Weeks 1-9 are in the Summer Workout Plan…

10. Week 10 (August 8-13)

Monday: Easy 5-8 miles / Core

Tuesday: 6 x 800 (Half Mile) Repeats or 7X 1 Mile Relay

Wednesday: 4 miles Tempo

Thursday: Easy 4 miles / Core

Friday: 8x400 (2 sets of 4 with 3 minute interval)

Saturday: 40-50 minutes (5-7 miles) Easy

11. Week 11 (August 15-20) This week begins Phase II – Fall Workouts

Monday: Easy 4-8 miles

Tuesday: Holston Home 2 Miler

Wednesday: Easy 4 miles / Hills and Core

Thursday: Easy 40 minutes run

Friday: 4 miles Tempo

Saturday: 40-50 minutes (5-7 miles) Easy

12. Week 12 – (August 22-28)

Monday: Easy 5 miles

Tuesday RACE - Panther Creek Invitational

Wednesday: Easy 40 minutes run / Hill work

Thursday: Progression Run 5 miles

Friday: 25-30 mins. Easy

Saturday: RACE - WNCCCC in HendersonvilleNC

Sunday: Recovery Workout

13. Week 13 (August 29-September 3)

Monday: Easy 8 miles / Hill Work

Tuesday: 6 x Mile Repeats

Wednesday: 4-5 miles Easy

Thursday: RACE- THCCCC Home Meet

Friday: Recovery Run w/ Hill Work and Core

Saturday: 45-60 minutes (6-8 miles) Easy

14. Week 14 (September 5-10)

Monday: Easy 3 miles / Hill Work and Core

Tuesday: RACE - Panther Creek All Comers

Wednesday: 4-6 miles Easy / Hills and Core

Thursday: Tempo 35 minutes

Friday: 6 X 400 Repeats

Saturday: 45-60 minutes (6-8 miles) Easy

15. Week 15 – (September 12-18)

Monday: Easy 8 miles

Tuesday 6-8 x 800 Repeats

Wednesday: Easy 40 minutes run / Hill work and Core

Thursday: Progression Run 35-40 minutes(5 miles)

Friday: 25-30 mins. Easy

Saturday: RACE – Fenders Farm

Sunday: Recovery Workout or Rest

16. Week 16 – (September 19-25)

Monday: Easy 8 miles

Tuesday 8 x 400 Repeats

Wednesday: Easy 40 minutes run / Hill work and Core

Thursday: Tempo 4-5 miles

Friday: Pre-Race 25-30 mins. Easy

Saturday: RACE – Bristol Cross

 Sunday: Recovery Workout or Rest

17. Week 17 – (September 26-October 2)

Monday: Easy 5-6 miles / Hill work and Core

Tuesday 8 x 200 Repeats

Wednesday: Progression run 40 minutes

Thursday: 4-5 miles Easy / Hill work and Core

Friday: Pre-Race Workout at Oakville

Saturday: RACE – Jesse Owens Classic, Oakville, AL

Sunday: Recovery Workout or Rest

18. Week 18 – (October 3-9)

Monday: Easy 5-6 miles/ Hill work and Core

Tuesday 6-8 x 400 Repeats

Wednesday: Easy 40 minutes run / Hill work and Core

Thursday: Tempo 5-6 miles

Friday: Pre-Race Workout

Saturday: RACE – Trailblazer at Daniel Boone

Sunday: Recovery Workout or Rest

19. Week 19 – (October 10-16) This week is Fall Break. You need to do these workouts wherever you are. If in town, you are expected to run with the team Tuesday through Thursday. Some workouts will be morning workouts.

Monday: Mid season off Day…Rest or Cross Train

Tuesday Easy 5-6 miles / Hill work and Core

Wednesday: 10 x 200 Repeats

Thursday: Tempo 5-6 miles

Friday: Easy 40 minutes run / Hill work and Core

Saturday: 45-60 minute run (6-9 miles) Easy

Sunday: Recovery Workout or Rest

20. Week 20 – (October 17-23) Phase III - Championship Season starts now!!!

Monday: Easy 35-40 minute run/ Hill work and Core

Tuesday 6-8 x 200 Repeats

Wednesday: Easy 20 minutes run / Hill work and Core

Thursday: RACE - BRAC Championship

Friday: Recovery Workout

Saturday: 4-6 miles Easy

Sunday: Rest or Cross Train

21. Week 21 – (October 24-29) STATE Qualifying Week!!!

Monday: Easy 25-30 minute run

Tuesday: 4-6 x 200 Repeats

Wednesday: Pre-Race Workout

Thursday: RACE – Region 1 Championship

Friday: Recovery Workout

Saturday: 4-6 miles Easy

22.Week 22(October 31- November 5) STATE MEET WEEK!!!!

Monday: Easy 25-30 minute run

Tuesday: 4 x 200 Repeats

Wednesday: Easy 25 Minute Run with a few Hills

Thursday: 2 Miles Easy 4 X strideouts

Friday: Pre- race workout at Percy Warner Park

Saturday: RACE – STATE MEET



1. Easy Runs- 60-70% of 5K Race Pace; Should be able to carry on short conversations

2. Tempo Runs- Start easy then pick up your pace to a hard, fast 80-90% 5K race pace Thru the middle two thirds of the run. Gradually slow down the last 5 minutes.

3. Repeats- Start with 1-2 mile warm-up; Repeat given distance (400, 800, 1000 or mile) at a Fast

Pace with 2-4 minute recovery or 400m (1/4 mile) slow jog in between (ex. Hard 1 mile, 400m slow jog, Hard 1 mile, Slow 400m jog, etc…). Most important is not how fast or slow you walk or jog the interval, but that you be consistent with both the repeats and the interval between. Finish with 1 mile cool down.

4. Fartlek - (Swedish for “speed play”) A fartlek run is a workout of anywhere from 30 to 45 minutes that involves constant changes of pace at different distances. It is best run on trails in the woods or fields where you have no idea how far you are running. After 5 or 10 minutes of gentle jogging at the start, pick up the pace and surge for maybe 10 or 20 or more seconds, then jog or even walk for a near equal time until partly recovered, then surge again. These speed bursts could be anywhere from 100 to 400 meters, or longer. They could be up a hill or down a hill or on the flat. They could be at top speed or at the pace you might run a 5,000 meter race or from this tree to that tree. Before starting a fartlek, make sure that you warm up at least 10-15 minutes to ensure that your muscles are loose enough to handle the accelerations. Also, cool down 10-15 minutes after the workout.Fartlek teaches you how to surge in the middle of the race to get away from opponents--or hang with them when they attempt to surge on you.

5. Progression Run–This is similar to the Tempo Run, but with a shorter distance run at a slightly faster pace (90-95%) in the middle. Begin at an easy pace, about as fast as you would during any warm-up on the track. After 5 or 10 minutes of gentle jogging, gradually accelerate toward peak speed midway through the workout, holding that peak for 5 or 10 minutes, then gradually decelerate, finishing with 5 minutes of gentle jogging, your cool-down.Progressive runs teach you to slowly pick off opponents during a race.

6. Recovery Workout - This is an easy run of no more than 2-3 miles. Instead of running, a low stress cross training (hiking, biking, swimming, yoga, etc.)workout may be substituted.

7. Pre-Race Workout – this workout consists of dynamic stretching, a short easy run, followed by 4 to 6 X 50-100 meter strideouts.

*This workout plan is designed for returning/experienced runners. If you are new to running start slow with shorter distances. A good practice is to discuss alternative workouts with your coach.

** In addition, 2-3 times a week (not after long run days) you need to do core/strength

exercises: plank, side plank, crunches, push-ups, lunges, squats into jumps, medicine ball, foam roller, etc. Contact me if unsure of technique.

***E-mail me with questions at or text me at 423-329-7938.

1. Make sure you have comfortable Running shoes and socks.

2. Try to buy a wrist watch with a stop watch so you can pace yourself.

3. If you are unsure of the distances then use a car to measure your running courses or use the


4. Make sure you drink plenty of water before you run (stopping about 1.5 to 2 hours before you

run) to stay hydrated. A good way to know if you are properly hydrated is if your urine is clear,

not yellow.

5. Be sure you warm up and stretch properly before and after every run.

6. You will need a team shirt (provided), team jacketor hoodie, and solid black warmup pants for travel and meets. Only black undergarments that are visible should be worn under your uniform. A team store will be set up so you can purchase these items if needed.


1)Attendance at ALL practices and meets is expected.

2)You are allowed three (3) unexcused absences from practice or 1 unexcused absence from meets before consequences occur. Consequences may range from a one-on-one conference with the coach, parent conference, conference with the AD or school administration, suspension from practice and/or competition or dismissal from the team.

3)Absences may be excused for any reason school absences are excused or by prior arrangement with the coach. Vacations (Fall Break is an exception.), birthdays and family outings will not be excused unless the coach determines that extenuating circumstances exsist.

4)All runners are expected to travel to and from meets with the team. Runners may ride home from a meet with their parents. The parent should notify the coach.

5)All runners are expected to remain at meets until all equipment is loaded and our area is clean.

6)Runners may ride home with another parent or relative provided that the coach has been notified in writing by the runner’s parent prior to leaving the school. No phone permission will be granted. Runners may not leave meets with other students.

7)Notify the coach or trainer immediately of unusual pains or injury!

8)Read and follow all provisions in the GHS Athletic Handbook.

9)Adhere to the Four Principles of Improved Running:

  1. Proper Training
  2. Proper Hydration
  3. Proper Diet
  4. Proper Sleep.