PRESENT: / Councillors: / P Acca / Ms S Everett
D Atkins / R Longhurst
C Carter / M Lyon
Mrs J Clark / Mrs K Rogers
H Dimond / D Young

Also Present:5 members of the Public,

Apologies: Cllrs R Estcourt

Mr Lill of Jackson Meadow suggested that the developer of the small plot would be willing to fund a footpath link from Jackson Meadow to Candy’s Field alongside the youth club. He asked if the Parish Council would pursue this as it was a policy of the Neighbourhood Plan.
Cllr Lyon, Chairman of the Planning Committee was asked to investigate and report to a future meeting.
Mr Lill also reported on continual breaches of planning conditions by the builders for the larger area of Jackson Meadow. He had written to DCC and requested the Parish Council’s support. The Clerk was asked to write to EDDC and DCC in support of this.
Mr Dow of 35 Jackson Meadow spoke about his planning application but he was told that the Council had considered this at its last meeting and its views had been passed to EDDC, where the planning application would be determined.
120 / Minutes
RESOLVED: that the minutes of the meeting held on 2nd November 2015 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
121 / Declarations of Interest
Cllr Mrs Clark declared an interest in the planning application and withdrew to the public gallery whilst this was discussed.
122 / Planning Applications
15/2484/PDQ Prior approval of proposed change of use of agricultural building to a dwelling house and associated development Land East Of Longbrook Lane (applicant Cllr & Mrs Estcourt). The Council were advised that this was not a planning application. The presumption was that this development can proceed withoutrequiring planning permission unless there is an objection on grounds of transport and highways impact, noise impacts, contamination risks on the site, flooding risks on the site and/or whether the location or siting of the building makes it otherwise impractical or undesirable for the building to change to a dwelling and/or the design or external appearance of the building.
Several Councillors doubted that this had been an agricultural building. Cllr Dimond pointed out that it had been described as a garage / workshop in a previous application.
Cllr Longhurst informed the meeting that there had been two similar applications using this procedure. Both had been approved but fell at the details stage as the buildings concerned could not be converted to dwellings successfully within the restrictions of the procedure.
SUPPORT, provided that EDDC is satisfied that this building was formerly an agricultural building as required by this procedure and that the structure can be converted to a dwelling.
123 /

Planning decisions

15/1559/FULrevised description: Alterations to rear roof slope to create flat roof with access for maintenance. Additional alterations to revise door and window layout. – Pippins, The Strand – REFUSED
124 / HM The Queen’s 90th Birthday celebration
This celebration had been publicised on the Website and in the Lympstone Herald.
Neighbouring Councils have been circulated and all will consider this during the current round of meetings. DEFER for one month
125 / Lympstone Pre-school
Vicki Drinkwater reported that a decision on the funding application was expected on 26th November 2015. Local fundraising had been publicised in the Lympstone Herald and Exmouth Journal and had raised £755 so far.
Cllr Mrs Clark pointed out that the celebrations for HM The Queen’s 90th birthday could present a fundraising opportunity.
Cllr Everett circulated a report summarising the financial position for the pre-school. There would be further reduction in Government funding from next year.
She also reported that the Primary School was beginning to suffer from the lack of care facilities for pupils before and after school. Vicki confirmed that a new building would be available to meet this need whereas the extra cost of renting, heating and lighting the current rooms made this prohibitive.
Cllr Atkins confirmed that this would be on the agenda for the next meeting of the VHMC on Wednesday.
RESOLVED: that the matter be considered further at the next meeting.
126 / Clerk’s Action List
The Council considered the Clerk’s Action List and commented as follows:
Flag pole – The EA may be able to provide a flagpole. It was AGREED that this should be sited on The Green and inaugurated in time for HM The Queen’s 90th birthday celebrations.
The Council also discussed the need for flags including a new Lympstone Flag. Mrs Letcher agreed to make enquiries with the History Society and the Clerk was asked to contact Richard Eastley about this.
Toilets – Cllr Acca confirmed that an anti-vandal lacquer should be applied after the painting works to make it easier to clean off graffiti in future. The Clerk was asked to confirm this to the decorator.
Bin in Candy’s Field. The Clark was asked to confirm that EDDC were willing to empty a new bin in the proposed location, before ordering.
Dinan Way link – an email response from a DCC Officer was read out stating that minor deviations to the proposed route were being considered but there would be more consultation when a preferred route had been defined. It was hoped that Cllr Hughes would be able to give more information at the next meeting.
127 / EDDC Event
The Parish Council had been invited to send two reps to an event at Knowle on Tuesday 1st December from 6.00 – 8.45pm to cover DCC Tough Choices; Fair funding for police; services and possibilities for local devolution in the South-west.
The Council noted that Cllrs Atkins and Longhurst would be attending.
128 / Reports by Lead Councillors
NP Delivery Group - Cllr Mrs Clark reported that Mrs Lyon had invited Members of the NP Working Group to a meeting on Thursday to discuss setting up the NP Delivery Group.
Mrs Lyon would also be making a presentation to Councillors that evening.
Community- Cllr Mrs Clark, with Cllrs Dimond and Young had met with the EA , Don Mildenhall and 3 flood wardens to discuss the Emergency Plan and potential for flooding. Riparian owners were to be identified and contacted about keeping the Wotton Brook clear. Consideration was to be given to setting up a white board for volunteers to warn of potential flooding Cllr Mrs Clark asked that anyone who saw any kind of flooding to send her photographs.
Cllr Atkins reminded the Council that there was a valve outside Shear’s Place that needed regular maintenance by EDDC. The Clerk was asked to follow this up.
Cllr Mrs Clark asked that anyone who saw any kind of flooding to send her photographs.
Communications – Cllr Young reported that Mark Reynolds was still making minor technical changes to the website.
Estates - Cllr Atkins was working with Cllr Hughes to secure more pipe jetting.
Facilities- Cllr Acca reported that the defibrillator sign was now up; the Village Pump sign was now up and one bench was till to be repaired
Links with CTC-RM – Cllr Mrs Rogers reported that the new bin was being emptied but some of the unwanted rubbish was now being taken to the other bin.
Lympstone Herald – Cllr Carter informed the meeting of an experimental trial with a smaller font. No comments had been received so far. Cllr Everett reminded him of the need to comply with DD requirements.
Village Hall– Cllr Atkins reminded the meeting that the VHMC would meet on Wednesday.
129 / Matters raised by other Councillors
Cllr Mrs Rogers suggested that there was a need for something to stop wreathes from blowing around on and after Remembrance day service. She agreed to investigate this for next year.
Cllr Dimond had attended the Devon Resilience Forum which included discussing various ways of dealing with flooding. It had been a good opportunity to meet people with similar experiences. Funding was available for developing a Flood Plan and purchasing equipment.
Cllr Longhurst reported that DCC had carried out drainage works in Burgmanns Hill which now resulted in surface water flowing down towards Hayes Raleigh. This was to be rectified.
He also reported that EDDC did not have a comprehensive asset management system but was working towards this. Some ward members were being given a list of public assets in their area to confirm existence and possible ownership. Cllr Lyon asked if there was also clear ownership of assets of the MoD. Cllr Mrs Rogers agreed to follow this up.
Cllr Mrs Rogers referred to the comment by Mr Lill that the site to be developed with four bungalows could accommodate a footpath link to the Village. As this was a planning matter, Cllr Lyon was asked to follow this up with Cllr Mrs Rogers.

The Meeting finished at 8.50pm
