December 4, 2006 AGENDA 7:30

SUNSHINE STATEMENT: Read by secretary



Lynn Ballerini, Chair Ken Cerullo X

Marthajean Drago

Carol Greene

Barbara Shanley

Gus Vasiliadis

J. Thomas Thornton


John Bristow, Historian, Atlernate I

Alternate II, Vacant


MINUTES: August 8, 2006; Mr. Thornton moved to approve the August 8, 2006 September 5, 2006 and November 6, 2006 minutes as read and Mr. Bristow seconded the motion. All approved.

Vote: Bristow, yes; Drago, yes; Shanley, yes; Greene, yes; Visiliadis, yes; Thornton, yes; Ballerini, yes.

Mr. Bristow moved to approve the October 3, 2006 minutes as read and Mr. Vasiliadis seconded the motion. All approved.

Vote: Bristow, yes; Drago, yes; Shanley, yes; Greene, yes; Visiliadis, yes; Thornton, yes; Ballerini, yes.

PUBLIC SESSION: Mrs. Drago moved to open the Public Session and Mrs. Shanley seconded the motion. All approved.

Vote: Bristow, yes; Drago, yes; Shanley, yes; Greene, yes; Visiliadis, yes; Thornton, yes; Ballerini, yes.

No members of the public were present.

Mr. Bristow moved to close the Public Session and Mr. Thornton seconded the motion. All approved.

Vote: Bristow, yes; Drago, yes; Shanley, yes; Greene, yes; Thornton, yes; Ballerini, yes.

Mrs. Greene, presented to Mrs. Drago on behalf of the HPC members an appreciation gift for her tenure as HPC Chair. Mrs. Drago thanked the members for their support and cooperation over the years.

Mrs. Drago reported that she has household items from the 1920’s to 80’s that she is willing to donate or loan to the Museum. Mrs. Greene thanked Mrs. Drago and will discuss the items with her.

Mrs. Greene also reported that the DPW had approached her regarding using the Quackenbush barn for temporarily storing seasonal Township items. The HPC agreed and will confirm with Administration if this use it permitted.

Mr. Visiliadis excused himself from the meeting at this time.

LEGAL: Nilufer O. De Scherer, Esq.

NJDEP 14 Mountainside Ave. Mahwah, NJ Stag Hill Homes, LLC, let the minutes read that no comments were made.

NJDEP B lock 139, Lot 5, Mahwah, NJ, let the minutes read that no comments were made.

NJDEP Block 135, Lot 51, #3 Jackson Lane, let the minutes read that no comments ere made.

Chair’s Report:

None at this time.

New Business

Eagle Scout Project: Mr. Bristow reported that the Eagle Scout who worked on Moffatt Road Cemetery is requesting a sign describing how his Eagle Scout Project benefited the Moffatt Road Cemetery be placed at the site. After a lengthy discussion, it was decided that no signage would be allowed and that Mr. Thornton would contact the Scout Masters to review the proper procedures that must be followed prior to any future Eagle Scout project regarding the HPC, especially with regards to any historic site that is under the guardianship of the HPC.

Mrs. Ballerini will contact Mrs. DiGiulio as to the status of the present Eagle Scout project.


None at this time


Tapal, LLC Docket #508, Bl; 136, Lots 1, Site Plan, 220 Route 17, Mahwah, NJ

Let the minutes reflect that after a review of the application it was determined that Docket #508 has no historic significance. Ms. Drago moved to approve with no comment and Mrs. Shanley seconded the motion.

Vote: 5 yes 1 no: Bristow, yes; Drago, yes; Shanley, yes; Greene, yes; Thornton, no; Ballerini, yes.


124 Lawrence Road, Block 73, Lot 1, year built 1900. Let the minutes reflect that after a review of the demolition application it was determined that 124 Lawrence Road has no historic significance. Mr. Bristow moved to approve demolition application for 124 Lawrence Road and Mr. Thornton seconded the motion. All approved.

Vote: Bristow, yes; Drago, yes; Shanley, yes; Greene, yes; Thornton, yes; Ballerini, yes.

CONSTRUCTION PERMITS: None at this time.

OLD BUSINESS: It was decided to table Old Business until the January 5, 2007 HPC meeting.


GENERAL DISCUSSION: Mrs. Greene reported that the Museum Society will not support the HPC’s anti demolition position on 25 East Ramapo Avenue, stating that they did not want to get politically involved with the Township Council.

ADJOURNMENT: Mr. Bristow moved to close the meeting and Mrs. Shanley seconded the motion. All agreed. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

These minutes are a synopsis of the MHPC tapes, which are on file at the Township Hall.
