5-19 Practitioners Event at Mountfields Lodge Youth Centre, Epinal Way LE11 3GE
Attendees List
Name(Red and blue denotes discussion groups) / Organisation / Contact Details / Lunch / Key Issues
1 / Sarah Coupe / Charnwood Borough Council and Leicestershire County Council /
01509 632544 / Y / Facilitator
2 / Neil Hanney / Leicestershire Youth Service / / Y / Facilitator
3 / Jess McClelland / STEP - Syston and Thurmaston Extended Programme / Thurmaston Sure Start Childrens Centre
EastfieldPrimary School
Eastfield Road - Off Highway Road
T: 0116 3055263
E: / Y / Facilitator
4 / Peggy Nicholls / The Bridge / / Y / Facilitator
5 / Kate Morgan / Charnwood Arts
Next Level Café
(11-19) / Shenstone House
LE11 2AE
01509 264612
/ Y / Continuation of funding & developing ongoing projects
Collaborative working with other relevant agencies & referrals from other agencies
6 / Adrian Stephenson / Headteacher Shepshed High &
Chair of Loughborough Behavior and Attendance Partnership / 01509 502112
/ Y
7 / Bex Griffiths (Jimmy Zachariah) / BACA
(16-19) / 01509 550438
/ Y
8 / Kole Adeniyan / RawlinsCollege
(14-19) / 01509 622800
/ Y / Partnership Funding for projects in schools (schools and agencies working with YP)
Effect on public cuts on funding & achieving aims & objectives that require funding (schools & agencies working with YP)
9 / AndrewLake / Leicestershire Youth Service
(11-19) / 01509 267796
/ Same as Penny Pugh
Youth Unemployment (Charnwood)
Youth Unemployment (Charnwood)
10 / Penny Pugh
CountyYouth Worker / Leicestershire Youth Service
(11-19) / Mountfields: 01509267796
Moira: 01163055636
/ A new specialist Youth Group for YP with mild learning difficulties/disabilities /thought to be on the Autistic spectrum (Moira Tues pm 7-8-30 launch Nov 8th)
Changes to the Youth Service – working with YP with Complex needs including the scope to take referrals for individual work with YP (Charnwood)
11 / Ashley Russell
Neighbourhood Development Officer / Charnwood Borough Council
Southfields Road, LoughboroughLE11 2TR
01509 632518 / / Y / Better Co-ordination of ‘out of school’ youth services (borough)
Tackling challenging behaviour by 8-12 year olds (Shelthorpe, Thorpe Acre, Warwick Way)
12 / Vicky Brackenbury / Charnwood Borough Council
(5-10 & 11-19) /
01509 634764 / Y / Youth Provision outside of school & accessibility (borough)
Partnership Working and utilizing resources(borough)
13 / Hayley Boereboom (Nee Peel)
Senior Sports Development Officer / Charnwood Borough Council
(5-10 & 11-19) / Leisure Services
Southfields Road
LE11 2TT
Tel: 01509 634592
Fax: 01509 262370
/ Y / Facilitator
14 / Mel Gould
Mediator / talk²sort mediation, The Bridge
(11-19) / 01509 220 567
/ Y / More specific communication skills groupwork (like fun and families’ ‘Grounded’) for older teenagers e.g.14-19
More specific parenting input for parents of 14-17 Year olds (like fun and families’ ‘Living With Teenagers’ but aimed at parents of older teenagers specifically) (Charnwood)
Specialist safeguarding training on 14-17 year olds (Charnwood)
15 / Martin Croxall / CAF Team
(5-10 & 11-19) / 0116 3058770
/ Y / Facilitator
Autism support (outside of school setting) (Everywhere)
Counselling for children exposed to DV (Charnwood)
16 / Christine Barrell / Youth Shelter
(11-19) / 07519310425
/ Y / Difficulty with enrolling yp into College.
Lack of short accredited courses, both academic & vocational. PT no longer operating from Loughborough. National Citizens Service wasn’t widely advertised and info provided at short notice.
17 / Hannah Briggs (PC 4589) / Police
(5-10 & 11-19) / 07917 337225
/ N
18 / Helene Sutliff / Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service
(All) / 0116 2292091
/ Y / Lack of provision for young people not in targeted groups/areas (everywhere)
Limited funding will lead to multiple short term projects rather than sustained long term provision.(Everywhere)
19 / Kevin Ryan / Charnwood Arts
(5-10 & 11-19) / 01509 822558
/ Y / What support is being given to voln. sector agencies in developing their skills to bid for funding/develop their understanding of procurement/commissioning
Where is the support and process discussions to retain services that were valued until the current government presented us with the current cuts budgets.
What are the future plans for developing minimum criteria for organizations eligible to bid for funding in Leicestershire?
Who holds a comprehensive understanding of how all local services integrate enough to be able to lead a process that would result in us maximizing on our skills, experiences and resources (and retaining infrastructure) through the difficult years ahead.
20 / Jemma Bagley / Charnwood Arts
(5-10 & 11-19) / 01509821035 / N / Uncertainty over funding, Building work difficult
issues with venues, partnerships can be tricky
21 / Dan Gardiner / Passion
(11-19) / mailto: / N / Partnership Work (Shepshed)
22 / Paul Snape
Housing Support Team Leader / The Bridge /
23 / Trevor Swinswood
Project Manager / Loughborough Foyer / Tel: 01509 270 633/637
Internal: 72370 / 71570
Mobile: 07825 013999 / Called to request booking form as would like to bring colleagues too
24 / Katie Phillips / Leicestershire County Council /
25 / Vincent Gaten
Development Officer / Voluntary Action Leicestershire /
0116 258 0666
07866949963 / Y / no issues would prefer to hear what is raised
26 / Helen Blythe / RoundhillCommunity College
Melton Road
Leicester LE4 8GQ /
0116 269 3896 / Y / Antisocial Behaviour in Community (Syston)
School travel/school buses/safety (Syston)
27 / Avril Bourne / Leics Youth Offending Team
(8-16) / / Y / Lack of activities for 8-11 year olds in Charnwood and villages
28 / Spencer Atkin / Leics Youth Offending Team
(11-19) / / Y
29 / Sally Penney / Leics Youth Offending Team / / Y / What: Although I think Charnwood has some good community resources, I stillfind it difficult at timesfinding regular activities for young people aged between 8 to 11yrs, particularly in the outer villages. The older age groups appear to be catered for.
I would like some kind of directorywhich lets us know what’s available in each area for all ages, including young people with SEN. I'm working with two young people with SEN,and I have struggled to find activities for them that could cater for their needs.I referred them to Menphys SOS, but surely there must be more agencies out there that they can access. I've referred to ADHD Solutions before , but they won't take young people who don't have ADHD.
Where: Smaller villages outside of Loughborough
30 / Mike Griffiths / Charnwood TwentyTwenty
(11-19) / / Y / What: A mapping of what/ where/ when provision for YP takes place. Happy for what CBC have already in place to be added to. I would affirm the need for it to be primarily provider focused rather than beneficiary focused.
Where: Loughborough and the wider Charnwood area
What: Fitness activities for young men have a good take up. The idea of working out beyond just participating in sports is increasingly important to young men coming into TwentyTwenty provision. Those that play sport will primarily do so for a team but working out is a more personal thing that people do for themselves. The Friday night sessions being promo’d by the sports development team are excellent though there is a slight concern over the Friday night timing.
Where: Loughborough.
31 / Christian Zamore / Charnwood TwentyTwenty / Y
32 / Dean Morris / Family Information Service / Family Information Service
Leicestershire County Council
County Hall, Glenfield, Leics., LE3 8RF
Tel: (0116) 305 5710
33 / Nathan Odom / Family Information Service / Family Information Service
Leicestershire County Council
County Hall, Glenfield, Leics., LE3 8RF
Tel: (0116) 305 5710
34 / Nigel Toms / Interim Locality Partnership Co-ordinator / / Y
35 / Steve Wiggins / Fusion Lifestyle/CBC / 01509 611080
/ Y / What: Challenging behavior during sessions such as Roller Disco (8-16’s)
Where: Loughborough Leisure Centre
What: Engaging hard to place/ at risk/ challenging children in our activities
Where: Loughborough and SoarValley Leisure Centres
Liz Ryley and Hannah Holmes