Liss Parish Council

West Liss Pavilion Advisory Committee

Notes of a meeting on 28th February, 2011 at Liss Village Hall.

In attendance: LPC Cllrs G Baker (Chairman), H Linsley, B Mayo & M Payne.

User representatives Mr M Norris WLFC, Mrs B Goode LAFC Jnrs.

Clerk D Bowery.

Apologies: LPC Cllrs Halstead, Duckham, Mullenger, Mann, P Payne, Budden, McInnes, Wright & Logan.

Absent: User representatives from 1st Liss Scouts, 1st Liss Brownies, Crossover Youth Centre & 1st Liss Guides.

1)The Chairman welcomed attendees & made health & safety announcements.

2)Introductions were made.

3)Need for replacement pavilion.

The Chairman explained the necessity to replace the pavilion due to the deteriorating state of its structure. He tabled the architects drawings prepared some eight years ago for a possible dual facility incorporating the scout group with pavilion users.

There were questions about the guarantee of existing users remaining in the future & also on the possibility of expanding the user base.

It was regretted that no representative from the scout group was present as it was felt that their consideration of proposals was essential. The Clerk agreed to contact the scouts’ district association to see what could be done to arrange a meeting. Cllr Linsley agreed to contact the Crossover Youth Centre.

4)Construction options.

The Chairman explained that it was possible to go for cheaper options on build design & quality but he maintained that the priority should be to provide an asset that would be of a quality that ensured many years of usage.


The Clerk explained that LPC had a specific provision of £23.9k already set aside & with other funding from Developers’ Contributions, EHDC Community Forum, Hants Playing Fields etc the total available funds were about £100k.

Mrs Goode said that LAFC jnrs were willing to make applications to the Football association & the national Playing Fields association.

It was also felt that consideration of a public appeal should be made,

6)Other matters

Cllr Linsley felt that it was now essential to review the exact usage proposals & this had to be done with all parties involved present. It would also be necessary to get costs for different construction options.

7)Next Meeting – To be arranged in approximately 4 weeks.