1. Read the “Notes to Teachers-in-Charge” carefully and then click “Continue”
2. Login by entering your username and password, which has been provided in the confirmation email after you have completed Part 2 registration procedures.
3. Click “Profile” to update your school and your personal information if necessary.
Please provide a valid email account and check this account frequently for the updates of the Award.
A confirmation/notification email will be sent to you when
•You have completed Part 1 and Part 2 online school application
•Your students have submitted/re-submitted entries to teacher
•You have submitted an entry to organiser
•Please bear with the system for sending you the above emails, kindly note that they are necessary to ensure correct submission since no amendment could be made by teachers after the deadline (6March 2017 11:59).
4. To manipulate students’ accounts, please click “Students”.
Click “Add” button (at the top left hand corner) to create new student’s account.
Click “Edit” button to change the account information.
Click “Delete” button to delete an existing account.
Click the title of individual column e.g. “Student No. and “User Name” to show the numbers in ascending/descending order.
Click the title of individual column e.g. “Class” , “Section” , “Student No.”, “Surname”, “Given Name”, “Gender” and “User Name”to show the relevant information in alphabetical order.
5. To manipulate student's entries, please click “Students' Poems”.
Click “View” button to view a student’s entry.
You may type your comments in the relevant space provided. Then click “Return” button and the entry will be sent back to the student. He/She will receive a notification email with your comments shown for his/her reference and may then edit and re-submit it to you. (There is no limit on the number of times for re-submission to teacher.)
Should students re-submit entries to you, notification email will be sent to you as reminder.
You may type a Grade/Mark in the “Remarks” column or your comment in the “Comment” column for your own reference; theseare designed to help you decide which entry/entries to nominate to the organiser. Information in the “Remarks” and “Comment”column will not be shown to students. To facilitate your easy reference, click the title of the “Remark” or “Comment”column, and your remarks or comments will be re-arranged, either in alphabetical order (for Grades) or in ascending/descending order (for Marks).
To submit an entry to the organiser, please read the “Important Reminder” shown at “Teacher Zone”.
To save and/or print entries, please read the “Important Reminder” shown at “Teacher Zone”.