Conversion Pack
Conversion Pack
Transfer Review Flow Chart
Transfer Review Guidance
Frequently Asked Questions for EHC Transfer Review
Agenda for Transfer Review Meetings
Example letter: Template 1 (Years 0 - 6)
Information about independent Support
Blank All About Me/All About My Family
Transfer Review Flow Chart
Local AuthoritySchools
Preparation for
the EHC Transfer Review meeting / The Transfer Review (TR) will replace the Annual Review (AR) for all pupils with a Statement of SEN who are in a targeted year group (refer to conversion plan). The TR is an EHC needs assessment and must be supported with appropriate and recent assessment advice. Invite secondary SENCO’s to attend Year 5 and 6 reviews.
If it is felt that current advice no longer describes the Special Educational Needs of the child, the school/setting will be responsible for seeking updated advice (following liaison with the child’s parents/carers).
The Local Authority will inform schools/settings about the EHC transfer process and contact Health and Social Care to check if the child is known to their organisation. The school/setting will confirm dates for the EHC TR meetings and liaise with the parent/carers and thechild at least6 weeks prior to the review to explain the process. This will ensure an early engagement and involvement from all parties.
The school/setting will need to use a person centred approach in partnership with the child and their parent/carer.
Possible outcomes of the TR:
•Convert to an EHCPlan
•Cease to maintain the Statement
•Further assessment (re-assessment).
Up to 6
weeks before / Arranging the Transfer Review Meeting: The school/settingwill organise the child’s TR aiming to giveup to6 weeks notice of the date, time and venue. They must invite the child’s parents/carers child, LA Conversion officerand relevant professionals from the Health Service and Social Care. The letter template and appropriate sections of the ECHP should be distributed e.g. sections A 2a and b, for completion prior to the review.
WEEK 0 / Seeking advice and information: The school/setting must collate advice and information about the child ensuring that it is current, relevant and that clear outcomes are identified in any advice. This will need to be shared with parent/carers prior to the meeting.
As soon as parent/carers receive formal notification from the LA the statutory timescales will begin.
Up to 2 weeks before
WEEK 2 / Transfer Review meeting:
The TR meeting should be person centred and mustconsider progress towards meeting the statement objectives as well as allowing for outcomes to be established within the EHC Plan. Provision and placement to support the child should also be identified.
Transfer Review Meeting and Report
WEEK 4 / Transfer Review Information:
The school/setting must forward all resulting documentation to the LA within one week of the TR meeting taking place.
The LAwill subsequently consider the advice and recommendations including any differences of views that were expressed by those attending the meeting.
Up to 2
WEEK 10 / Proposed EHC Plan:The LA must decide whether to convert the Statement to an EHC plan or cease to maintain the Statement. If, as a result of the EHC assessment, the decision is to convert the Statement to an EHC Plan, the LAwill draft the initial plan and share this with parent/carers and/or YP with the opportunity given to discuss the contents with the named Conversions Officer.
The draft will also be reviewed by an EHC Conversion Panel to determine provision, funding and placement.
If the LA decides not to maintain the Statement, then the child’s parent/carers, YP and school/institution are informed and details provided of parent/carers’ rights of appeal.
Parent/carers or the YPwill be given up to 15 days to comment and make representations.
12-20 / EHC Plan is Finalised:
If the EHC conversion meeting is recommending a change of placement (including those moving on to a post 16 placement) or the parent or young person are requesting this, then the SEN Conversion officer will consult with the Governing Body of the school/setting and they are given 15 days to respond.
The EHC Plan is shared and finalised. This will confirm placement, provision and a personal budget (if applicable). A copy if the Final EHC Plan will be sent to parents, school and professionals. The LA must notify parent/carers of their right of appeal and time scales as well as the requirement to consider mediation.
Begin each Review meeting with a welcome and introductions to all present with each giving their role/contribution to the meeting.
This section should be sent home and prepared in advance of the Review meeting with appropriate support e.g. parents with the child, or the Information Advice Support Services (IASS) working with the family.
If it is felt that it is more appropriate for the CYP to only stay for the start, begin the meetingwith Section 8 (same as EHCP section A part 2a and b) which introduces the Child, Young Person (CYP) and / or parent/carer and provides a summary of what is working well for the CYP and what is not working well from the parents/carers and young person’s point of view; this must include hopes and aspirations for the future and gives a summary of the strengths (what people like and admire) and special educational needs. SEN may include health and social care provision where such provision is to support the child or young person’s education or training.
If the CYP is able to remain for the whole meeting then include this section later in the meeting.
The following sections should be prepared by Education in advance of the Review meeting:
Section 3 – Give the primary area of SEN then explain their current strengths and weaknesses for the areas of need that have been identified in the Statement.
Section 4 focuses on the arrangements in school such as setting requirements, curriculum delivery and support required (not the location of that curriculum and support). High Needs Support should refer to educational intervention and provision which is additional to or different from that which is normally available through school support. This should be clarified with a copy of the CYP’s timetable and Provision Map.
Section 5 – A brief description of any modification from the National Curriculum.
Section 6 - Academic Progress can be provided in the form of a copy of the school’s internal tracking system, as long as it shows the starting point, targets and progress made since the last Annual Review.
Section 7 – Progress made against the Statement objectives and the targets identified at the last Annual Review.
Section 8 – see above
Section 9 – Note any changes that will affect the CYP’s educational progress
Planning for the future
Section 10 OUTCOMES:This section should contain outcomes that the CYP should be able to achieve by the end of the next key stage as a result of the plan being carried out. This should include outcomes that are specific and measurable. An outcome can be defined as the benefit or difference made to an individual as a result of an intervention. It should be personal and not expressed from a service perspective (provision); it should be something that those involved have control and influence over, and while it does not always have to be formal or accredited, it should be specific, measureable, achievable, realistic and time-bound (SMART). This is the most important section for the plan writer to be able to follow.
Describe the steps that will be taken over the next Key Stage to achieve those outcomes
Give a brief explanation of what will need to be provided.
Section 11 What further actions to be undertaken to achieve the outcomes by
Education, Health, Social Care, the family/Young Person or other professionals as applicable.
Section 12- What is the recommendation from the members of the Review? If no agreement can be made, those who disagree with the recommendation should add a written explanation why they do not support the decision.
SIGNATURES from key contributors are essential before the recommendation can be considered.
The Review paperwork needs to be returned to the Local Authority the following week C/O Jackie Chang.
Remember to include copies of the CYP’s and Parent/Carer’s contribution, this Year’s IEPs or One Page Profile, any advice from professionals working with the CYP, a Provision Map and an annotated Timetable
(Year 9 onwards - Please make sure that if you are recommending a Transfer to an EHCP then a completed Preparation for Adulthood (PFA) form is included, or for Year 11 pupils only where the Statement may cease, a Moving on Plan is included. Both of these should be prepared by the IAG /Careers Personal Adviser with the CYP in advance of the review.
Transfer Review invitation letter template to parents/carers for Years 0 – 6 when child/young person
is in transfer year group identified by LA
Dear parent/carers
……………………. has a Statement of Special Educational Needs and at this time we would normally be conducting an Annual Review of the Statement.
However, as part of the Special Educational Needs and Disability reforms the school, will now be conducting a Transfer Review (TR) to consider ………………’s current progress against Statement objectives and to consider whether the Statement needs to be converted to an EHC Plan.
As part of the Transfer Review an Education, Health and Care (EHC) needs assessment must be conducted in line with the Children and Families Act 2014.
The threshold and criteria for needing an EHC Plan are the same as for a Statement of SEN so no child or young person will lose the statutory protection of a Statement through this process, if this is required. If your child has a Statement and would have continued to have one under the current system, you can expect them to be transferred to an EHC Plan. No child or young person should lose their Statement, and not have it replaced with an EHC Plan, simply because the system is changing.
The Transfer Review must be person centred, emphasising the child or young person’s (CYP) right to express a preference and must allow for outcomes to be established within the EHC Plan (where appropriate) and for provision to be identified to support those outcomes.
As part of the Transfer Review I enclose a request for information About Me/All About My Family (Section A Parts 2 a/b) which are included in the statutory requirements for undertaking a Transfer Review.
We would also be grateful if you could advise us of any recent assessments that you are happy to share as part of the Transfer Review process.
Please contact the school/setting if you wish to discuss any aspects of the Transfer Review before the meeting.
Further information, including independent, advice support and guidance specifically for the transfer review assessment may be obtained through contacting:
- The Independent Support Team is based in the Shropshire IASS (Shropshire Information, Advice and Support Service (formerly Parent Partnership) Citizens Advice Shropshire, Fletcher House, 15 College Hill, Shrewsbury, SY1 1LY on Tel: 01743 280019 are also available to offer independent, advice and support on all relating to SEN.
This term we intend to carry out a Transfer Review for ………………..
Other professionals invited to provide a report with advice for the review:
Also invited to the Transfer Review meeting:
Yours sincerely
What is Independent Support?
The Children and Families Act 2014 introduced new laws for children and young people who have special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)
From September 1, 2014, local authorities have a duty to replace statements of Special Educational Need (SEN) with a new Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP)
Independent Support is a programme to support young people and their parents/carers during the new Education, Health and Care assessment and planning process
Who can ask for help from Independent Support?
Parents and carers of children with SEN and Young people between 16 and 25 with SEN
Anyone involved in an Education Health and Care Plan assessment
Views, Interests and Aspirations of the child and his/her parents
Name of child ______
All About Me
This section has been completed by****** with help from ******.
What I want to achieve in my life / What’s important to meAbout my family
These are my family members and the people that are important to me
Name / Relationship to me
My interests and what I like to do
My strengths / what am I good at
What I find difficult
How others can help and support me
All about my family
This section has been completed by ****** with help from ******.
What is important to us / How to support usThings that are working well for us / Things that are not working so well for us
Our aspirations for the future
April 2016