June 21, 2011 Planning Board
Pursuant to the “Open Public Meeting Act,” The Sentinel and the Gloucester County Times were notified of this meeting. A public notice was posted in the Municipal Building. The meeting of the Township of Franklin Planning Board was called to order by Vice Chairman, Vito Genna at 7:01 PM with the following members present: Joseph Petsch, James Mentzer, Jim Rohrer, and Anthony Gaetano. Attorney B. Michael Borelli is present.
Absent: Steven Ranson, Harold Atkinson, John Melleady, John Bruno, and Alt.1-Jason Brandt. Jim McKelvie, Engineer is not present.
Vice Chairman, Vito Genna led in the flag salute. Mr. Genna announces that the meeting was being videotaped and may be broadcast on Channel 9. Mr. Genna states that there are no Alternate members present to be seated.
No Applications
Review Pinelands CMP Plan
Secretary’s Report
Upon a motion by Mr. Mentzer, seconded by Mr. Rohrer, all in favor, to approve the Minutes of the 5/17/2011 meeting as submitted. Motion passed.
Resolutions-None, No applications
Secretary’s Report
Upon a motion by Mr. Mentzer, seconded by Mr. Rohrer, to approve Secretary’s Report in the amount of $0.00 for the month of May, 2011.
RCV: Mr. Petsch, yes; Mr. Mentzer, yes; Mr. Rohrer, yes; Mr. Gaetano, yes; Mr. Genna, yes. Motion passed.
Pinelands CMP Plan.
Mr. Borelli states we have touched on this, we can send it along with recommendation to the Township Committee. Mr. Mentzer asks if there is any reason for recommendation for change. Mr. Borelli states the easiest thing would be to send it along and we did make reference that we need to make changes in clusters. Mr. Borelli states if we make change in Master Plan and forward it along, you are in good shape. Mr. Mentzer is concerned with any long term affects. Mr. Borelli suggests you could have Planner review if need be as it affects the zoning. Mr. Borelli states that March 1, 2011, the extension would be on a municipal to municipal basis, they are looking for an adoption.
Upon a motion by Mr. Mentzer, seconded by Mr. Gaetano, to send to Township Committee, recommendation to approve Pinelands CMP Plan.
RCV: Mr. Petsch, abstains; Mr. Mentzer, yes; Mr. Rohrer, yes; Mr. Gaetano, yes; Mr. Genna, yes. Motion passed.
Original-No Action Required
Secondary - Action Required
Trust fund fee requested payment of $18,500.00
Mr. Petsch explains the work to be done, engineering fees, Etc.
Upon a motion by Mr. Mentzer, seconded by Mr. Gaetano, to send to Township Committee the recommendation to approve the payment of 18,500.00
Mr. Borelli states the Schiavone case was sent back, remanded and it was appealed again last Thursday, the Judge based decision of approval upon the record. Essentially, the Judge felt the Board did a good job and affirmed the subdivision, the three issues, Patti’s opinion, and we found a case where Board does not just take opinion without question which helped the case, the Pineland issue, the opinion expressed by Joe and Pat on monetary decision. Judge was complementary about our proceedings with a good decision. They have 45 days from when Judge signed, they would have to disagree with decision and Judges decision, which is very unlikely.
Upon a motion by Mr. Petsch, seconded by Mr. Rohrer, all in favor, to adjourn the meeting at 7:22PM.
Respectfully submitted,
E. Lynne Rafuse, Secretary
Planning Board, Township of Franklin