
Osteoporosis: disorder caused by loss of bone density

Carcinoma: type of skin cancer that originates in skin cells that do not produce pigments

Osteoarthritis: disorder that causes the degeneration of cartilage that covers the surfaces of bone

Tendonitis: inflammation of the tendons caused by excessive stress

Melanoma: type of skin cancer that originates in pigment-producing skin cells

Rheumatoid arthritis: inflammation of freely moveable joints

Acne: skin disorder caused by excess production of sebum


The body maintains a constant temperature because of endothermy which enables homeostasis

The bones of the skull and rib cage make up the axial skeleton

Muscles that cause a joint to bend are called flexors

The ATP used to power muscle contractions is supplied by aerobic processes when oxygen is plentiful. As oxygen becomes depleted, ATP is supplied anaerobic processes

Hair is produced by hair follicles

Cells that are not yet specialized and that can divide indefinitely are called embryonic stem cell

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The main components of the epidermis are connective tissue and epithelial tissue

Extensor structures cause a join to straighten

A group of similar cells that work together to perform a common function is a tissue

Skull, vertebrae, and the sternum are sets of bones that are part of the axial skeleton

Hair and nails are derived from cells of the epidermis

When a sarcomere is fully contracted myosin and actin completely overlap each other

Periosteum, compact bone, spongy bone, bone marrow are the correct order of structures that compose a bone from the outermost structure to the innermost structure

The structures in the dermis that help regulate body temperature are blood vessels and sweat glands

The functions of the skin include protecting the body from injury, preventing the body from drying out, and protecting the body from infection NOT absorbing nutrients from food

Energy for muscle contraction can be supplied by aerobic processes, anaerobic processes, and glycolysis

Eating a mineral-rich diet and excising regularly can help prevent osteoporosis

Muscle tissue enables the movement of body structures

The heart is NOT part of the immune system

Disorders of the skin include acne, malignant melanomas, and carcinomas NOT osteoporosis

Endothermy is important because it enables organisms to remain active at external temperatures that would slow the activity of ectoderms, sustain strenuous activity for a long period of time, and maintain body temperature in which enzymes will not be inactivated

The condition in which bone density is lost and bones become brittle is called osteoporosis

The wrist is NOT a hinge joint

Each organ belongs to at least one organ system