The SOURCE Newsletter for the Week of May 1, 2006

This week’s contents:

I. General Announcements

i. Renew Your Student Org Registration for 2006-2007!

ii. Swing Into Spring: Business Building Blocks, Life After College Series: Travel, Mother’s Day Crafts

iii. The SOURCE Presents: Event Planning Essentials

iv. Explore Columbus

v. Upcoming C.A.P. Courses

II. Organization Announcements

i. National Pan-Hellenic Step Show

ii. OSUVotes! Meeting

iii. VOX Film Screening: The Abortion Diaries

iv. African American Heritage Festival

v. Students for Recycling: Dump and Run

vi. Mercy for Animals Information Meeting and Vegetarian Dinner

vii. OSU Glass Club Mother’s Day Sale and Exhibition

III. Miscellaneous Announcements

i. Welcome Week Steering Committee Volunteers Needed

ii. SOURCE Team Hours

I. General Announcements

Renew Your Organization Registration with the SOURCE for 2006-07

The “SOURCE New Year” begins on May 1. This means that you can renew your organization for 2006-07 anytime between May 1 and October 15, 2006. To renew your organization you, as President, must complete the following:

1) Update the online record for your organization at using the link for “Existing Organizations”

** Please note, only the person listed as President online may access this website. If your record needs to be updated, please contact the SOURCE staff at .

2) President must attend Org Orientation

3) Treasurer must attend Treasurer Training

If you attend a training session in the month of May, you will be entered into a drawing to win a gift card or other prize! Training dates are listed on the website at You can sign up in advance or just show up to a session that works for you.


Business Building Blocks

Tired of being a puppet in someone else’s company? Do you want to call the shots? Business Building Blocks will teach you what it takes to start and maintain your own business. Free food will be provided, so RSVP to by Wednesday, April 26.

Tuesday, May 2

6:00-7:00 p.m.

Gray E (Basement, Ohio Union)


Life After College Series: Travel

So, you’re working towards your degree. What happens next? The Life After College Series will show you what options are out there, in case you don’t land your dream job right after graduation. This week: Travel. Now is the time to do it, before you get burdened down with the responsibilities on the “real world.” Discover safe and budget friendly ways to see the rest of the world.

Thursday, May 4

12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Memorial Room (2nd floor Ohio Union)

Contact Amber for more information!

Mother’s Day Crafts

Show Mom you care. Make her a give that is thoughtful and easy on your wallet. This program is free and open to all students.

Wednesday, May 10

11:30a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Ohio Union Ballroom Lobby


The SOURCE Presents…Event Planning Essentials

Come learn all you need to know about planning your organization’s next great event.

Tuesday, May 9

4:30 pm, Ohio Union Buckeye CDE

Contact Amber for more information!


Join the Explore Columbus e-mailing list: send a message to

to add your name to our list to receive weekly announcements and special events.


Tuesday, May 2 – Black Eyed Peas – 7:00pm, Schottenstein Center - $25

Friday May 5 - Columbus Symphony Orchestra - 8:00pm, Ohio Theatre - $5

Friday May 5 - PHC Step Show - 7:00pm, Schottenstein Center - $10

Saturday May 6 - Columbus Destroyers vs. Tampa Bay Storm - 7:00pm, Nationwide Arena - $10

Check our website and list serv for more events all week long!

Tickets are on sale at the Ohio Union Information Center during regular building hours.

-- > CONTACT: mailto:

-- > SEE:


Registration still going on for the following CAP courses. Check out for registration information.

Reading the Tea Leaf: A Tea Tasting Session
with I-Cheng Huang, Founder of ZenCha Tea Salon

So you have heard about all the health benefits about tea and would like to be a happy tea drinker, but are still confused when trying to tell the differences among Black, Green, White, Yellow, Red, Oolong and Herbal Tea? How are they made differently and how do they differ in color, aroma, taste, texture, and body? How to tell if a $150/lb tea is really “worth it”? What are some of the criteria to look for when selecting your favorite tea? How does tea pair with food? Join us for this informative and entertaining session that covers the history and culture of tea, tea preparation, and a hands-on tea sampling with traditional tea snacks from around the world.

Date: Monday, May 1st

Time: 6-8pm

Location: ZenCha Tea Salon, 982 N. High St

Cost: $30
Beginning Black and White Darkroom Photography

with John A. Makuch

Discover what veteran photographers know, putting your own style on photos doesn’t stop when you’ve shot a roll of film. Designed for the totally inexperienced, this program gives you guided practice in the darkroom. We will also review basic camera uses, film development, and printing. You may never again want to leave your film with a commercial processor. Bring an unloaded 35 mm single lends reflex camera with manual capability to the first session. Other supplies available for purchase will be discussed at first session.

Date: 6 sessions, Thursdays, May 4 – June 15

Time: 6:00-8:00pm

Location: Photography Lab, The Ohio Union (1739 N. High St.)

Cost: $95

Shake it Like Shakira: Beginning Belly Dance

with Salome

Move to the rhythms of Middle Eastern music as you learn the initial techniques, transitions, hip movements and more, in this ancient dance form. You’ll develop body isolations, basic walking patterns and progress into the dance movements with explanations of the styles. Wear comfortable clothing with ballet shoes or soft-soled shoes.

Date: 6 sessions, Thursdays, May 4 - June 8

Time: 6:00-7:15pm

Location: The Ohio Union (1739 N. High St.)

Cost: $45
Dance Like a Star: Introduction to Ballroom Dancing

with Author Murray Studios

Fred and Ginger have nothing on you! Master the basic step and variations of traditional ball room dance and learn the fox trot, waltz, rumba, and more. Both leading and following taught

Date: 4 sessions, Saturdays, May 6 (not May 27) – June 3

Time: 11am-Noon

Location: The Ohio Union (1739 N. High St.)

Cost: $45 per person / $65 per couple
Wedding Bouquets, Boutonnières & Corsages Oh My!

with Janna Coe of Red Elegance

Getting married or just interested in flower arranging? Learn some helpful tips from about the various wedding bouquet styles and flowers for the entire wedding party. Flowers and supplies provided.

Date: Saturday, May 13

Time: 10:00am-Noon

Location: The Ohio Union (1739 N. High St.)

Cost: $45

II. Organization Announcements

Mark Your Calendars - 2006 National Pan-Hellenic Step Show
May 5th, 7:00 pm at the Jerome Schottenstein Center

Tickets on sale April 10th at all Ticket Master locations, through Explore Columbus at the Ohio Union Information Desk, and the Jerome Schottenstein Center box office.

Advanced tickets for OSU students are $10 or $12 at the door. All non-OSU student tickets are $15.


The next meeting for OSUVotes!, the new campus coalition created to shock the system by providing Ohio State with a political voice that will be heard loud and clear in 2006, will be held May 2nd at 7:30pm in the Page Hall Leadership Education Center (Room 130). This non-partisan coalition, sponsored for the John Glenn Institute for Public Service and Public Policy and Undergraduate Student Government, is seeking new members and organizations to join this exciting new effort to register students to vote, increase voter turnout for the 2006 election, and educate OSU students on the major issues affecting college students today. Email Scott Surovjak (surovjak.1) or Aileen O'Donnell (odonnell.106) with any questions.

Film Screening: "The Abortion Diaries"

With Dr. Lisa Keder, Presenter

Wednesday, May 3, 6:00

McPherson Laboratory, Room 1015

140 West 18th Avenue

Over a million American women will have an abortion each year. The Abortion Diaries, directed by 27-year-old Penny Lane, dispels the stigma of abortion by presenting the abortion stories of twelve diverse women. The audience is invited to hear what women say behind closed doors about sex, love, careers, motherhood, medical technology, spirituality and their own bodies.

Dr. Keder is an assistant professor for the department of OB/GYN at The Ohio State University. Her major interests include contraception and family planning. She has published six articles and one book chapter.

The film will be followed by a short reception.

For more info, visit or e-mail


The African American Heritage Festival is in its 28th year at The Ohio State University and is scheduled to take place Sunday, April 30 – Saturday, May 6, 2006. The Heritage Festival is one of the largest events at OSU, and still continues to grow. This year, the Heritage Festival will focus on Prosperity and the theme is Ufanisi: Striving for Higher Heights. The Heritage Festival consists of a week full of events that are open to all students. While the events of the Heritage Festival have traditionally stayed the same, this year’s events will have new additions to keep students interested in the festival. Some of the week’s events are Soul Time at OSU, Poetry Slam, Step Show, and Town Hall Forum. These events along with many others will give students several opportunities to get involved with the Heritage Festival. For a full schedule of events, please visit


Students for Recycling is holding an event called Dump and Run and we need student volunteers to make it happen. We are having an informational/sign up meeting in Royer Wednesday, May 3rd at 4:30. Last year orgs earned $7/hour! If you have any questions feel free to contact Nicole at .

Announcing a new student group: Mercy for Animals - OSU

Learn how you can become active at OSU in helping to end animal cruelty. Join us for a delicious FREE vegetarian dinner. Meetings will provide a wonderful opportunity to network with other students interested in animal protection and vegetarianism.

Meeting dates: May 2, May 16, and May 30 at 7:30 p.m.



Mother’s Day Glass Sale and Exhibition

The OSU Glass club presents the annual Mother’s Day Glass Sale and Exhibition on May 4th & 5th from 9:00AM – 5:00PM outside Hopkins Hall on the Oval side (128 North Oval Mall) The Painting and Drawing club will also be selling work at this sale.

A portion of the proceeds goes to student scholarships.

Cash and Check only.

For more information please contact Jane

III. Miscellaneous Announcements



Be a vital part of the planning of Welcome Week, one of Ohio State's most exciting and inclusive events! Traditional Welcome Week activities include Convocation, Student Involvement Fair, Community Commitment, Scarlet Fever, & Campus Locators, plus the opportunity to brainstorm and create new events to help kickoff another great year at Ohio State! Students interested in serving on the Steering Committee to help plan this year's week of events are invited to attend the first meeting at 4 p.m. May 2 in Buckeye Suites CDE in the Ohio Union. Give your input so this year's event can be the most diverse and exciting Welcome Week ever! If you are interested in getting involved, or for more information, email Adam Burden .


SOURCE Team Hours

Have pressing SOURCE or student org questions? Come to 211 Ohio Union to talk to SOURCE team members in person! Hours are as follows:

Monday: 4:00-6:00 p.m. Amy Elliot

Tuesday: 4:00-6:00 p.m. Jen Bossard

Wednesday: 4:00-6:00 p.m. Rotation

Thursday: 4:00-5:30 p.m. Amber Waters

Friday: 3:00-5:00 p.m. Colette Masterson


Want information about campus events, student organizations, Greek life, or getting involved? Check out the Ohio Union’s website at Your center for involvement on campus!

Need beverages for an event? You can find the online application for Coca-Cola donations at

Looking for resources such as computers, copiers, posters, books, teambuilding resources and much more for your organization? Look no further than the SOURCE, Room 211at the Ohio Union. Open Monday through Thursday 9am to 8pm, Friday 9am to 5pm. Stop by today to visit your SOURCE or contact if you have any questions!

If your organization is sponsoring an event or program, it can be advertised here in the SOURCE newsletter. All submissions must be around 100-150 words and be written exactly how you want them to appear. Also, please include your organization or department name in the email. Due to space restrictions, we are not able to include announcements for multiple weeks. Send to by Thursday, 5 pm to be included in the next week’s newsletter.