Richard D. King Annual Youth Speech Contest


Rotary Club of ______


1. Is it the TRUTH?

2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?

3. Will it build GOODWILL and better FRIENDSHIPS?

4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

I President John F. Germ chose “Rotary Making a Difference” as his theme for 2017-2018. Rotary’s founder, Paul Harris, believed that serving humanity is “the most worthwhile thing a person can do,” RI President John F. Germ said, and that being a part of Rotary is a “great opportunity” to make that happen. Noting Rotary’s unique ability to bring together committed professionals to achieve remarkable goals, Germ believes that “now is the time to capitalize on our success: as we complete the eradication of polio, and catapult Rotary forward to be an even greater force for good in the world.”

Students are eligible to enter the District 5170 Contest for only one Rotary Club. Students MUST NOT enter another club’s contest if they have already competed in a different club.

Each student may choose any topic of interest, as long as the content of the speech relates to the theme. All speeches must address the 2017-2018 theme, ““Rotary Making a Difference”, and include a reference to at least one principle of The 4-Way Test. Use of this theme in the speech should be clear and unmistakable. The speech must be the original work of the contestant.

The speech cannot be under 4 minutes or more than 5 minutes in length. Timing will begin when the contestant first speaks, not after the student’s salutation to the chairperson or audience. There shall be NO implicit or explicit identification of the speaker, of the speaker’s school in the content or title of the speech, by the dress of the contestant, or by any other means whatsoever. The speaker shall NOT use props, displays or prompters of any kind. Notes may be used only if they are on one 3” x 5” card.

The Speech Contest is open to all Rotary International District 5170 high school students.


Club Contest completed by Feb, 23, 2018, @ ______Rotary Club

1st Place $100, 2nd Place $50, 3rd Place $25.

Area Contest Feb. 26 – Mar. 23, 2018 @ ______TBD______Rotary Club

1st Place $200, 2nd Place $100. Club Contest Winners only

Regional Contest TBD, 2018 @ ___TBD______Rotary Club

1st and 2nd Places $250 each. Area Contest Winners only

District Contest FINALS TBD, 2018. 1st Place $1,000, 2nd Place $500, 3rd and 4th Places $250 each. Regional Contest Winners only.


Students must register with the Rotary Club indicated below.

Ensure Legibility
Name: ______
E-mail: ______
Phone #: ______