Meeting Memo
Subject: / Coordination.Date/Location: / Fri, 29/2/06. Caia, Sofala Province. Mozambique
Present: / INGC. ( National Institution for Disaster Management)-Sandra Chilengue, Unicef- Sammy Abdula. Jess Meeus, Oxfam : Nahwel Arenas, WFP-Karin Manente, Robert Sanchez, Thomas Goransson, Leon Claasen, UNJLC: Elisabeth Lipcsey, Edson Comuana CONCERN: Ambal Machaud, UNHAS-Urban Lindfors, Sandra Legg, Cluster Lead : Gerry Magbity,
· Airops(Helicopters)
· Boat.
· Trucks
· Warehousing
· Miscellaneous.
a) Elizabeth- check on road accessibility from Mutarara to Inhangoma, Traquino, Doa and Tambara areas etc and update the maps accordingly.
b) Gerry- seek assistance from the Company building the bridge for the barge that is stuck in Mutarara.
c) Gerry- write to Cluster members asking them to send in their needs for air transport for the month of March. The needs on the CMRs already received should be left out.
d) Gerry-put vehicle movement of Cluster members on the agenda of the daily meeting.
1.AIROPS (Helicopters). (Sandra Legg)
The Cluster members have been informed on the reduction of chopper services for the month of March. Robert Sanchez did an analysis and stated that this reduction will not jeopardize the transport of cargo to the various destinations.
12 flights of 29.1 tons of cargo transported.
-5 flights to Mutara and one to Tambara with Unicef NFIs.
-6 flights Tambara-Campata with WFP food.
Tomorrow’s operations are as per the distributed proposed flight plan.
-The available boats are taking NFIs on Behalf of Oxfam and Unicef and food (WFP) to Mutarara.
-30MT of food were transported to Mathilde from Marromeu with the boat from the Sena company.
-60MT of food (WFP) will be transported to Mathilde from Marromeu.
3. TRUCKS. (Leon Claasen).
-3 trucks loading the boats.
-1 truck went to Chire and Pinda with NFIs for Unicef.
-1 truck is off the road. It needs repairs.
For tomorrow: trucks will be loading the boats with food, NFIs etc.
4.WAREHOUSING. (Robert Sanchez and Thomas Goransson)
CMR tracking sheet was distributed as usual.
-Cluster members are to be reminded to announce their vehicle movements. In this way, vehicles could be shared which will help rationalize vehicle use.