Lab: Single and Double Replacement Reactions

Purpose: To predict products and observe various single and double replacement reactions.

Hypotheses: Single Replacement Reactions: Use the activity series (p.288 – Honors) and your understanding of single replacement reactions to predict products for the following reactions. If no reaction will occur, then write “no rxn” on the product side of the equation.

1) HCl + Mg ® ______

2) HCl + Cu ® ______(hint: copper could be +2 in this compound)

3) HCl + Fe ® ______(hint: iron will be +3 in this compound)

4) HCl + Zn ® ______

Hypotheses: Double Replacement Reactions: Use the solubility chart and your understanding of double replacement reactions to predict products for the following reactions. If both of the possible products are aqueous, then write “no rxn” on the product side of the equation. Otherwise, clearly state which product will be aqueous and which will form a solid precipitate.

1) Na2CO3(aq) + Cu(NO3)2(aq) ® ______

2) NaOH(aq) + Fe(NO3)3(aq) ® ______

3) Na3PO4(aq) + AgNO3(aq) ® ______

4) MgSO4(aq) + Zn(NO3)2(aq) ® ______


1.  For each single replacement reaction, place a sample of each metal in your well plate and then place 5-6 drops of HCl (aq) on top of it. Record your observations.

2.  For each double replacement reaction, place two drops of each solution carefully on the transparency, covering each “X” appropriately over your “Super High-Tech Patented Reaction Surface.” Record your observations.

3.  If a precipitate formed, clearly write the formula for the precipitate on the line provided.

4.  Clean up your workstation according to your instructors directions and answer all questions.

Observations/Data: Table 1: Single Replacement Reaction Observations

HCl (aq)
Mg / 1 Observations:
Cu / 2 Observations:
Fe / 3 Observations:
Zn / 4 Observations:

Table 2: Double Replacement Reaction Observations

Solutions: / Cu(NO3)2 / Fe(NO3)3 / AgNO3 / Zn(NO3)2
Na2CO3 / 1 Observations:
Precipitate: ______/ 2 Observations:
Precipitate: ______/ 3 Observations:
Precipitate: ______/ 4 Observations:
Precipitate: ______
NaOH / 5 Observations:
Precipitate: ______/ 6 Observations:
Precipitate: ______/ 7 Observations:
Precipitate: ______/ 8 Observations:
Precipitate: ______
Na3PO4 / 9 Observations:
Precipitate: ______/ 10 Observations:
Precipitate: ______/ 11 Observations:
Precipitate: ______/ 12 Observations:
Precipitate: ______
MgSO4 / 13 Observations:
Precipitate: ______/ 14 Observations:
Precipitate: ______/ 15 Observations:
Precipitate: ______/ 16 Observations:
Precipitate: ______

Questions & Conclusions:

1)  In the single replacement reactions, how does the apparent reactivity of the four metals compare to their position on the Activity Series?

2)  In the single replacement reaction, why did copper not react while the other metals did?

3)  How many of the single replacement reactions did not appear to react?

4)  How many of the double replacement reactions did not appear to react?