Bedfordshire Think Autism Partnership Board Meeting
Minutes of meeting on18th October 2016at11am
The Rufus Centre, Flitwick
Welcome, introductions and actions/minutes fromlast meeting:- As chairperson, Steve Minchingtonwelcomed everyone to today’s meeting on the theme of transitions throughout life.
- SMoutlined the new ground rules for the board meetings.
- Copies of minutes and all partnership board documentation can be viewed on theAutism Bedfordshirewebsite at:
- Actions from the previous meeting – Neil Tunnicliffe had some amendments for the minutes as a number of action points had been omitted or not recorded accurately.The previous minutes had not been amended correctly as they should have included a description of what the ‘A-Team’ does. The action point did not accurately describe the required amendment or assign it to any specific individual.
NT to email amendments to Alex Cobley and previous minutes to be amended accordingly.
Future Action Points to be recorded descriptively and assigned. /
Autism Self-Assessment Presentation –
Karen Malone, Amy Kay and Jane Leek.
Neil Tunnicliffe asked if the services of the duty team as described in the presentation were available across the county and had all the staff received specialist training in autism.Amy Kay explained that not all staff had received specialist training. They were trained to provide information or to re-direct calls to specialist teams.
Neil Tunnicliffe asked if all prison staff and probation service staff had received autism awareness training. Karen Malone explained that, while Bedford Borough Council does work closely with HMP Bedford, they do not commission their services; this is something that is done at a higher level. Bedford Borough Council’s responsibility is to ensure the social services needs of residents are met.
Neil Tunnicliffe said that the ‘A-Team’ were hoping to provide more training at HMP Bedford but were told that the funding stream was not available. Karen explained that the council’s training is available to everyone and they would encourage prison service staff to take up this training through the prison board.
Sally Cripsey asked if both positive and negative experiences of those with ASC that were reported through the SAF. There is some concern that negative experiences were not included.
Amy Kay said that because permission was required from individuals in order to report their stories, most of the stories included tended to be positive or neutral. They had endeavoured to give a full picture.
Autism Bedfordshire had engaged with a number of members and submitted 24 opinions and stories that had positive and negative experiences within them.
Neil Tunnicliffe said that he would be willing to report his own negative experience and Autism Bedfordshire would probably also be able to provide similar accounts.
A questions was asked as to why Autism Bedfordshire and POhWERwere the only organisations approached for this information.
Karen Malone explained that there are lots of questions and it is difficult to coordinate. Autism Bedfordshireand POhWERare already commissioned to collate feedback and evaluations from service users.
Sally Cripsey asked about those individuals with ASC who are not currently accessing any services; how would their experiences be recorded.
Karen Malone said that the reportwas a snapshotof the experiencesthat people with autism have in relation to public services; those people who had not been accessing services at the time of reporting would hopefullybe included in the future as more people access support services. Amy Kay said that feedback from the TAP Board would also be fed into future reporting.
Jane Leek said that the process was needs-driven and they were committed to listening more throughout the year. Today’s workshop was something that could be repeated at future meetings. It would also be possible to submit feedback by email. /
What to do when your life circumstances change and you need support?– AnnMunroe (Advanced Practitioner in the Community Learning Disability Team at Luton Borough Council).
Several people present at the meeting wanted to take a note of the telephone numbers for contacting their local team.
Regarding the transitions specialist Social Worker (working with schools and colleges),Sally Cripsey said that nine out of ten people that she works with have ASC but not learning disability; many are aged in their early thirties and are not yet ready for independent living. She asked if there was a gap in service provision here.
Ann Monroe explained that the term ‘transition’ is used within the team to refer specifically to the transition from school to the adult world and, although there is only one transition specialist on the team, other members of the team have specialist skills and knowledge to work with those who have ASC but not learning disability.
Those people with ASC but no learning disability have been missed in the past, but this has been identified and the community teams have received training in autism. Progress has been made although further improvement is still required.
Neil Tunnicliffe said that it would be necessary to speak to a number of individuals on the autistic spectrum to get the broader picture. He pointed out that the people in question are not health-seekers.Amy Kay said that this had been identified in the SAF and there would be more consideration in some areas to support for people who have autism without a learning disability.
The question was asked as to what the situation is in Bedford. Karen Malone explained that the set up in Bedford was very similar to the team at Luton. They have an integrated teamof Qualified Social Workers, Community Learning Disability Nurses, Community Team Assistants and administrative staff.
Jane Leek said that in Central Bedfordshire the team is made up ofcare managers (Social Workers Community Nurses), Independent Lifestyles Officers, team managers, an operations manager, administrators and a care manager specialising in autism and working with carers. She felt the name Adult Learning Disabilities Team is something of a misnomer. Jane also said that the SAF had shown that there was a need for increased developments for specialist autism support for people over 65, women and black or other minority ethnic groups. / All contact numbers to be included with the minutes. / PT
It Involves Us – Steve Minchington
SM had helped to write a document for the National Autistic Society about involving people with autism in partnership boards. This was part of a project on how to get people with autism involved. The commissioners need to know what people with autism want and the ‘It Involves Us’ project is an opportunity to discuss experiences and problems with public services.
Neil Tunnicliffe suggested that some people might prefer to submit their experiences and opinions in writing (as some people aren’t comfortable discussing things in front of a group). SM said that whatever people were comfortable with was fine. Those who prefer to submit their thoughts in writing were welcome to do so, but he felt that others would find an interactive workshop more beneficial. /
Workshop – How are Services for You?
How was this meeting? – Evaluation forms.
Autism Bedfordshire will collate the feedback from the questionnaires and will send them out with the minutes. Actions will be picked up at the next TAP meeting. / AB, Chair. /
Any other business
Will Gange mentioned the forthcoming Autism Bedfordshire barn dance on 26th November. This is to celebrate 25 years of Autism Bedfordshire. Will had brought posters and flyers for all who might be interested in attending.
SM raised the issue of a vacancy for the position of co-chair and asked that anyone interested in applying for the role to complete nominations form included with the agenda for today’s meeting.
Sally Cripsey asked if SM was prepared to continue in the role and Neil Tunnicliffe asked if SMwanted tocarry on. SM said that he was happy to carry on and would be willing to stay on and mentor the new co-chair.
/ An electronic copy of the poster to be includedwith the minutes.
Job description and nomination form to be included with the minutes. / PT
Date of next meeting:
Tuesday 21st February 2017 at the Lockyer Room, The Rufus Centre, Flitwick / All /