Digital Learning Day 2014 Activities:

Staff Member’s Name: / Digital Learning Day Idea:
Dr. Matthew Rebeck / Paperless Psych Evals with iPads and Bluetooth
CamiVieke / Day of the Dead and Culture Projects; Researching, creating, and recording projects; Demonstrating Creativity
Marc Hostetter and Kim Hindman / Wii in PE (Just Dance, Olympics, Sports Boxing, Wii Fit)
Tammy Schneider / Glogster, Collaboration with English and Social Studies Classes on the Black Death
Jeff Pickrell / Led a student group is using Colar App on the iPad to make images “come alive” on the screen; used a camcorder and Windows Movie Maker for editing
Debbie Isham / Wikispace and Skyward
Erica Thomas / Media presentation of a short story; online storybook, a movie, or a radio program; sophomores created a ‘soundtrack of their life’
Tamara Allison / Facetime with Grades K, 1, & 2 at Cumberland Heights Elementary School in Clarksville, TN; connecting iPad to Promethean Board
Courtney York/Mr. Crandell / Aurasma App: Compiling presentations; persuasive writing, advertising techniques; logos and product information, making a commercial
Cami Rodgers / Children’s books about plant and animal cells using the iBooks app
Cynthia Oxley / Spell City/Slideshow in Animo/games in Spell City
Cheryl Weber / Snag-It and Camtasia; How to embed YouTube Videos onto personal webpage
Michelle Johnston / GeoPad with iPads for translations and reflections
Connie Jesch / QR Codes to practice comparing fractions; Jenga blocks with teamwork/QR Codes to check their work; Create QR codes for the class to use to review
Katelyn Offerman / Skyped with class to read them a story
Julie Kissinger and Kelly Jones / Story Mashup; Pieces of narrative plot to create an original story; Google Docs for collaboration between Kindergarteners and Middle Schoolers
Katie Bushard / #DLD2014 Tweets; Digital Citizenship lesson; digital media, SMS Poll, tweeting pictures, quick writes about Digital Citizenship
Vicki Rueger / Sophomores and Seniors collaborated on the Fahrenheit 451 Project in Digital Design; Seniors act as mentors
Richard Johnson / Using Activoters/Reading Assignment Questions on Activoters
Julie Jackson / Students took pictures of geometry concepts (ex. Angles, lines, polygons) and used Keynote to create a slideshow
Lisa Dixon / Third Graders use iPads to take resting heart rate and then measure heart rate again after physical exercise
Ashley Mirick / Google Docs with Freshman: Research Papers and Proofreading; Seniors used the iPads to take tests on Macbeth using Examview
Pam O’Risky / Accelerated Reader; Google Maps; Read Across America; Sony Bloggie Camera; YouTube; Skype; Backchannel (Today’s Meet)
Kim Merrick / Microphone and Voice Recorder with Activboard; Posting recordings to website
David Reese / National FFA Website Videos; Prepare for District Competition; Planning for future degrees and proficiencies; Citizens and Careers in the Ag Industry
Susan Tucker / QR Codes with Math Remediation
Cynthia Basham / Vocabulary Quiz online – Graded and into Skyward immediately; Wacom Bamboo Tablet; iPads for Differentiated Instruction
Beth Walter / Flipped Classroom videos with Microphone and Activinspire
Phyllis Hutchinson / Computers, iPads, Promethean Board, and Game Activities; No Pencils!; Doc camera and Promethean Board
Jackie Thomas / ActivTable Activities
Brenda Zoller / Virtual tour of a zoo; iPad Safari and take pictures of animals in their natural habitats
Amanda Wilson / Lights On After School Facebook Page
De’SheaKueber / ActivTable to practice for math test; Activoters
Mary Feagley / Taking tests on the iPads using Examview exported as HTML links  posted to classroom website
Kristine Deig / 2 week challenge (vocabulary improvement tool); 7 Little Words for Kids/Word Mess/ Chain of Thoughts/ Word Collapse/ Scramble
Stephanie Sharber / MyBigCampus – Elements of Art: Lines; YouTube Videos; brief poll/quiz; using ActiVoters; review powerpoint presentation; hands on activities with lines
Janet Werner / Reading blog for DLD; writing a response to a question and completing activities with a blog
Kristen Dutkiewicz / Lino App on iPads; Creating a group bulletin board with Olympics