we beg for it.

b. God knows we'll just do it again anyway.

c. God is "merciful and slow to anger."

d. God lost a bet with the devil.

3. Jesus felt that forgiveness was...

a. overrated.

b. very important.

c. not always the right thing to do.

d. a sign of foolishness.

4. One of the last things Jesus said while dying on the cross was...

a. "This crucifixion thing isn't so bad."

b. "I'll get even with you, Pilate!"

c. "God will punish all of you."

d. "Father, forgive them."

5. ______is a good way to start the process of forgiveness.

a. Prayer

b. Sleeping

c. Saying bad things about the person who wronged you

d. Egging the house of the person who wronged you

6. Various translations of the Lord's Prayer give us encouragement to forgive the ______of others.

a. sins

b. trespasses

c. debts

d. all of the above

7. The best method of offering your forgiveness is by...

a. sending an e-mail.

b. calling on the phone.

c. face-to-face communication.

d. asking a friend to tell the other person that you forgive them.

8. It is preferable to use the phrase ______when forgiving someone.

a. "It's no big deal"

b. "I forgive you"

c. "Jesus tells me I'm supposed to forgive you"

d. "No problem-o"

9. Forgiveness is often a ______task.

a. difficult

b. stupid

c. unnecessary

d. pointless

10. Jesus calls us to forgive...

a. only other Christians.

b. only people who say they're sorry.

c. only family and friends.

d. everyone who causes us pain, anger, or frustration.

How to Identify and Avoid Evil

1. In the Old Testament book of Genesis, the animal identified as "the tempter" in the garden of Eden was

a. a goat.

b. a pit bull.

c. a serpent.

d. a rat.

e. a dragon.

2. Biblical names for the tempter include

a. Stan.

b. the devil.

c. Beelzebub.

d. Satan.

e. Steve.

3. The biblical word for "missing the mark" is called

a. bad aim.

b. failure.

c. sloppy penmanship.

d. sneezing.

e. sin.

4. Time-honored ways to combat evil include

a. praying.

b. making informed choices.

c. advocating for justice.

d. saying "no" when asked to participate in inappropriate behavior.

e. all of the above.

5. Ways to identify evil include

a. examining your conscience.

b. considering how it affects creation.

c. considering how it affects others.

d. watching MTV.

e. a, b, and c.

True or False?

1. To guide us in our life, God gave us the "Ten Suggestions."(False: They are the "Ten Commandments.")

2. Not relying on God is the root of sin.(True.)

3. Sinning "creatively" is called original sin.(False: The human condition of sinfulness is original sin, patterned after the story of the fall in Genesis)

4. Living in the ways of forgiveness and mercy is called grace.(True.)

5. Evil comes from the things we do and the world around us.(True.)

How to Cope with Loss and Grief

1. When you are mourning the loss of a loved one, it is called ______(rhymes with "leaf").(Answer: Grief.)

2. One of the emotional releases in a time of loss that causes your eyes to "leak" is called ______.(Answer: Crying.)

3. Jesus wept at the death of this friend in John 11 (look it up if you need help): ______.(Answer: Lazarus.)

4. King David wept at the death of this son in 2 Samuel 18:33 (look it up if you need help): ______.(Answer: Absalom.)

BONUS QUESTION. Loss comes in many forms. Name one other type of loss other than death. ______.(Possible answers: job loss, divorce, moving away, not being picked for a team.)

Grief: Deal with It

1. When in a state of grief, most people would rather just be left alone.(False: Most people appreciate company.)

2. For Christians, a source of comfort and hope in the midst of grief and loss is Jesus' own death and resurrection.(True.)

3. According to recent studies, the grief process lasts about six months.(False: It's different for everyone.)

4. Becoming involved in an activity that serves others can be helpful for those who have suffered loss.(True.)

5. "Being present" with a friend is as important or more important than "saying the right words."(True.)

How to Be Saved (By Grace Through Faith and not By Your Own Good Works)

1. Christians believe that they are "saved by grace through faith." (True.)

2. When we talk about "salvation" or "being saved," we know that God has already done the work of securing eternal life for all who believe. (True.)

3. Christians believe that the harder they work, the more likely it is that they will go to heaven when they die. (False. Nothing we do will make God love us more or less than God already does.)

4. The idea of being saved by grace through faith is something that all Christians agree upon. (False. Some people love Jesus but have a hard time with the idea that we don't have to do anything to earn God's love.)

5. God doesn't care about how we live our lives because we get to go to heaven whether we're good or not. (False. Our actions matter to God because God's people matter to God.)

6. Even though we can't earn our way into heaven, there is a special place in heaven for the truly "good" people in the world. (False. Scripture indicates that there is no "preferential treatment" for do-gooders in heaven.)

7. When someone tells you that you have to do something to make God love you, they're selling you something called "works righteousness." (True.)

8. God's grace is a gift that is only for people who go to church every Sunday. (False. But it is important to continue to learn about God's grace by worshiping, praying, reading the Bible, and conversing with other believers.)

9. God thinks you're pretty special. (True.)

10. No matter what you do, God will always love you. (True.)

Option 2

1. The apostle ______wrote a lot about grace.

a. James

b. Paul

c. Thomas

d. Judas

2. Ephesians 2:8-9 says that we are saved by grace through...

a. faith.

b. works.

c. luck.

d. prayer.

3. God sacrificed everything so that ______can have the gift of eternal life.

a. a select few

b. the righteous

c. all people

d. bishops and pastors

4. Grace can be defined as...

a. unconditional love.

b. forgiveness.

c. a free gift from God.

d. all of the above—and then some!

5. In order to be assured of their place in heaven, God asks believers...

a. to ask Jesus into their hearts.

b. nothing.

c. to live a pure and honorable life.

d. to convert at least 10 atheists.

6. When people do whatever they want to do because they know that they're going to heaven anyway, they're practicing what's known as...

a. cheap grace.

b. works righteousness.

c. the college experience.

d. the devil's work.

7. The gift of God's grace is meant to be...

a. kept secret.

b. opened only at Christmas.

c. shared with everyone.

d. exchanged for tokens at a pizza place.

8. Living in God's grace and sharing grace with others can be done...

a. only at church.

b. only before or after school.

c. only with other Christians.

d. in all times and in all situations.

How to Reform the Church When It Strays from the Gospel

1. The Reformation began more than 500 years ago. (True.)

2. Martin Luther sought to create a new church named after him. (False. He wanted to make improvements in the Roman Catholic church.)

3. Luther said, "The church should reform only once." (False. Luther said that the church must always reform.)

4. When making changes in the church, we need to make sure that we're doing what God wants, not just want we want. (True.)

5. In order to reform the church when it strays from the gospel, all Lutheran churches should have a praise band and a projection screen for worship. (False. Though these can be helpful tools for worship, they aren't required to be faithful to God's word.)

6. It's likely that if you try to reform the church, everyone will agree with you because you're doing what God wants. (False. Reformers are often met with resistance.)

7. In Matthew 5:17, Jesus tells people that he came to abolish the law and the prophets. (False. He says he did not come for this purpose.)

8. Sometimes it takes years for changes to be made in the church. (True.)

9. In order to show the love of God, churches must be willing to do whatever their members want. (False. The church's primary focus is what the gospel calls us to do. Besides, a group of people will never completely agree on everything!)

10. All people fit into one of two categories: sinner or saint. (False. Strange as it sounds, we are all 100 percent sinner and saint.)

Buzz In

1. The Reformation happened...

a. hundreds of years ago in Europe.

b. in the 1960s in San Francisco.

c. shortly before the birth of Christ.

d. none of the above.

2. Luther nailed 95 Theses to the door of the church because...

a. he wanted to start a new church named after him.

b. he felt it needed some decoration.

c. the priest didn't return his calls.

d. he felt the church needed to change the way it was doing things.

3. The Latin phrase Ecclesia semper reformanda est means...

a. The church is never wrong.

b. The church must always reform.

c. The church needs a building project.

d. The church is corrupt.

4. To reform the church for the sake of the gospel means...

a. change for the sake of change.

b. making sure the church is doing God's will.

c. more multimedia presentations in worship.

d. everyone must buy the latest translation of the Bible.

5. When asking the church to make changes, you should...

a. make sure you know your stuff.

b. make sure you're not doing it for personal gain.

c. be patient if people don't agree with you.

d. all of the above.

6. God's people are called to bring about reform...

a. when they turn 21.

b. after they're confirmed.

c. whenever they feel the church has strayed from the gospel.

d. every 500 years.

7. When frustrated with how your church is doing things, it's best to...

a. share your concerns with the pastor or other church leader.

b. transfer to a different church immediately.

c. encourage the council to fire your pastor.

d. say nothing, because you're probably wrong.

8. An example of reform is...

a. the removal of paying indulgences.

b. new worship books.

c. female pastors.

d. all of the above.

How to Become a Theologian of the Cross

1. What is the name of the place where Jesus died?

a. The Rock.

b. The Skull.

c. The Hill.

d. The Ledge.

2. Fill in the blank: Jesus was hung on the cross with _____.(Nails.)

3. Theology is...

a. the study of the word the.

b. something only reserved for pastors.

c. the study of God.

d. I have no idea.

4. True or False: God's power is made perfect in that which is weak and suffering.(True)

5. What is a theology of the cross?

a. God's power can be found in death.

b. The weak are actually strong.

c. God is full of surprises.

d. All of the above.

6. What is a theology of glory?

a. God gives me what I want if I believe hard enough.

b. God's glory shines in the darkness.

c. A study of the word glory.

d. I pray, God gets the glory.

7. True or False: A young person cannot be a theologian of the cross.(False. Anyone can be a theologian of the cross!)

8. The person who betrayed Jesus with a kiss was...

a. Peter.

b. James.

c. John.

d. Judas Iscariot.

9. Fill in the blank: Jesus died and rose again so we can have _____.(Eternal life.)

10. The apostle who teaches us to "preach Christ crucified" is...

a. John.

b. Paul.

c. Timothy.

d. James.

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