This document describes the structure of Domestic and Foreign Payment files imported to the Expo Business Direct Internet banking system

1) Format of CFD and CFU Domestic Payment Files for Expo Business Direct

(17.01.2013, Version 1.2)

Format of the domestic payment file (*.CFD) for Czech domestic payments.

Format of the urgent domestic payment file (*.CFU) for Czech domestic payments.

General Rules:

- Payment files contain no header.

- Every payment order begins with the "HD:" field.

- Diacritics used in payment files conform to CP 852 (Latin2).

- Files may contain capital letters only.

- Files must not contain blank lines (spaces are considered blank lines).

- Payment orders in a file are separated by <CR> <LF> (Enter).

- The payment order format is divided into fields and subfields.

- Subfields are either mandatory or optional.

- Subfields are divided by spaces (ASCII 32) with the exception of the "DI:", "KI:", and "AV:" fields, where subfields are separated by <CR<LF> (Enter).

- Subfields in a file are separated by a space.

- A file may contain the maximum of 1000 payment orders

- During import, the order date (value date) of a payment order is changed for all items to the date (value date) selected for import (see the HD field).

- If payments need to be made from multiple accounts, a separate payment file must be created for every account of the payer to prevent the incorrect display of batch payments in the application (see the UD field).

- Urgent payments (CFU) must be loaded individually (a file may contain several such payments, but the system stores them into separate orders that must be signed each individually).

In money transfer orders, the "UD:” field contains the payer's account details, and the "DI:" field contains the payer's name and address. The "UK:" field contains the partner's account details, and the "KI:" field contains the partner's name.

In direct debit orders, the "UD:” field contains the partner's account details, and the "DI:" field contains the partner's name and address. The "UK:" field contains the payer's account details, and the "KI:" field contains the payer's name.


Partner = Beneficiary (Money Transfers) / Payer (Direct Debit)

A file may contain both payment orders and direct debits.

In creating conversion links to accounting systems, this format must be strictly observed.

Additional Information for the ZK, AK, and EC Fields:

Leading zeros are not removed in these fields, i.e. data are loaded including leading zeros.


If the client imports (enters) leading zeros before a number, they remain unchanged (the import contains 00123).

If a client enters or imports no value, these fields contain one zero (EC:0).

Payment Field Structure:

Meaning of Individual Columns:

Field=field number

M / O=mandatory and optional field

m = mandatory field

o = optional field

L / F=file length and format

n = numeric (digits) 0 - 9, leading zeros are allowed but not required

a = alphabetical

f = fixed (non-variable) field length

v = variable field length

Description / M / O / L / F
HD: / m / 3 a f
Subfield 1:
Payment type:
11: Transfer (*.cfd)
32: Direct debit (*.cfd)
01: Urgent transfer (*.cfu) / m / 2 n f
Subfield 2:
Payment order date (value date)
Format: YYMMDD
During import, the order date (value date) of a payment order is changed for all orders to the date (value date) selected for import. / m / 6 n f
Subfield 3:
Bank code of ordering party / m / 7 a v
Subfield 4:
Order serial number (1 - 999999) / m / 6 n v
Subfield 5:
Partner's bank code / m / 7 a v
<CR<LF>KC: / m / 3 a f
Subfield 1:
Amount, including two decimal places – do not use symbolsto separate decimal places / m / 15 n v
Subfield 2:
Fixed zero field (000000) / m / 6 n f
Subfield 3:
ISO-currency code – always enter "CZK" / m / 3 a f
<CR<LF>UD: / m / 3 a f
Subfield 1:
Payer's account prefix
Check using Modulo 11
For account number without a prefix, one space with no subfield separation is entered – see examples / m / 6 n v
Subfield 2:
Payer's account number
Check using Modulo 11
If payments need to be made from multiple accounts, a separate payment file must be created for every account of the payer to preventthe incorrect display of batch payments in the application. / m / 10 n v
Subfield 3:
Short name of the payer's account
If no account description is provided, a single space must be entered
Note: This field will be optional in the future. Clients will be informed of this change ahead of time. / o / 20 a v
<CR<LF>DI: / m / 3 a f
Subfield 1:
Description of payer 1
<CR<LF> / m / 35 a v
Subfield 2: (The line must begin with three spaces)
Description of payer 2
<CR<LF> / o / 35 a v
Subfield 3: (The line must begin with three spaces)
Description of payer 3
<CR<LF> / o / 35 a v
Subfield 4: (The line must begin with three spaces)
Description of payer 4
<CR<LF> / o / 35 a v
<CR<LF>UK: / m / 3 a f
Subfield 1:
Partner's account prefix
Check using Modulo 11
If no prefix is entered, one space with no subfield separation is entered – see examples / m / 6 n v
Subfield 2:
Partner's account number / m / 10 n v
Subfield 3:
Short name of the partner's account
If no account description is provided, a single space must be entered
Note: This field will be optional in the future. Clients will be informed of this change ahead of time. / o / 20 a v
<CR<LF>AK: / m / 3 a f
Specific symbol for the partner
If left blank by the client, thisfield contains one zero. / o / 10 n v
<CR<LF>KI: / m / 3 a f
Subfield 1:
Description of partner 1
<CR<LF> / m / 35 a v
Subfield 2: (The line must begin with three spaces)
Description of partner 2
<CR<LF> / o / 35 a v
Subfield 3: (The line must begin with three spaces)
Description of partner 3
<CR<LF> / o / 35 a v
Subfield 4: (The line must begin with three spaces)
Description of partner 4
<CR<LF> / o / 35 a v
<CR<LF>EC: / m / 3 a f
Constant symbol (CS)
(The following CSs are not accepted by CNB:0002, 0005, 0006, 0051, 0498, 0598, 0898, 1178, 2178, 3178, 4444)
If left blank by the client, this field contains one zero.
A list of valid CSs is available on the CNB website. / o / 4 n v
<CR<LF>ZK: / m / 3 a f
Subfield 1:
Variable symbol for the partner
If left blank by the client, this field contains one zero. / o / 10 n v
<CR<LF>AV: / m / 3 a f
Subfield 1:
Payment purpose 1
<CR<LF> / o / 35 a v
Subfield 2: (The line must begin with three spaces)
Payment purpose 2
<CR<LF> / o / 35 a v
Subfield 3: (The line must begin with three spaces)
Payment purpose 3
<CR<LF> / o / 35 a v
Subfield 4: (The line must begin with three spaces)
Payment purpose 4
<CR<LF> / o / 35 a v
<CR<LF>S0: (CFU files only) / m / 3 a f
Subfield 1:
Number of urgent transfers in a file
The number is aligned to the right; the rest is filled outwith zeros / m / 9 n f
Subfield 2:
Total sum of urgent transfers
Contains three zeros if left blank / m / 15 n v
<CR<LF>S1: (CFD files only) / m / 3 a f
Subfield 1:
Number of payment transfers in a file
The number is aligned to the right; the rest is filled outwith zeros / m / 9 n f
Subfield 2:
Total sum of transfers
Contains three zeros if left blank / m / 15 n v
<CR<LF>S3: (CFD files only) / m / 3 a f
Subfield 1:
Number of direct debits contained in a file
The number is aligned to the right; the rest is filled out with zeros
Note: Urgent payments (CFU) must beuploaded individually (a file may contain several such payments, but the system stores them into separate orders that must be signed each individually). / m / 9 n f
Subfield 2:
Total sum of direct debits
Contains three zeros if left blank / m / 15 n v
<CR<LF>S4: (CFU files only) / m / 3 a f
Subfield 1:
Fixed zero field 000000000 / m / 9 n f
Subfield 2:
Fixed zero field 000 / m / 3 n f
Example of Transfer:
S3:000000000|000 / Example of Direct Debit:
Example of Urgent Transfer:
S4:000000000|000 / Switch between Multiple Orders:
. . .
. . .
Example of UD Field with Prefix:
Example of UK Field with Prefix:
Example of UD Field without Prefix:
Example of UK Field without Prefix:

2. Format of the CFA Foreign Payment File for Expo Business Direct

Format of the foreign payment file (*.CFA) for Czech foreign payments.

General Rules:

- Every file begins with a header.

- Diacritics used in payment files conform to CP 852 (Latin2).

- Files may contain capital letters only.

- Files must not contain blank lines (spaces are considered blank lines) except the 72: field.

- A file may contain the maximum of 1000 payment orders

- The due date of all payment orders in a file is set to match the due date selected during import (the 32A: field).

- If payments need to be made from multiple accounts, a separate payment file must be created for every account of the payer to prevent the incorrect display of batch payments in the application (see the 52D field).

Meaning of Individual Columns:

Field=field number

M / O=mandatory and optional field

m = mandatory field

o = optional field

L / F=file length and format

n = numeric 0 - 9

a = alphabetical

d = date field in the YYYYMMDD format

f = fixed (non-variable) field length

v = variable field length

File Header Structure:

Description / M / O / L / F
Customer reference / m
o / 4 a f
16 a v
Total sum of all payment ordersregardless of different currencies / m
m / 4 a f
17 n f
Number of payment transfers containedin a file / m
m / 4 a f
5 n f
SWIFT address of executing bank / m
o / 4 a f
8/11 a f
Payer's name and address – max. four lines,
35 characters per line,
separated by <CR> <LF>
This field must be identical to field :50:
If a payment file contains multiple payments, this field contains the payer's details from the first payment in the file. / m
m / 4 a f
4*35 a v
File name / m
m / 4 a f
12 a v

Order Header Structure:


1:F01Constant main header block

XXXXXXXXAXXXFirst four characters = payer's bank code – the rest exactly


BBBBStatus (0 - 9999)

TTTTTTTransaction number (0 - 999999)

2:I100Constant application header block

XXXXXXXXAXXXSWIFT address of the beneficiary's bank – 8/11 characters ("A" separator),if SWIFT code is not entered, the beneficiary's bank code from IBAN is entered. If IBAN is not entered, the field contains the beneficiary's bank code.

YPayment type:

NStandard processing

UTelex or SWIFT urgent payment

1Constant ending of application header block

4:Constant text block

Payment Order Structure:

Description / M / O / L / F
<CR<LF>:20: / m / 4 a f
Customer reference
If no references are provided,16 blank characters are entered. / m / 16 a f
<CR<LF>:32A: / m / 5 a f
Subfield 1:
Payment order value date (YYMMDD)
The value date of all payment orders in a file is set to match the value date selected during import. / m / 6 n f
Subfield 2:
ISO-currency code for the following amount / m / 3 a f
Subfield 3:
Amount, including two decimal places that are
always separated by a decimal comma / m / 15 n v
<CR<LF>:50: / m / 4 a f
Ordering party – max. four lines, 35 characters per line, separated by
<CR> <LF>
The first line must not be blank or containspaces only. / m / 4*35 a v
<CR<LF>:52D: / m / 5 a f
Subfield 1:
Ordering party account number
Account prefix and number
If payments need to be made from multiple accounts, a separate payment file must be created for every account of the payer to prevent the incorrect display of batch payments in the application.
<CR<LF> / m / 6 + 10 n f
Subfield 2:
Fee account
Account prefix and number
<CR<LF>/must be identical to the payer's account number (subfield 1) / m / 6 + 10 n f
Subfield 3:
Ordering party account currency ISO code <Blank> / m / 3 a f
Ordering party charges account currency ISO code
<CR<LF>/must be identical to the code of the payer's fee account currency (subfield 3) / m / 3 a f
Subfield 4:
Payment title
(If the payment title is shorter than three digits, zeros are filled out from the left)
<Blank> / m / 3 n f
ISO-country code of the beneficiary
<Blank> / m / 2 a f
ISO-country code of the beneficiary's bank / m / 2 a f
<CR<LF>:57A: / m / 5 a f
SWIFT address of the beneficiary's bank (exactly eight or 11 characters) / o / 8(11) a f
<CR<LF>:57D: / m / 5 a f
Name of the beneficiary's bank – max. two lines,35 characters per line, separated by <CR> <LF>
The first line must not be left blank or containspaces only. / m / 2*35 a v
Address of the beneficiary's bank – two lines,
35 characters per line, separated by <CR> <LF>
Lines must not be left blank or containspaces only. / m / 2*35 a v
<CR<LF>:59: / m / 4 a f
Subfield 1:
Fixed separator "/" / m / 1 a f
Subfield 2:
Beneficiary's account number
<CR<LF> / m / 34 a v
Subfield 3:
Beneficiary's name – max. two lines, 35 characters per line,separated by <CR> <LF>
The first line must not be left blank or containspaces only. / m / 2*35 a v
Beneficiary's address – max. two lines, 35 characters per line,separated by <CR> <LF> / o / 2*35 a v
<CR<LF>:70: / o / 4 a f
Payment purpose – max. four lines, 35 characters per line, separated by <CR> <LF> / o / 4*35 a v
<CR<LF>:71A: / m / 5 a f
Expense clearing
BN1: Shared bank fees – the beneficiary and the payer each pay an equal share
OUR: All expenses charged to the payer
BN2 : All expenses are charged to the beneficiary (in this option, subfield 2 in the :52D: field contains zeros only) / m / 3 a f
<CR<LF>:72: / m / 4 a f
Subfield 1:
enter the "00 00 00 00" constant
<CR> <LF> / m / 4*2 n f
Subfield 2:
enter 35 spaces
<CR<LF> / m / 35 a f
Subfield 3:
enter 35 spaces
<CR<LF> / m / 35 a f
Subfields 4 - 6
Bank information – max. three lines, 35 characters per line,
separated by <CR> <LF> / o / 3*35 a v

In the following examples, blank fields (spaces) are represented by the "|" symbol:

Example of CFA File:










































Switch between Multiple Orders:










































































Structure of Expo Business Direct Data ImportsVersion 1.2, 17January 2013

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