Checklist of relationship between employment

Hewlett Packard Enterprise and Governmental body

Personal Information

1.  Name:


Individual Taxpayers´ Register:




To attach the completed questionnaire to your profile:

-  Go to jobs@hpe

-  Select “submit/update your profile”

-  On page 2 of our application, you will find the “Attach Files” section where you can select Browse to find the location of this questionnaire and attach it, your ethics officer’s opinion/letter, and any other relevant documents to your application.

Relations with Governmental body

For the purpose of this section, find below the following settings:


Employee: It is every person hired as regular employee at HP.

Candidate: It is every person who presents himself/herself to compete spontaneous a vacancy in HP.

Governmental body: It is any government department, ministry, agency, military organization, public body or in some way controlled by government or with participation of government, political organization, authority of a political organization elected currently or authority of a political organization that does not have any exercise political office no longer, an international public organization, or any employee or authority from these

2.  Does the employment or has the employment been server, employee, contracted or authority of governmental body, including mixed capital company?

()Yes () No

If it is yes, provide details of the position and period:

3.  Does the employment have knowledge that his/her spouse, partner or his/her relatives in a straight line, collateral or by affinity, until the third degree, is/are server, employee, contracted or authority of governmental body, including mixed capital company?

() Yes () No

If it is yes, provide details:

4.  Does the employment have any corporate participation in some government activity?
()Yes () No

If it is yes, provide details:

5.  Is the employment member of political organization?

() Yes () No

If it is yes, provide details:

6. Has the employment ever offered or been accused of provide any value good (including money) or any advantage to server, employee, contracted or authority of governmental body, including mixed capital company, even if occurred before the employment has been contracted by HP?

()Yes () No

If it is yes, provide details:

Signing this questionnaire, the employment declares that the information provided here are true and the employment assures that will inform HP´s Human Resources Department if, during the validity of your employment contract, any of the answers above change.

And beside, signing this questionnaire, the employment assure he/she will not carry out undue payments, or offer gifts or benefits to server, employee, contracted or authority of governmental body, including mixed capital company.

If HP understand that the employment provided any false or incomplete declaration that induce for error, the HP may immediately cancel the employment contract and take others providence under the contract or established in law.


Date: __/ __/ __



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