7th Grade Study Guide
Test Date: 09/18/15
The test will cover: metric conversions, length, volume, mass
*Use this study guide and your notes to know the following information for the test*
Metric Conversions:
- Know that the metric system is based on the number 10
- Why is it important for us to know about the metric system?
- Know what K H D , D C M stands for
- What prefix does each letter stand for? Example: K = Kilo
- Remember do not skip over the basic units (meters, liters, and grams) when doing conversions!
- Know how to convert a number from one unit to the next using KHDUDCM
- If the units are moving from left to the right, the decimal moves to the right
- If the units are moving from right to the left, the decimal moves to the left
- Do not skip the “basic units” space when converting!
**I will not provide you KHDUDCM for the test, so remember:
King Henry Died Unexpectedly Drinking Chocolate Milk
- What is the basic unit for length in the metric system?
- What tool is used to measure length in the metric system? (Hint: it is not a ruler)
- Know how to measure the length of something using the proper tool and units
- Remember, if you are measuring something very small, you will probably use centimeters or milliliters
- If you are measuring something very big, you might use meters or kilometers
- What is volume?
- What tool do we use to measure volume of a solid?
- What units do we use to measure volume of a solid?
- What is the formula for the volume of a box-shaped solid?
- What tool do we use to measure volume of a liquid?
- What units do we use to measure volume of a liquid?
- What is a meniscus?
- How do we use the meniscus when we measure volume?
- What is water displacement?
- Give an example of water displacement
- Why do we use water displacement?
- (What types of objects do we measure using water displacement?)
- What is mass?
- What tool do we use to measure the mass of an object?
- What units do we use to measure mass?
- If we are measuring the mass of a very large object, what units might we use?
- If we are measuring the mass of a smaller object, what units might we use?
- What is the difference between mass and weight?
** If you have questions, please ask Ms. Sparacino in advance- I am more than happy to help, but please do not wait until last minute to study!