Creating a TurnitinUK submission

This section explains how to add a Turnitin submission point to your duo course.

Before creating a submission point

The Turnitin submission point can be created in any content area in duo. However, it may be easier for your students if you create a new content area specifically for submissions with an appropriate name (e.g. assignments, essay submission). To create a new content area,

1.Make sure Edit Mode is ON.

2.Click the plus sign at the top of the navigation menu.

3.Click Create Content Area.

4.Give the area a name and click Submit. (NOTE:Leaving the box beside Available to Users blank means students cannot see the content area)

See also guide on managing course menu for details of renaming, hiding or showing menu items and deleting menu items.

To create the Turnitin submission point

Note:using the "Copy" button that shows up in the context menu will NOT copy a TurnitinUK Assignment.

  1. Go to the chosen content area (e.g. Assignments) and make sure Edit Mode is ON.
  2. From the ‘Assessments’ drop down list click ‘TurnitinUK Assignment’.

  1. You will now see the ‘New Assignment’ screen.

  1. Enter an ‘assignment title' and ‘points value' (optional).

Note: Do not use zero as the Point value. Leave this area blank if you do not add marks.

  1. Set the start and due dates for the assignment. If you are using anonymous marking set the post date (which must be set for after the due date even if anonymous marking is not used). This is used to determine when grades are posted to the Grade Centre and when the author names are made available.

Note:If anonymous marking is not used the post date relates to the availability of GradeMark papers only. Grades are posted to the Blackboard Grade Centre as soon as they are added to GradeMark and can be seen by students from My Grades unless the Grade Centre (and total, if used) column is hidden.

  1. Now you have the option to decide what type of files can be uploaded.
  2. Allow only file types that Turnitin can check for originality: This is for files which contain text which can be used to generate an Originality Report.
  3. Allow any file type: This allows any file to be uploaded. Image files are shown on the screen and can be marked using GradeMark functions. If the files cannot be shown on screen you will be able to download them to view but still leave comments and use a rubric to mark the work via GradeMark.
  4. Click Optional Settings


  1. Add any special instructions (optional). There is a limit of 1000 characters for these instructions. This only becomes apparent when you try to submit. A warning message will appear. You then have the option to return to the instructions and remove characters and click Submit again until the assignment is accepted.

Note: If you are planning to download the files as a batch later, it may be useful to get students to individualise the files they are attaching, perhaps by asking them to include their initials and surname in the file name if the assignment is not anonymous or their Z code in the file name if the assignment is anonymous.

  1. 'Allow submissions after the due date' - If you have students with concessions you are advised to set this to 'Yes' as it is difficult to change it once submissions begin.
    If you do not want students to be able to submit to the assignment after the due date then this should be set to ‘No’.
/ HINT: Use the following settings to allow students to resubmit work until the due date but not after that while allowing students who have not submitted anything at all to submit one attempt after the due date without any intervention from staff.
Submissions after the due date: Yes
Generate Originality Reports for student submissions set to either Immediately (can overwrite reports until due date)
or On due date
  1. Choose whether to ‘Generate Originality Reports for submissions'.

Note: Not generating reports is very useful for draft submissions which can be used for practice in submitting assignments or when feedback from the instructor is all that is required.

  1. Set an option for ‘Generate Originality Reports for student submissions'
  1. ‘Immediately first report is final'. Use this option if you want to start checking reports before the deadline. Originality Reports for the submission will be generated immediately.

Note: If students plagiarise or collude with a student submitting to the same deadline, the second student submission will be the one which comes out matching the first submission regardless of who copied from whom.

Warning: If using this option, the first submission is final. Students cannot resubmit papers. Submissions must be deleted by the instructor to enable resubmission, but the original submission will remain in the Turnitin repository.
  1. ‘Immediately (can overwrite reports until due date)'. This option can be used when students are self-reviewing and revising their submissions and able to view the Originality Report or if you want to check a few reports before the deadline but want to check all reports properly when all students have submitted. Students are able to submit new versions of the assignment up to the deadline.

Note: Originality Reports for the second or subsequent submission will require a 24 hour delay before the Originality Report begins processing. Only the latest submission is available to the instructor or student. Previous versions are removed from the TurnitinUK repository.

  1. ‘On due date'. Use this if you want to start checking the reports once all the assignments have been submitted. Originality Reports are not generated until the due date and time of the assignment. Students may resubmit as many times as needed until the due date and time. All papers submitted to the assignment will be checked against each other.

Warning:Assignments where submissions are started a few minutes before the due time but completed at the Turnitin side (because of the time taken to process the submission) after the due time will appear in red as though it was submitted late.
  1. You can choose to 'Exclude bibliographicmaterials from Similarity Index for all papers in this assignment?'
    Click 'Yes' if you want bibliographicmaterials to be excluded. If you choose 'No' you can still choose to exclude bibliographic materials when viewing the Originality Report.

Warning: This setting cannot be modified after the first paper has been submitted.

Note: If exclude bibliographic materials is set to ‘Yes’ and it constitutes more than 15% of the whole submission the entry will be marked with an exclamation mark in a black circle.

  1. You can choose to 'Exclude quoted materials from Similarity Index for all papers in this assignment?' Click 'Yes' if you want quoted materials to be excluded. If you choose 'No' you can still choose to exclude quoted materials when viewing the Originality Report.

Warning: This setting cannot be modified after the first paper has been submitted.
  1. You now have the option to 'Exclude small matches?' If you choose ‘Yes' another box appears which gives you the choice to 'Exclude matches by:
  1. Word Count: allows you to input the exact number of words you want to exclude in matches. For example, you might not want to bother about 4 consecutive words copied from any source.
  2. Percentage: this excludes a certain percentage of the total word count.

Warning: / Exclude small matches needs to be used with extreme caution as it can mask important matches particularly when using the percentage option as this is calculated on a percentage of the total word count.
Example: / 5% of a 2000 word essay is 100 words but 5% of a 15,000 word dissertation is 750 words.

  1. Set whether you will 'Allow students to see Originality Reports?'. Set 'Yes' only if you want students to see the reports themselves. You will need to think carefully about this option as an explanation of the results and what they mean is required.
  1. ‘Reveal grades to students only on post date?’ Select ‘Yes’ if you do not want the students to see the grades until the post date. (Remember to hide any relevant Grade Centre columns also to prevent students seeing their grades via My Grades.)Select ‘No’ if you want the students to get the grade as soon as it is available.
  1. Enable anonymous marking? Use this to hide student’s names until the post date if required. Make sure you have set the post date to allow enough time for marking to take place.
Warning: / This setting cannot be altered once submissions have been received.
Altering the post date will remove all anonymity and this cannot be restored by changing the post date again.
  1. 'Submit papers to' –provides four options:
  2. 'standard paper repository' in which case the files are stored in the Turnitin database.
  3. ‘Institution paper repository’ use this option to store files in a special area of the database reserved for Durham University only. Any papers stored here are not available to other institutions checking their submissions. This is useful if confidential material is included in the submitted papers such as company details or medical records.
  4. ‘student’s choice of repository’. We would strongly recommend never using this setting.
  5. 'no repository' which means the originality report is generated but the file is not stored in the Turnitin database andwill not be used in comparisons run by other institutions.

  1. Set the 'Search options:’ This setting determines which parts of the databases to test the submissions against.You will probably want to leave this set to the defaults, unless you know that you have no papers submitted to the Institution paper repository and remove that tick box option.
  1. In the section marked GradeMark, you have the option to select or create a rubric if required.

Note:Students will be able to view this rubric prior to submitting their assignment.

Click Show rubric list to select an existing rubric from the dropdown list provided or Launch Rubric Manager to create a new rubric.

  1. Finally you have the option to save the options as default for future assignments if required by ticking the box beside ‘Would you like to save these options as your defaults for future assignments?’
  1. When you are happy with the settings click Submit.

This system still gives you a confirmation page saying the assignment has been successfully added. Click OK.

What Students see

The image below shows how the assignment appears when a student is preparing to submit their work.

Revised: 28 January 2015Page 1LTT