Summer 2005
STIDistrict Import Engine
Doc-To-Help Standard Manual
User Manual
Information in this document is subject to change without notice. Student and school data used herein are fictitious unless otherwise noted.
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This document was last updated on August 3, 2005. Any subsequent changes made to the STI applications described herein will be discussed in the release notes that accompany each product’s update.
Overview 1
About the STIDistrict Import Engine 1
Installation and Updates 2
Installation Procedure 2
Updates 2
Configuration 3
Configuration for Typical Installation (on One Computer Only) 3
SQL Server Tab for Single Computer Configuration 3
Import Active Times Tab 4
Enrollment Builder Tab 4
Email Tab 5
Options Tab for Single Computer Configuration 6
School Write Back Tab 8
Configuring Multiple Import Engines (Nodes) 8
SQL Server Tab for Nodes Configuration 8
Options Tab for Nodes Configuration 9
“Spawn” Mode 9
Using the Import Engine 10
Starting the Import Engine 10
Throttle Control 10
Activating the Throttle Control Feature 11
Using Throttle Control 12
RPM Meter 12
Troubleshooting the Import Engine 13
Command Line Options 13
Verbose Command Line Option 14
STIDistrict Database Updater 14
Index 17
Summer 2005 STIDistrict Import Engine STI_0803051820 Contents · iii
Summer 2005 STIDistrict Import Engine STI_0803051820 Configuration · 5
About the STIDistrict Import Engine
The purpose of the STIDistrict Import Engine is to process and upload data files sent from the various school databases to the STIDistrict database. The program is typically installed on the STIDistrict server. However, multiple instances of the program (up to 10) may be installed in the district, to improve processing speed as necessary.
Installation and Updates
Installation Procedure
As stated above, the Import Engine is typically installed on the STIDistrict server, but the application may be installed on one or more workstations. To install the program, follow the instructions below:
· Download and run the install file for the Microsoft Data Access program version 2.8. The actual filename is called MDAC_TYP.EXE and it may be downloaded from the STI Support site at (user name and password required) under Updates | Download an install or update | STIDistrict Import Engine (scroll down to locate the file, which is listed as MDAC V.2.8). During installation, take all defaults offered.
· Download and run the installation file for the Import Engine. This file is called STIDistrictImport_Vxxx.exe (where xxx is the current version) and is also available from the STI Support site at the same location as the MDAC file.
· Before using the program, configure the Import Engine as described in the section “Configuration for Typical Installation (on One Computer Only)” on page 3. If multiple instances of the Import Engine are to be installed, refer to the section “Configuring Multiple Import Engines (Nodes)” on page 8.
From time to time, mandatory or optional updates are made available for STIDistrict Import Engine. To install an update, perform the following steps:
· On the computer to be updated, close the Import Engine program.
· Download and run the update file for the Import Engine. This file is called STIDistrictImport_Vxxx.exe (where xxx is the current version) and is available from the STI Support site.
· After the update has been run, restart the Import Engine by double-clicking on the desktop icon. To verify that the update was successful, check the version number, displayed in the lower right area of the Import Engine screen.
Configuration for Typical Installation (on One Computer Only)
Configuration settings will determine the following details:
· What data is to be imported from schools?
· When will the data be imported?
· Into which SQL database will be the data be imported?
To edit the configuration settings, click the Windows Start button and select Programs | STI Applications | Import Engine Setup. Refer to the information below when editing the settings.
SQL Server Tab for Single Computer Configuration
SQL Server
· Enter the IP Address of the STIDistrict server into this field.
· Enter the name of the SQL database into which data will be imported. This is typically daisi.
Admin ID
· Enter sa in this field.
· Enter the password associated with the sa account in the SQL server. If the password is not known, contact the Database Administrator or call STI for assistance.
FTP Directory
· The FTP Directory is the directory on the STIDistrict server into which a school’s data files are uploaded (via FTP) by the STIDistrict Net program. The Import Engine will process files from this directory in the order in which they arrive.
Import Active Times Tab
Use this screen to schedule the times at which the Import Engine will add data to the STIDistrict database. The scheduler allows the import to occur during one-hour increments. Selecting a time will cause the Import Engine to add data during that particular hour.
This feature determines when data is actually added to the database. When setting this value, users should bear in mind that problems will occur if school reports are created or data backups are performed at the same time as data is being added to the database.
Enrollment Builder Tab
The Enrollment Builder is a utility that runs within the Import Engine program. It builds a table in the database with a record for every student, for every day of the school year. This table shows the student’s enrollment and attendance status on each day. The data in this table is used to create reports in STIDistrict, such as the ADA/ADM Report.
Use this screen to schedule the times at which the Enrollment Builder program will run. When setting this value, users should bear in mind that problems will occur if school reports are created or data backups are performed during the school day when users are adding/modifying records in the database.
Email Tab
This tab allows for up to five users to receive an e-mail message when failures occur during the import process. Set up each of the following areas to utilize the e-mail feature:
SMTP Server
· Enter your mail server address here. To utilize e-mail notification, check the Enable box to the right of this field.
E-mail Address (1-5)
· Enter an e-mail address for each person to be notified. There are two checkboxes to the right of each e-mail address:
- Check Enable to send an e-mail to this address ONLY when an error has occurred.
- Check Log to send the import log to this address after the school’s data has been imported (with or without errors).
Return E-mail To
· E-mails received by users will be displayed as being From this e-mail address.
Options Tab for Single Computer Configuration
Select from the following options, as per the district’s preferences.
Queue Manager
· Select this option when configuring a typical installation of the Import Engine, in which the program is installed on a single computer in the district.
Import Node ID
· Set this value at 0 (zero) when configuring a typical installation of the Import Engine, in which the program is installed on a single computer in the district.
Import Medical/Special Ed Data
· Select this option to import STISets and STIHealth data into the district database. Do not select this option unless the STISets program is installed at the schools.
Import GRD (Grade) File
· Select this option to import student grades into the STIDistrict database.
Auto Delete Orphan Records
An “orphan” record is a record in the database that does not have a matching student demographic record. / Select this option to delete “orphan” records from the database after each import.Import Inactive Students
A student record is set Inactive in the school database when the student is not enrolled at that school, yet the school wishes to keep the student data on file. This is typically done for “no-show” students on the first day of school. / Select this option to import inactive student records into the STIDistrict database.Auto-Eliminate Duplicate Inactive Students
· Select this option to eliminate duplicate inactive records for students.
· A student who has more than one inactive record will have the oldest inactive record(s) deleted from the database, leaving the student with only one (the most recent) inactive record.
Delete Backup Files After _ Days
· After the Import Engine imports an upload file, it saves that file to a backup directory. Select this option to periodically delete these archived upload files from the backup directory. The value entered here will determine the frequency at which backup files will be deleted.
· Enabling this option will NOT delete data from the actual database.
· If this option is not selected, archived backup files will continue to accumulate over time.
Delete Log Files After _ Days
· The Import Engine creates a log file as it imports data. A new log file is created each day and these files are stored in the directory in which the program is installed.
· Select this option to periodically (based on the number of days entered) delete these log files from the directory.
Convert Incoming Data to UPPER CASE (Excluding SETS)
· Select this option to render all non-STISets incoming data into UPPER CASE letters. If this option is not selected, the data in the database will appear in both upper and lower case, as originally entered.
School Write Back Tab
If enabled in the STIDistrict application, this timer allows the Import Engine to prepare data files that contain changes made at the district level for each school. These changes will then be retrieved by STIDistrict Net based on a pre-determined schedule.
Configuring Multiple Import Engines (Nodes)
Up to ten different computers may be used to import data simultaneously. When STIDistrict Import Engine is installed on multiple machines for this purpose, the speed of the data import will improve.
If multiple Import Engines are in use, one machine should be configured as the Queue Manager. On this machine, the user should install and configure the Import Engine as described in “Configuration for Typical Installation (on One Computer Only)” on page 3. Up to nine other machines will be configured as Nodes. Install the Import Engine on each of these machines as described in “Installation Procedure” on page 2. Then configure these nodes as described below.
SQL Server Tab for Nodes Configuration
SQL Server
· Enter the IP Address of the STIDistrict server into this field.
· Enter the name of the SQL database into which data is to be imported. This is typically daisi.
Admin ID
· Enter sa in this field.
· Enter the password associated with the sa account in the SQL server. If the password is not known, contact the Database Administrator or call STI for assistance.
FTP Directory
· Enter FTP directory used on the Queue Manager. The directory on the Queue Manager computer must be shared on the network, and the path to that shared directory should be entered in this field.
Options Tab for Nodes Configuration
Select from the following options, as per the district’s preferences:
Queue Manager
· This option should be selected ONLY on the Queue Manager computer. None of the node computers should be designated as Queue Manager.
Import Node ID
Each computer must be assigned a unique Node ID. Use the numbers 1 through 9.
“Spawn” Mode
Each machine that runs the Import Engine may have the program installed once, and may run up to seven instances (spawns) per box. However, users are advised to run no more spawns per box than there are processors on that box. The Import Engine instance that is opened first will act as that server’s queue manager.
Using the Import Engine
Starting the Import Engine
The Import Engine installation process will add a startup icon to the desktop. Double-click on this icon to start the program. If the computer must be restarted or powered off for any reason, the Import Engine must be re-started after the computer is powered on again.
Throttle Control
The Throttle Control feature is provided to allow the user to govern the machine resources (including CPU usage and disk write speed) used by the Import Engine. This is primarily used to set the Import Engine to use fewer resources on the box, in order to free up these resources for other tasks and processes (such as SQL). This will slow down the speed at which data is imported, but it will allow other tasks to run more quickly on the same machine.
Activating the Throttle Control Feature
To activate the throttle control feature:
· Add /T (forward-slash followed directly by the letter T) to the Import Engine shortcut properties Target line, as shown in the screen shot below.
· Click Apply and then click OK to exit.
Using Throttle Control
After the Throttle Control has been activated, double-click on the icon to start the Import Engine. A new “slider” bar will appear at the bottom of the screen. This bar is the throttle.
· Click and drag the button on the slider bar to the left to decrease the amount of resources used by the Import Engine.
RPM Meter
The RPM value displayed in the lower right corner of the Import Engine screen shows the number of Records Per Minute that are being imported into the SQL database.
This number will vary based on the type of records being imported and the speed of the hardware/network used.
Troubleshooting the Import Engine
A review of the Daily Import Log may be helpful in troubleshooting Import Engine problems. The Daily Import Logs may be found at the following path: C:\DaisiUpl\LOGS.
The current Log file may also be viewed by right-clicking inside the Import Engine log screen and selecting View Current Log file. The log file will then be opened in Notepad. This file can be saved and e-mailed to STI Support at if there is a problem.