Spanish - Year 9 Pathway

Overview of Subject
GCSE Spanish helps students develop theirlanguage skills in a variety of contexts and a broad understanding of the culture of countries and communities where Spanish is spoken. It encourages enjoymentof language learning and the recognition thatlanguage skills enable students to take their place in a multi-lingual global society.

Spanish - Year 9 Pathway

Why study a language?

English is not enough! Not everyone speaks or wants to speak English.

A language will always be useful, no matter what you do.

In class, you get to study a wide range of topics all about different people and cultures, not just how to speak.

You can read books, watch films and listen to songs in their native language - and understand them too!

Languages mean business - being able to speak a language will make you really stand out.

They’re good for you! Speaking more than one language increases your brain capacity, improves your memory and you'll be at less risk of developing Alzheimer’s.

It’s really impressive to be able to speak a foreign language. It's a real achievement that your friends will envy and employers will love!

You can understand and talk to lots more people when you go abroad.

Using a language at work could raise your salary from 8-20%.

Learning languages really improves your communication skills.

Spanish - Year 9 Pathway

What will I learn?

Students study all of the following themes on which the assessments are based.

Theme 1: Identity and culture

Theme 2: Local, national, international and global areas of interest

Theme 3: Current and future study and employment

Spanish - Year 9 Pathway

Overview of Pathways available in Subject

GCSE Spanish

Pathways and Examinations

Course Title: Spanish

Exam Board: AQA

Qualification: GCSE

Spanish - Year 9 Pathway

How it is assessed?

Listening exam- 25% of GCSE Understanding and responding to different types of spoken language

Reading exam- 25% of GCSE Understanding and responding to different types of written language

Speaking exam- 25% of GCSE Communicating and interacting effectively in speech for a variety of purposes

Writing exam- 25% of GCSE Communicating effectively in writing for a variety of purposes

Future Pathways

Spanish - Year 9 Pathway

Languages offer a wide range of opportunities from using Languages in Travel, Tourism and Hospitality (Pilot, stewards, Travel Agent, Restaurant Manager, Hotel manager…)in Interpreting and translating(legal interpreting, medical interpreting, TV, journalism, editing…) in National Security (MI5, GCHQ…) to using Languages in International Development and Business (lawyer, banker …)

Spanish - Year 9 Pathway