Professor of Politics and International Affairs

Director, European Union Program



Robertson Hall, Princeton, NJ08544USA

Tel: 609-258-1161 Mobile: 609-240-5928

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2004–present Professor of Politics and International Affairs,

Department of Politics and WoodrowWilsonSchool, PrincetonUniversity

Founding Director, European Union Program (2004-present)

Founding Chair, International Relations Colloquium (2004-present)

Executive Committee, Center for Globalization and Governance(2004-present)

Executive Committee, BobstCenter for Peace and Justice (2004-present)

Primary Research Interests: European Integration, Democratic Accountability of International

Institutions, International Relations Theory, International Human Rights Policy,

International Negotiation, International Law and Organization, Political Economy of

National Security, Qualitative and Historical Methods.

1992-2004 Professor, Department of Government, HarvardUniversity

Full Professor (2000-2004)

Associate Professor (1996-2000)

Assistant Professor (1992-1996)

Founding Director,European Union Program at Harvard (2001-2004)

Various departmental, center and university positions.


1992PhD and MA in Political Science, Department of Government, HarvardUniversity

Dissertation: "National Preference Formation and Interstate Bargaining in the European

Community, 1957-1988" (Awarded William Sumner Dissertation Prize)

Teaching Assistant, Department of Government, HarvardUniversity

1988 Distinguished Teaching Fellow Award, Department of Government

1988 Certificate of Distinction in Teaching, Faculty of Arts and Sciences

1982-84MA in International Relations

JohnsHopkinsSchool of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Washington, DC

1980-82Fulbright Fellow, Universities of Hamburg, Bielefeld and Marburg, FederalRepublic of Germany

1980BA with Distinction, Department of History, StanfordUniversity [Junior Phi Beta Kappa]

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2007 - 08Shanghai Institute for International Affairs and FudanUniversity, Shanghai, China

2003 - 04Visiting Research Fellow, Instituteof International and Regional Studies, PrincetonUniversity

2002 - 04Visiting Research Scholar, Department of Politics, PrincetonUniversity

2002 - 03James DeWolfe Research Grant, HarvardLawSchool

2001 - 02AsiaCenter Research Grant

2000 - 01David Rockefeller Latin American Studies Research Grant

2000 - 01University Committee on Human Rights Research Grant, HarvardUniversity

1999 - 00Senior Research Fellowship, Department of Politics and European Center, New York University

1999 - 00Senior Fellowship, ItalianAcademy for Advanced Studies Fellowship, ColumbiaUniversity

1998 - 99Weatherhead Center for International Affairs Research Grant

1993 - 96Visiting Research Fellowship, Robert Schuman Center, European University Institute (Fiesole, Italy)

1990 - 95 Research Fellowship, Department of Political Science and PIPES Program, University of Chicago

1993 - 94German Marshall Fund Research Fellowship

1989 - 91Olin Economics and National Security Fellowship

1989 - 91Morris Abrams Research Fellowship

1989 - 91Institute for the Study of World Politics Fellowship

1989 - 91Krupp Foundation Fellowship

1988 - 89Harvard Center for European Studies Research Grant

1988 - 89Ford Foundation European Research Grant

1988 - 89Centre d'Etudes et RecherchesInternationales Fellowship (Paris)

1988 - 89Institut Français des Relations Internationales Fellowship (Paris)

1988 - 89InternationalInstitute for Strategic Studies Fellowship (London)

1986 - 88Research Fellowship, Center for Science and International Affairs, KennedySchool of Government

1982 - 84Gulf Oil Company and Jacob Blaustein Fellowships, JohnsHopkinsSchool of International Studies

1981 - 82Fulbright Fellowship, Universities of Marburg, Hamburg and Bielefeld (West Germany)

Teaching: Courses

Core Undergraduate Courses –International Conflict and Cooperation in Modern World (Historical Study A-12)

Undergraduate Lecture Courses - International Political Economy, International Relations

Undergraduate Seminars - International Human Rights, European Integration, International Negotiation,

Political Economy and National Security, Liberalism and World Politics

Graduate Seminars–Democracy and Global Governance, Politics and Foreign Policies of the European Union, Democratic Accountability in the New Europe, International Political Economy, Theories of International Relations, Comparative European Foreign Policy, Dissertation Workshop onInternational and Comparative Political Economy, Qualitative Methods, International Law, Graduate Dissertation Workshop, Graduate Research Seminar

Teaching: Doctoral Advising

Current Doctoral Students: Christopher Darnton (Princeton), Mattheas Dufour (Harvard), Marius Hentea (Harvard), Nikitas Konstantinidis (Princeton), James Perry (Harvard), Leah Pisar (Sciences Politique, Paris), Andreas von Staden (Princeton).

Former Doctoral Students (Current Position): Brian Burgoon (Political Science, University of Amsterdam), Mark Copelovitch (Political Science, University of Wisconsin), Jonathan Crystal (Political Science, Fordham University), Mette Sangiovanni (Political Science, Cambridge University, UK), Matthew Fouse (US Government), Sieglinde Gstoehl(Political Science and Public Policy, Collège d’Europe, Bruges), Jette Knudsen (Business, Copenhagen Business School), Saadia Mazhar Pekkanen (Political Science, University of Washington), William Phelan (Political Science, Middlebury College/Trinity College Dublin), Daniel Philpott (Political Science, University of Notre Dame), Mark Pollack (Political Science, University of Wisconsin/Temple University), Andrea Sangiovanni (Political Theory, Cambridge University), Jeffrey Vanke (History, Guilford College).

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2006 - Honorary Fellow, Foreign Policy Association (New York, NY)

2004 - Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution (Washington, DC)

Non-resident Senior Fellow in Foreign Policy Studies, Center on the United States and Europe.

2004 - Special Correspondent and Editorialist, Newsweek Magazine (International Edition, New York, NY).

2005 – 06Member, Working Group on Economics and National Security,

Princeton Project on National Security (Princeton, NJ)

2002 - Member, Council on Foreign Relations (New York, NY)

2005Chair, National Conference Discussion Group (Europe)

2003-04Member, Task Force on the Future of Transatlantic Relations

Co-chairs: Henry Kissinger and Lawrence Summers

2002-05Member, Nominating Committee, Arthur Ross Book Award

1996-98 Project Co-Director, Study Group on Transatlantic Relations

2002 - Academic Advisor to Annual Survey Freedom in the World, Freedom House (New York, NY)

2004 - 05 The National Intelligence Council, U.S. Government (Washington, DC)

Working Group on "Strategic Reactions to American Preeminence"

1989 -Consultant and Speaker, Various Private and Government Clients.

Topics: EU and European affairs, human rights, US foreign policy, and defense industrial policy.

1996 - 98 Project Co-Director, Study Group on Transatlantic Relations, Council on Foreign Relations (NY)

Co-conveners: Barry Eichengreen and Charles Kupchan.

(See below for the resulting edited volume, Centralization or Fragmentation?)

1995 -Lecturer and Seminar Leader for Policy Forums, Executive Education, and other Purposes

(e.g. European Central Bank, U.S. Foreign Service Institute, Council on Foreign Relations,

Harvard Alumni Association, Swedish Defense Research Institute, MIT/Seminar 21, and others)

1993 -Member, Team Europe. Commission of the European Communities (Washington, DC)

1993 - 94Study Group Member. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (Washington, DC)

Study Group on the Future of US-EC Relations

1985 - 86Press Assistant. Delegation of the European Communities (Washington, DC)

1982 - 84Assistant to the Director and Trade Negotiator. U.S. Department of Commerce (Washington, DC)

Office of Import Administration (SIPS)

1982 - 83Editor-in-Chief of SAIS Review.School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS)(Washington, DC)

Semi-annual foreign policy journal of SAIS/Johns Hopkins.

1982 - 83Research Assistant. Atlantic Council of the United States (Washington, DC)

1981-82Translator and Music Critic, Norddeutscher Rundfunk and other clients (Hamburg, Germany).

1980 Economic Editor and Speechwriter. Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (Seoul, South Korea)

Ministry of Economic Planning. Oversaw weekly economic publication, wrote speeches and documents.

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Books and Edited Volumes

The Choice for Europe: Social Purpose and State Power from Messina to Maastricht

(Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, European edition with London: Routledge/UCL Press, 1998.)


Chinese translation: Under contract with China Social Sciences Documentation Publishing House.

Lithuanian translation: Under contract with Margi Rastai Publishing House.

Spanish translation (excerpted): Under preparation.

Portuguese translation: Under negotiation.


Finalist for the Adolphe Bentinck Prize, London

Selected Reviews:

William Hitchcock, “Review of The Choice for Europe,” American Historical Review (December 1999)

Symposium on The Choice for Europe (James Caporaso, Fritz Scharpf, Helen Wallace) in Journal of

European Public Policy (March 1999)

Donald Puchala, “Institutionalism, Intergovernmentalism, and European Integration: A Review Article,”

Journal of Common Market Studies (June 1999).

[ Electronic copies of all available reviews are available here.

Centralization or Fragmentation? Europe Facing the Challenges of Deepening, Diversity, and Democracy

(Washington: Brookings Institution and New York: Council on Foreign Relations Press, 1998).

Europe without Illusions (Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 2005).

French Text: Les Relations transatlantiques: Un an après le 11 septembre 2001 (Bruxelles: Bruylant, 2003).

Under Contract

European Integration and the Liberal Theory of World Politics: Essays 1991-2001 (Routledge: under contract)

Europe in the New World Economy Volume of the International Library of Writings on the New Global Economy.(Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishers, under contract).

A Liberal Theory of International Law (Oxford: Oxford University Press, under contract).

(with William Burke-White and Anne-Marie Slaughter)

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Academic Articles, Chapters and Working Papers

[ Electronic copies of most items below are available at

(+) = refereed academic journal

“The European Union as a Regime: The Council of Ministers,” in Helen Wallace, ed. The Council of Ministers: Recent Research (forthcoming). (with Mareike Kleine)

(+) “Hard Evidence: A Rejoinder on The Choice for Europe,” Journal of Cold War Studies (forthcoming). See also the related web page: “De Gaulle and the Choice for Europe – Evidence and Inference” and “How to Conduct a Debate about Sources” on author’s home page (forthcoming).

“Sequencing and Path Dependence in European Integration,” World Economy (forthcoming, 2007).

“The European Constitutional Settlement,” in Kathleen McNamara and Sophie Meunier, eds. Making History: European Integration and Institutional Change at 50 (State of the European Union, Vol. 8) (NY: Oxford Univ Press,


“Britain and the Creation of the United Nations Human Rights Regime: Theory Confronts theHistorical Record,”

Center for European Studies Working Paper (Cambridge, MA: HarvardUniversity,forthcoming) (with Ioannis


“What Can We Learn from the Collapse of the European Constitutional Project? A Rejoinder to Eight Critics”

Politische Vierteljahresschrift (forthcoming)

“What Can We Learn from the Collapse of the European Constitutional Project? A Response to Eight Critics”

Response to criticisms by Pepper Culpepper, James Fishkin, Archon Fung, Mark Franklin, Paul Magnette,

Giandomenico Majone, Jeremy Rabkin and Loukas Tsoukalis in a symposium sponsored by Notre Europe

(Paris, Sept - Nov 2006)

(+) “What Can We Learn from the Collapse of the European Constitutional Project?” Politische Vierteljahresschrift

(June 2006).

Reprinted: Peter Niesen and Jürgen Neyer, eds. Political Theory and European Union (forthcoming)

Forum: Sponsored by Notre Europe (Paris) (September-October 2006). Responses to Moravcsik article by: Pepper Culpepper, James Fishkin, Archon Fung, Mark Franklin, Paul Magnette, Giandomenico Majone,

Jeremy Rabkin, Loukas Tsoukalis—and rebuttal above.Click here.

“The European Constitutional Compromise,” European Politics and Society (APSA) 4:1 (Winter 2005).

(+) “The European Constitutional Compromise and the Neo-functionalist Legacy,” Journal of European Public Policy

(April 2005).

Reprinted: Tanya Börzel, ed., The Disparity of European Integration(London: Routledge, 2006).

“The Paradox of US Human Rights Policy,” in Michael Ignatieff, ed. American Exceptionalism and Human Rights

(Princeton: PrincetonUniversity Press, 2005).

“The Nature of the European Union Constitution,” Chinese Journal of European Studies(in Chinese)

(Spring 2005).

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Publications: Academic Articles, Chapters and Working Papers (cont.)

[ Electronic copies of most items below are available at (+) = refereed academic journal]

“Europe without Illusions,” in Moravcsik, ed. Europe without Illusions (Lanham, MD: University Press of America,


French: “Europe sans Illusion” in Europe sans Illusion (Bruxelles: forthcoming).

Unrevised Working Paper Version: “Europe without Illusions,”

WeatherheadCenter for International Affairs (HarvardUniversity, 2002).

(+) “Is there a `Democratic Deficit’ in World Politics? A Framework for Analysis,” Government and Opposition

(April 2004).

Reprinted in: David Held and Mathias Koenig-Archibugi, eds. Global Governance and Public Accountability

(London: Blackwell, 2005), pp. 212-240.

(+) “Theory Synthesis in International Relations: Real Not Metaphysical,” International Studies Review

(March 2003).

“The Liberal Paradigm in International Relations Theory: A Scientific Assessment” in Colin Elman

and Miram Fendius Elman, eds. Progress in International Relations Theory: Metrics and Measures of

Scientific Change (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2003).

Unrevised Working Paper Version: “Liberal International Relations Theory: A Social Scientific

Assessment,” WeatherheadCenter for International Affairs No. 01 (HarvardUniversity, 2002).

“On Democracy and `Public Interest’ in the Europe Union,” in Wolfgang Streeck and Renate Mainz, eds.

Die Reformierbarkeit der Demokratie. Innovationen und Blockaden (Frankfurt: Campus Verlag, 2003).

(with Andrea Sangiovanni)

Unrevised Working Paper Version: “On Democracy and `Public Interest’ in the Europe Union,”

Center for European Studies Working PaperNo. 93 (HarvardUniversity, 2002).

“National Interest, State Power, and EU Enlargement,” East European Politics and Society (February 2003)

(with Milada Vachudova)

Reprinted: in Frank Schimmelfennig and Ulrich Sedelmeyer, eds. The Politics of European Union Enlargement: Theoretical Approaches (London: Routledge, 2005).

Czech Version: “Evropská unie za bodem návratu,” Prítomnost(Jaro 2003).

Unabridged, fully footnoted Working Paper Version: “National Interest, State Power, and

EU Enlargement,” Center for European Studies Working Paper No. 97 (HarvardUniversity, 2002).

“Preface,” Niels Hovmand, Structural Changes and Sub-Regional Integration: The Case of the Baltic Sea

Political Regime (Copenhagen: Political Studies Press, 2002).

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Publications: Academic Articles, Chapters and Working Papers (cont.)

[ Electronic copies of most items below are available at (+) = refereed academic journal]

(+) “In Defence of the Democratic Deficit: Reassessing Legitimacy in the European Union,”

Journal of Common Market Studies (40th Anniversary Issue) 40:4(November 2002).

Reprinted: Joseph Weiler, Iain Begg, and John Peterson, eds., Integration in an Expanding European Union: Reassessing the Fundamentals (Oxford andMalden: Blackwell Publishing, 2003).

Revised French Translation: “Le mythe du déficit démocratique européen,” Raisons politiques (May-July 2003).

Summary and Review: Julie Smith, "Global Newsstand: The Heartless EU," Foreign Policy

(March 2003).

Unrevised Working Paper Version: “In Defence of the Democratic Deficit: Reassessing Legitimacy in the European Union” Center for European Studies Working Paper No. 92 (HarvardUniversity, 2002).

“Bargaining Among Unequals: Enlargement and the Future of European Integration,” European Union Studies

Review (Fall 2002). (with Milada Vachudova)

Reprinted: “Bargaining among Equals,” New Presence: The Prague Journal of Central European Affairs

(Summer 2003).

Polish: “Targi między nierównymi: Rozszerzenie a przyszłość integracji europejskiej,”

Unia & Polska (December 2002).

Slovak: “Rokovanie medzi nerovnými: Rozširovanie a budúcnost európskej integrácie,”

Listy SFPA (November-December 2002).

“Why Is U.S. Human Rights Policy So Unilateralist?” in Shepard Forman and Patrick Stewart, eds.

The Cost of Acting Alone: Multilateralism and US Foreign Policy (Boulder: Lynne Riener Publishers, 2001).

Unrevised Working Paper Version: “Why Is U.S. Human Rights Policy So Unilateralist?”

WeatherheadCenter Working Paper Series (Cambridge: forthcoming).

“The Death Penalty: Getting Beyond Exceptionalism (A Response to Silvia and Sampson),” European Studies

(December 2001).

Unrevised Working Paper Version: “The Liberal Paradigm in International Relations Theory:

A Social Scientific Assessment” WeatherheadCenter Working Paper Series No. 01 (Cambridge:


“The New Abolitionism: Why Does the US Practice the Death Penalty while Europe Does Not?”

European Studies (September 2001).

(+) “Bringing Constructivist Theories of the EU down from the Clouds: Have they Landed?”

European Union Politics (June 2001).

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Publications: Academic Articles, Chapters and Working Papers (cont.)

[ Electronic copies of most items below are available at (+) = refereed academic journal]

(+) “Legalized Dispute Resolution: Interstate and Transnational,” International Organization (Summer 2000).

(with Robert Keohane and Anne-Marie Slaughter)

Reprinted in:

Judith L. Goldstein, Miles Kahler, Robert O. Keohane, and Anne-Marie Slaughter, eds.

Legalization and World Politics (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2001).

Mary Ellen O’Connell, International Dispute Resolution (Ashgate Publishing Company, 2002).

Robert Keohane, ed. Power and Governance in a Partially Globalized World

(London and New York: Routledge, 2002).

Beth Simmons and Richard Steinberg, eds. International Law and International Relations

(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, forthcoming).

(+) “The Concept of Legalization” International Organization (Summer 2000).

(with Kenneth Abbott, Robert Keohane, Anne-Marie Slaughter, and Duncan Snidal)

Reprinted in:

Judith L. Goldstein, Miles Kahler, Robert O. Keohane, and Anne-Marie Slaughter, eds.

Legalization and World Politics (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2001).

Robert Keohane, ed. Power and Governance in a Partially Globalized World

(London and New York: Routledge, 2002).

Beth Simmons and Richard Steinberg, eds. International Law and International Relations

(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, forthcoming).

(+) “The Origins of International Human Rights Regimes: Democratic Delegation in Postwar Europe”

International Organization (Spring 2000).

Unrevised Working Paper Version: “On the Origins of International Human Rights Regimes:

LiberalStates and Domestic Uncertainty in Postwar Europe” Working Paper No. 98-17

(Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University, 1998).


Beth Simmons and Richard Steinberg, eds. International Law and International Relations

(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, forthcoming).

Oona Hathaway and Harold Hongju Koh, eds. Foundations of International Law and Politics

(New York: Foundation Press, 2005).

Laura Dickinson, International Law and Society (Series: International Library of Essays in Law and Society, Aldersot: Ashgate Publishers, forthcoming).

Ryan Goodman, Henry Steiner and Philip Alston., eds. International Human Rights in Context 3rd ed.

(OxfordUniversity Press, 2007).

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Publications: Academic Articles, Chapters and Working Papers (cont.)

[ Electronic copies of most items below are available at (+) = refereed academic journal]

“Federalism in the European Union: Rhetoric and Reality,” in Kalypso Nicolaïdis and Robert Howse, eds.

The Federal Vision: Legitimacy and Levels of Governance in the US and the EU

(Oxford: OxfordUniversity Press, 2001).

(+) “Conservative Idealism and International Institutions,” Chicago Journal of International Law (Autumn 2000).