Eco school links
Comenius Multilateral Partnership
Dear Partners, dear friends,
“Eco school links”needs your input data.
We intend to make this project a memorable experience for teachers and students, continuing the success of the previousAmazing Europe Comenius Multilateral Partnership.
EcoSchool links will work on ecology/sustainability and citizenship.
I send you this document and ask you to fill it until 26 January.
We need all this information urgently to make the documents for applying.
1–Your School Data :
Number of students /teachers (in school).
We aim to involve/have a positive impact in all school population.
Number of pupils/learners/trainees / Number of teachers / Total
______740______ / ______53______ / ______793______
2.1 - Description of organization, role in the project and general and specific social context as for example: being in adisadvantaged area, having participants with specific needs (e.g. participants at risk of social exclusion, migrants,refugees).
SREDNJA STRUKOVNA SKOLA BRACE RADICA DJAKOVO is a secondary vocational business school.The High Comprehensive School Brace Radica has got a population of 798 students who can choose among four differentcourses: economics, trade business and commercialism, administration and office business and computer technologies. Theschool is situated in an urban area characterised by agricultural area and food production that are getting more and moreimportant. Djakovo is situated 35 km far from Osijek, the second largest city and university centre in the country The north-eastern part of Croatia is an area of flat Panonian plane where cereals are grown in quantities which satisfy the need ofthe entire country . The area is considered underdeveloped and is characterised by the large number of unemployed youngpeople.We have already had two Comenius 1, one Comenius 3 and number of other European projects , so we would like tocontinue our development of our understanding of the European dimension of education and learning.Our students participated in numerous international projects such as exchanges of students, ECO-schools, ENO-project,business correspondence and some written projects with Collegiul Economic Buzau. Since 2002 the school has beenparticipating in Comenius partnership projects and Comenius Network NEAC as a silent partner.We really think that the friendship that was born in the recent years is fantastic and at the end of projects the contacts arestill going on. We would hope to build on our experience of European schools through the exchange of information, workpractice and experience both of staff and students. This exchange of ideas and experiences fosters a deeper understandingof our place in Europe and develops a culture of friendship among students from the different schools, cultures and backgrounds.
2.2 - Please explain how you intend to include ecology/sustainability and citizenship in your school activities
(2 500 characters maximum )
-Ecology will be included within student’s activities which will bring closer the idea of importance of clean and unpolluted environment, particularly forests and water.
-Systematic ecological education of young people will lead to changing ecological footprints of the community. The students are supposed to apply their knowledge in their lives even when the project is over and influence on their family members and friends to change their behaviour. The aim of all researches will be to develop awareness of necessity of changing attitudes and habits with far projected consequences of adopting ecological behavior as a lifestyle of future generations.
-Bilateral partnership will enable students to meet their peers from different parts of Europe. Being their hosts and guests they will learn about other cultures and traditions and help them to develop tolerance and respect diversities. Hey will also be exposed to foreign languages, enable them to apply their knowledge of one they have learned in their schools, but also make them interested in learning new ones.While spending time together the students will exchange experiences and build up friendship which will be the bases of becoming European citisens.
3 -Mobility type
Please put (X)
COM-4 / COM-8 / COM-12 / COM-24X (suggested)
Means only to buy 4 plane tickets in 2 years – 4 mobilities / Means only to buy 8 plane tickets in 2 years – 8 mobilities / Means only to buy 12 plane tickets in 2 years – 12 mobilities / Means to buy 24 plane tickets in 2 years – 24 mobilities
We intend that students participate in the bilateral, and some general meetings.
The teams that choose to include students, I suggest to choose COM-24 .
4 - We ask all schools toorganize a general meeting for teachers and (eventually) students?
Select the number bellow (1 to 6) __3 or 4______
Type of meeting / Date / Nº participants (example) / Description1 / General Meeting / October 2011 / 2 teachers from each school / Preparation of project development
Only teachers
Bilateral meetings / January 2012 / 2 teachers 3 students / (each school visits or receive their bilateral partner)
Bilateral meetings / March 2012
2 / Coordinators Meeting / February 2012 / 2 teachers from each school / Evaluation and planning of activities
● / General Meeting / May 2012 / 2 teachers and 2students from each school / Conclusion of first year activities
● / General Meeting / October 2012 / 2 teachers from each school / Preparation of project development
Only teachers
Bilateral meetings / January 2013 / 2 teachers 3 students / (each school visits or receive their bilateral partner)
Bilateral meetings / March 2013
5 / Coordinators Meeting / February 2013
6 / General Meeting / May 2013 / 2 teachers and 2 students from each school / Conclusion /evaluation of the project
We aim for 24 mobilities, but you can bring more students and teachers if you save money…
Please check your National Agency national priorities and make sure you follow it an include their suggestions in your local school project.
5 -I ask you also to send me general common activities to be developed by all partners during the 2 years of the project.
EcoSchool links will work onactivities promoting ecology/sustainability and citizenship.
September - October 2011 / Introduce the forests and waters of our region
History of Slavonian forests
November - December 2011 / Seasons in forest
January - February 2012 / Forests – the victims of war,
Devastation of forests in Slavonia
Bilateral exchanges (program of the workshops will be confirmed with the partner school)
Mach – April 2012 / Food from forest
Forest in literature
May – June 2012 / Prearations for the general meeting of students and teachers
Editing results of the first year: DVD(film), brochures, CD (audio), Forest horoscope, ECO- pictionary
September - October 2012 / Widely spread waters ( introduce local lakes and rivers)
The lakes of the Đakovo region throughout seasons
November - December 2012 / Water should be respected (saving water)
Sustainability of preserving water resources
January - February 2013 / Water is miracle (water in music)
Water in customs
Mach – April 2013 / Water speaks (water in literature and figurative art)
Water in proverbs
May – June 2013 / Prearations for the general meeting of students and teachers
Editing results of the second year: DVD(film), brochures, CD (audio), ECO- Pictionary, part 2
6 - Choosing partners …
Teams will have a bilateral partner in first year.
Teams will change to a second bilateral partner in second year.
Please use numbers from 1 to 5
1 – First partner you choose … 2 – second partner…
Please choose according to the age of the students involved in project.
Nº / partners / Age of students / Partnerswe choose
1 / Portugal 1 - PORTALEGRE / 3-15 / 5 (15 YEAR OLDS)
2 / Portugal 2 - LISBON / 6-10
3 / Lithuania - kaipeda / 12-18 / 3
4 / Turkie - istambul / 6-12
5 / Malta / 6-11
6 / Wales / 4-11
7 / Lodz - poland / 6-12
8 / Procida - italy / 6-12
9 / Romania - botoşani / 12-18 / 4
10 / Croatia / 14 - 18
11 / Slovenia / 12-18 / 1
12 / Compostela - spain / 14-18 / 2
Please check you answered all questions from 1 to 6
Thank you for your work
Please send back to
Best Regards
Antonio Mendes
Project Coordinator