ProficiencySpring 2014

Living in Paris

Words to Watch:

affection (n.)= feelings of liking something

adapting to (phrasal verb)= get used to someone or something

count on (phrasal verb) = expect

intense (adj)= very great, as in having strong feelings, emotions or sensations about something

suburbs (n)= neighborhoods of mostly houses only spread out outside the downtown area

conservative (adj)= traditional in style or manner

tolerant (adj) = easily accepting something

barge (v) = to push oneself forward, especially rudely

Comprehension Questions and Vocabulary

  1. What is the main idea of the reading? (2 points)
  1. The author hates Paris and wants to go home.
  2. The author feels life is better in Paris than in Texas.
  3. The author feels life in Paris is different from Texas.
  4. The author feels life in Texas is better than life in Paris.
  1. Where did the author visit her friend? (2 points)
  1. Paris
  2. Texas
  3. California
  1. How often does the author buy groceries in Paris? (2 points)
  1. Each day
  2. Once a week
  3. Anytime she wants a meal
  4. Only on certain days
  1. True or False? ______The author buys most of her food in supermarkets. (1 point)
  1. The word “locale” (par. 3) is closest in meaning to: (1 point)
  1. cornerd. market
  2. area
  3. city
  1. The word “produce” (par. 3) probably means: (1 point)
  1. cheese and milk products
  2. fruits and vegetables
  3. chicken and beef
  4. cooking materials
  1. True or False? ______The author enjoys going to four or five stores to get her groceries. (1 point)
  1. The word “mimicking” (par. 4) is closest in meaning to: (1 point)
  1. waving
  2. standing
  3. copying
  4. shooting
  1. Which sentence is correct according to paragraph 5? (2 points)
  1. People do not cut in line in Texas.
  2. People do not cut in line in Paris.
  3. People cut in line in Texas.
  4. People wait in line in Paris.
  1. Which sentence gives the author’s opinion? (2 points)
  1. People started hissing!
  2. People are not so conservative here.
  3. People would constantly cut in line and get ahead of me.
  4. People shop only for the food they are going to eat that day.
  1. Which sentence is closest in meaning to the sentence below? (2 points)

At first, it was embarrassing not to be fluent in French, and I thought people would be more critical, but I have found that as long as I make an effort, people are happy to help me.

  1. The author was embarrassed about her language skills because everyone laughed at her.
  2. The author was embarrassed about her language skills, but people helped her if she tried to say things in French.
  3. The author was embarrassed about her language skills, so she never tried to speak French and people helped her.
  4. The author was embarrassed about her language skills, and people helped her by speaking English.
  1. The word “ mortifying” (par. 5)is closest in meaning to the word: (1 point)
  1. embarrassing
  2. interesting
  3. scary
  4. sad
  1. Put the events below in order. Number them 1-4. (4 points)

______a. The author walked in front of an elderly woman.

______b. The author walked up to the window at the mayor’s office.

______c. The people in the mayor’s office were unhappy with the author.

______d. The author ran out of the mayor’s office.

  1. Answer YES if the statement agrees with the information in the passage.

Answer NO if the statement disagrees with the information in the passage.

Answer NO INFORMATION if the statement is not mentioned in the passage.

(3 points)

a)The author prefers to shop in supermarkets. ______

b)The author is fluent in French right now. ______

c)The author will stay in Paris forever. ______


Total: ______/ 25 =

____ %

ASR 2nd ED U1C2