March 31, 2016
Dear Parents,
It’s hard to believe Spring Break is here. I hope you all have a wonderful break. We have been busy the last couple of weeks.
We learned the following word wall words: do, down, went, just, only and little. These are words you child needs to memorize. They need to be able to recognize them in books and be able to use the correctly when completing homework pages. When students are doing their homework pages, please make sure they are making up the sentences and writing them on their own. The place where they are to write a sentence, they should either write one good long sentence or two good short sentences.
During centers, we worked on problem solving what number comes next, we also practiced our subtraction skills, we used jelly beans to make a graph, we went on a word wall word hunt, we worked on making numbers 4, 8, 7, and 9, we sounded out short vowel words, we unscrambled word wall words, we practiced subtraction with jelly beans, we sounded out words and practiced hearing all the sounds, we practiced subtraction with dominos and fireflies, we sounded out words with long vowel sounds, we worked on position words, we practiced putting numbers in order, we worked on sentence formation and continued guided reading. We also played in housekeeping, worked on puzzles, played classroom games, played with play-doh, worked on the classroom computers, listened to a story on DVD and wrote about it, played on the classroom I-pads, and completed building with classroom building materials.
During math, we worked on making the number 10 and writing number sentences for 10. We also did problem solving making a graph. We completed a chapter review and took the unit 9 test. We worked on ordinal numbers and practiced writing numbers from 1 – 100. During social studies, we started a new chapter with the big question – What is the world like? We discussed where we live – in the city of Fort Wayne, in the state of Indiana, in the country of the United
State of America, and on the planet Earth. We also discussed that many of us live in a neighborhood. Then we began to discuss where places are located. We talked about maps and did some locating of places on a map. We also practice some map skills and began learning the directions north, south, east and west (ask your child the two little rhymes they learned to remember these directions). During science, we did some experiments and learned about floating and buoyancy. We even made our own boat and tested how sea worthy it was.
I quick note about homework – please have your child check his/her homework for errors before they turn it in. After they check it please check it for silly errors. The all know that sentences should begin with an uppercase letters, that spaces should be between words, and punctuation marks should be at the end of the sentence. Have them take their time and try to stay in the lines and do their personal best. Have them also check for number and letter reversals.
Important Dates to Remember
4/1-4/10 ~ Spring Break – be safe and have fun!!
4/11 ~ School Resumes
4/15 ~ Solomon Farm Field Trip > quite a few people volunteered for this trip – I picked the first 4 who requested to go. This trip will take place in the afternoon from 11:45 – 2:15. This field trip is outdoors, please make sure your child is dressed for the weather – also no sandals or flip flops will be allowed.
4/20 ~ Literacy fund raiser at Culvers on Dupont Road – I am planning to help serve from 4:00 – 5:00. This is a great opportunity for you to have a great meal and help our literacy department at the same time.
4/22 ~ No School
4/25 – 4/29 ~ Student Council Food Drive – see details in April school newsletter
4/27 ~ Mid-Terms go home
Have a great Spring Break!!!
Mrs. Hobbs