Patient Survey – Banbury Health Centre
We want to find out what’s important to you.
Thank you for taking the time to answer this set of questions. We are going to use your responses to help us understand how the Banbury Health Centre is used and what patients most want from the service. This is so we can plan well to meet your future healthcare needs.
IMPORTANT: If you are a carer of the patient seen at the Banbury Health Centre, please respond to this survey on behalf of the patient.
Q1. What is your status (or the person you are responding on behalf of)?
Registered with a GP here (GO TO Q3)□
Registered with a GP at another practice (GO TO Q3)□
Not registered with a GP practice anywhere (GO TO Q2) □
Q2. If you (or the person you are responding on behalf of) are not registered with a GP, please tell us why not?
- I just moved to the area□
- I am only in the area temporarily□
- I am eligible to register at this health centre□
- I intend to register shortly□
- I don’t know how to register□
- Other (please specify)______
Q3. Please could you tell us why you (or the person you are responding on behalf of) last visited the Banbury Health Centre?
- Icame here to be seen for myself□GO TO Q5
- I came to accompany a child to be seen□GO TO Q4
- I came to accompany a family member□GO TO Q5
- Other (please specify)______
______GO TO Q5
Q4. Please could you tell us how old the child was?
- 0-5 years□
- 6-11 years□
- 12-17years□
Q5. Which health professional did you (or the person you are responding on behalf of) see at your last visit? (Please tick as many as apply to your last visit)
- GP □
- Nurse □
- Midwife□
- Physiotherapist□
- Mental health professional□
- Other (please specify) ______
Q6. What health condition have you (or the person you are responding on behalf of) had at your last visit to the Banbury Health Centre?
- A long-term illness (for example, diabetes)□
- A physicalinjury□
- Recently developed a health problem (for example, a cough)□
- Needed health advice (for example, to stop smoking) □
- Neededcontraceptive advice □
- Other ______
- Prefer not to say □
Q7. What made you (or the person you are responding on behalf of) choose to come to the Banbury Health Centre? (Tick as many boxes as apply to you)
- I am a registered patient□Go to Q9
- It was recommended to me□Go to Q9
- It was convenient for me (or the person you are responding on behalf of) at the time of needing treatment □Go to Q9
- It’s close to home, work or school□Go to Q9
- It is close to other services I/we use, for example, the dentist, pharmacy□ Go to Q9
- I /we arestaying here temporarily and needed to see a doctor/nurse□ Go to Q9
- I/we come here because I don’t have to wait too long to be seen □ Go to Q9
- I/we come here because I don’t have to make an appointment □ Go to Q9
- I/we think it offers good healthcare □ Go to Q9
- I/welike the staff □ Go to Q9
- I/we am unlikely to see anyone I know □ Go to Q9
- I/wewanted to change my GP □Go to Q8
- I/we have been here before and were satisfied with the service □ Go to Q9
- I/we wanted to get a second opinion □ Go to Q9
- Other (please specify)______
______Go to Q9
Q8. Please could you tell us why you (or the person you are responding on behalf) wish to change your GP practice?
Q9. Thinking about your last visit to the Banbury Health Centre, did you (or the person you are responding on behalf of) contact any other health provider first? (please tick as many options as apply)
- Yes, went to the hospital □
- Yes, went to/called a GP where I am registered□
- Yes, visited the pharmacy□
- Yes, called 111 □
- No, came straight here □
- No, rang ahead and came here□
Q10. Thinking about your last visit to the Banbury Health Centre, what would you (or the person you are responding on behalf of) have done if it hadn’t been available? (please tick as many options as apply)
- Don’t know □
- Would see own GP □
- Would visit A & E □
- Would find another GP □
- Would call for an ambulance □
- Would dial the 111 number for help □
- Would visit a pharmacist □
- Would find a different GP Walk-In Centre □
- Would look at the NHS Choices website □
- Nothing, would stay at home □
- Other (please specify)______
Q11. What is most important to you (or the person you are responding on behalf of) when looking for healthcare help or advice? (please tick the options relevant to you)
Very Important / Fairly Important / Important / Slightly Important / Not at all Important / No opinionIt's close to home
It's close to work/place of education
Ease of getting to the centre
Ease of parking at the centre
Not having to phone ahead to book an appointment
Short expected waiting times
The time of day or week that appointments are offered
The range of services that are offered to patients
Feeling confident about the clinical staff at the centre
Cleanliness and comfort of waiting rooms and facilities
Friendliness and attentiveness of staff
Q12. Please could you tell us if any of the reasons below, made you (or the person you are caring for) choose to use the Banbury Health Centre. Please tick all options relevant to you.
- I am registered patient□
- Unlikely to see anyone I/we know □
- Not able to register with a different GP practice □
- Dissatisfied with the service where registered previously □
- Visited the centre as a walk-in patient and was satisfied with the service□
- Other (please specify)
Q13. Would you (or the person you are responding on behalf of) recommend visiting Banbury Health Centre to a friend?
- Yes□
- No□
- Maybe□
- Don’t know□
Q14. If there is anything else you(or the person you are responding on behalf of) would like to tell us about the Banbury Health Centre and your experience, please comment here.
Please help us by providing further important information about you(or the person you are responding on behalf of):
Working status:please tick the option that fits your current situation
- Working full-time (30+ hours)□
- Working part-time (9-29 hours)□
- Unemployed / not working□
- Retired □
- Looking after house / children□
- Not working due to illness or disability□
- In full-time education□
- Other (please specify)□
Age Range
Age range / Your responseUnder 16
Above 75
Prefer not to say
Gender / Your responseMale
Prefer not to say
Ethnicity / Your responseWhite - British
Asian or Asian British
Black or Black British
Prefer not to say
Do you consider yourself to have a disability?
Disability status / Your responseYes
Prefer not to say
To help us understand where in the County we are getting responses from please provide us with your postcode below:
Please return your completed questionnaire to the following address by Monday 12 January 2015:
Communications & Engagement
Jubilee House
5510 John Smith Drive
Oxford Business Park South
For more information about this survey please contact: 01865 334652or email: