Earth Science Teachers’ Association
Minutes of the 48th Annual General Meeting
Held on Saturday 26 September 2015 atCardiff University at 2.45 pm
The retiring Chair, Peter Loader (PL), welcomed everyone to the AGM. He thanked Cardiff University and the National Museum for hosting a very successful conference and the University of Leicester and SRK Consulting (UK) for their generous sponsorship. Special thanks were due to PESGB who had been major sponsors of ESTA's Annual Conferences for a number of year as well as several special projects.
PL noted that the reports and other papers had been available on the ESTA website in advance of the meeting and were also printed in the Annual Conference booklet. He reminded members that he would be handing over to Nikki Edwards (NE) during the meeting and thanked colleagues on Council for their support during his term of office.
1.Apologies for absence
There were no apologies for absence.
2. Minutes of the 47th AGM
PL noted that the minutes of the 47th Annual General Meeting held on Saturday 27 September 2014 at the Open University had been published on the ESTA website ahead of the AGM and paper copies made available to delegates on request.Mike Parkerproposed that the minutes should be accepted as a true record, seconded by Hazel Clark, agreed unanimously.
3.Matters Arising from the 47th AGM
There were no matters arising
4. Annual Reports
Annual reports from Council members had been published on the ESTA website ahead of the AGM and paper copies made available to delegates on request. Reports were taken as read but PL invited Officers to highlight key points.
4.1 Chair's report:Pete Loaderthanked Linda Marshall for her fantastic support in helping to organise some very memorable conferences over several years, and for introducing ESTA to Liz Lockwood, who would be taking on the role of Conference Manager.
4.2Treasurer's report:Carole Rushall thanked Elizabeth Devon and Peter Kennett for auditing the annual accounts earlier that day, and John Reynolds for assisting them.CR reported that, although the Association was solvent because it had some funds in reserve, subscriptions were not meeting day to day expenses. It was noted that membership subscriptions had not risen for some time; it was agreed that Council would discuss subscription rates at a future meeting.
4.3Secretary's report:Taken as read.
4.4Membership Secretary's report:Elouise Gill reported that membership stood at 416. She reminded members to ensure that they had supplied a current email address as this helps keep down the costs of correspondence. There are still 143 members for whom we hold no email address.
4.5Higher Education Co-ordinator's report:Taken as read. Tom Argles reminded members that the next HEN meeting would be at Liverpool University on 11-12 January. The Open University was planning to hold a workshop on online tools for teaching and learning during 2016 (dates to be announced).
4.6Secondary Co-ordinator's report:Taken as read. Chris King noted he would be updating members on ESEU matters at the Conference Bring and Share session.
4.7Primary Co-ordinator's report:Taken as read. John Reynolds also thanked Maggie and Peter Williams for developing the web-based Rivers and Coasts resource. The Chair thanked Heather Jackson and the primary team for running the Conference primary workshop at the National Museum.
4.8Editors' report:Hazel Clark thanked recent contributors toTeaching Earth Sciencesand reminded members thatcontributions were always welcome. Chair thanked the editors for producing such professional publications on behalf of the Association.
4.9Projects Manager’s report:Taken as read. Maggie Williams thanked PESGB for their continuing sponsorship; several more projects were in the pipeline, including another poster competition. Members were invited to bring forward ideas for potential projects that required funding.
Nikki Edwards took the Chair at this point in the meeting
5Election of Officers to Council
David Bailey reported that he had received no further nominations to Council and therefore the following were elected or re-elected unopposed:
TreasurerCarole Rushall
Membership SecretaryElouise Gill (membership ratified an appointment made by Council since the previous AGM)
The following co-opted members of Council, having served a term of three years and indicated their willingness to continue in the role, were confirmed for a further term of three years.
Newsletter EditorMaggie Williams
Projects ManagerMaggie Williams
Geoconservation representativeJohn Reynolds
Nikki Edwards invited members to consider volunteering for the post of Advertising Officer, which was vacant as Hazel Mather had stepped down during the year.
Nikki Edwards thanked Mike Tuke and Hazel Mather for their hard work on behalf of Council and to Maggie Williams and John Reynolds for their continuing support.
6Any other business
Since the agenda had been circulated, the ESTA Webmaster, Karl Gray, had resigned for personal reasons. Peter Williams, the former Webmaster, had kindly offered to take up his duties again. NE thanked both Karl and Peter on behalf of Council and the entire membership for maintaining this important channel for the Association's communications and resources.
Nikki Edwards thanked the retiring Chair for his terrific work over the past two years. She was looking forward to the challenge.
The AGM closed at 15.15 (49 members in attendance).
David Bailey, October 2015