Library Curriculum Connections At-A-Glance DC –Digital Citizenship, IL-Information Literacy, DL–Digital Literacy
Grade 2 Unit 5 Theme: Growing and Changing Essential Question: How do animals and plants change as they grow?
Integrated OC: Systems (OI4) and Balance and Stability (OI5) / OI: Science Unit 5: Library Theme Related Resources
Genre /
Technology / Media /
Comprehension Strategies and Skills /
Text Features/
Literary Elements/ Study Skills /
Write Source /
OI: Essential Questions /
5th OI:
The Tiny Seed
Eric Carle
A Plant’s Life /
Main Selection
Literary Text /Fiction
Paired Selection
Informational Text/ Expository / McGraw Hill Texas Treasures TE
p 323 I-J
ALL science units reference Discovery TechBook resources
from OI 4: IL, DC
IC LESSON: Plant and Animal Basic Needs– terms: environment, photosynthesis, survive, structures
(Elaborate)”How to Care For- (plant or animal)”
IC LESSON Animal Behaviors—environment, adaptation, living and non-living things Related book:
A House is a House for Me (Hoberman) Online Encyclopedias IL, DC
IC LESSON Life Cycle of Insects websites for insect life cycles on the planner. Use knowledge of butterfly--. RESEARCH life cycle stages of an insect—Use websites, NF books, etc. SEE The Latest Buzz Checklist SEE ALSO specific suggestions for insect life cycles on the planner and related books on butterfly life cycle by Carle, Berger, Bunting, etc..
IC LESSONS Food Chains (1,2) websites on IC Planner
OI 5
cloud types—Related book : The Cloud Book (dePaola)
Related books:
Stargazers(Gibbons),Do Stars Have Points(M. & G. Berger),The Magic School Bus Lost in the Solar System(Col)e,How Many Stars in the Sky? (Hort, Morrow)
Writing on the Web, Scroll bar, Text features to attract the eye; The Web is an ‘active medium’;
Evaluating sites
TERMS spreadsheet, cell, row, column
create spreadsheets in Microsoft Excel (or Google?) – SEE McGraw Hill TE 323I & speak w/ team Oral Lang LT I can use a spreadsheet to organize important information
ELA THEME RESEARCH Students gather information about plants and/or animals for a Life Cycle booklet and present information: IL, DC Theme Research Web Sites from Planner (add PebbleGo Animals) /
Comprehension: Genre: Informational Fiction
Strategy: Summarize
Skill: Draw Conclusions
Sequence of Events /
Diagrams and Labels
Reading LTs
WK 1, Day 1: I can summarize a story in my own words … use facts from a story to draw conclusions …find clues in a story to sequence the events /
Writing/Grammar-Mechanics: (Write Source)
Writing Process / Reviewing a Fiction Book: (Model, Prewriting, Drafting, Revising, Editing, Publishing, Reflecting)
Skills: Time-Order Transition Words, Combining Sentences, End Punctuation /
*What is necessary for life?
*How can living things be so different, yet so alike?
*How can you help maintain balance within an ecosystem?
What changes and what stays the same in an environment? / These lessons in the Planner found under OI 4 began on February 9, to be completed by April 3.
LIFE SCIENCE .. continued
Engineering is Elementary Unit: Designing Model Membranes
(10-15 days) – 6 lessons
Technology / engineers
Natural membranes
Unit 1:
Organisms and Environments (14 days)
Basic needs of plants, animals(pets)
Adaptations (plant)
Plant parts (stem, nutrients)
Animal Behavior – environment,
Insects (larva, pupa,
metamorphosis, pollination)
Animal Adaptation, migration,
Food Chains – environment, producer, consumer, decomposer
Engineering is Elementary Unit:
Designing a Plant Package
(10-15 days)
product and consumer,
needs and criteria
The following lessons should begin on April 6 and be completed by April 17.
OI 5
Unit 2 Water and Weather
(4 days)
Unit 3 Space (4 days)
Water Cycle
evaporation, condensation,
cloud types
thermometer, temperature, wind,
rain gauge,
weather changes
Sun and Moon
orbit, rotation, solar system,
moon phases
what are stars, night sky
Moon’s Appearance
phases, patterns in the sky
February – Black History Month
March -- TX History Month
-- Women’s History Month
April --National Poetry Month
Engineers Week
February 22-28
Read Across America
Monday, March 2, 2015
National Library Week
April 12-18, 2015
The Ugly Vegetables
Grace Lin
Garden Plants /
Main Selection
Literary Text /Fiction
Paired Selection
Informational Text/ Expository /
Comprehension: Genre: Fiction
Strategy: Summarize
Skill: Sequence of Events
Draw Conclusions
TEKS: retell a story event—sequential, details / Written Directions
Reading LT, Wk 2
I can… describe the characters, plot and setting of a story …sequence events …draw conclusions about a character …compare 2 stories .. make connection about the events of 2 stories /
Writing/Grammar-Mechanics: (Write Source)
Responsive Writing: Comparing Two Fiction Books (Model, Prewriting, Drafting, Revising, Editing, Publishing)
- Skills: Pronouns, Verbs, Apostrophes (Contractions)
Meet the Super Croc
Time For Kids Informational
Animals Long Ago /
Main Selection
Informational Text/ Expository / Comprehension:
- Genre: Expository
- Strategy: Adjust Reading Rate
- Skill: Summarize
- Draw Conclusions /
Narrow a Topic for Research
IL / Writing/Grammar-Mechanics: (Write Source)
Creative Writing: Creating a Play (Model, Prewriting, Drafting, Revising, Editing, Publishing and Performing)
- Skills: Pronouns, Time-Order Transition words
Farfallina and Marcel
by Holly Keller
Special Animals /
Main Selection
Literary Text/Fiction
Paired Selection
Informational Text/ Expository / Comprehension:
- Genre: Fantasy
- Strategy: Reread
- Skill: Make Inferences (while listening to a fairytale)
- Fantasy/Reality /
Illustrations and Captions
LT I can.. read an informational text and understand content vocabulary…use illustrations and captions to help understand text /
Writing/Grammar-Mechanics: (Write Source)
Creative Writing: Writing Poems--Rhyming Poem: (Model, Prewriting, Drafting, Revising)
- Skills: Adjectives, Adverbs
Nutik, the Wolf Pup
by Jean Craig George
illustrated by
Ted Rand
Wild Animals
Main Selection
Literary Text/Fiction
Paired Selection
Informational Text/ Expository
- Genre: Fiction
- Strategy: Adjust Reading Rate
- Skill: Make Inferences
- Sequence of Events
Reading LT I can …identify the features of realistic fiction…describe the feature of different genres /
Encyclopedia Headings
Reading LT I can …identify the features of an encyclopedia article…describe how headings organize an encyclopedia article /
Writing/Grammar-Mechanics: (Write Source)
Creative Writing: Writing Poems-Rhyming Poems (Editing, Publishing)
Creative Writing: Writing Poems-Name Poem and Other Kinds of Poems
- Skills: Parts of Speech Review
(Name poem, Other kinds of poems: ABC, Tongue twister, shape, terse verse, diamond, 5 w’s)
Show What You Know
Review and Assess /
Procedural Texts /
Sequence of Events, Summarize, Draw conclusions, Make Inferences, / Diagrams and Labels, Written Directions, Illustrations, Captions, Encyclopedia Headings, Narrow a Topic for Research / Writing/Grammar/
Mechanics: (Write Source)
Responsive Writing: Responding to a Poem: (Model, Prewriting, Drafting, Revising, Editing, Publishing)
Writing for Assessment
- Skills: Nouns, Punctuating Titles, Commas in Compound Sentences
McGraw–Hill TexasTreasures, TE Grade 2; Plano ISD Elementary ELA Planner, IC Planner, WriteSource