Montivideo Square Homeowners Association
t/a McLean Greens Homeowners Association
Meeting of the Board of Directors
Minutes for Thursday, March 21, 2012
McLean High School Lecture Hall
President Tom Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm. Board members present were: Linda Graniti, Tracy Hewitt, Tom Anderson, Randi Grinbergs, and Judy Iwler. A quorum was established. Steve Richter represented Richter Management Company.
Resident/Homeowner Forum
Twohomeowners were present to discuss violations. One of the homeowners suggested that we password protect the McLean Greens web site. The board will take that under consideration.
Linda made a motion seconded by Judy to accept the February minutes. The motion was approved unanimously.
Financial Report
We continue to be solvent.
Management Report
There was no written management report.
Steve reported that several homeowners have addressed their outstanding violations.
Steve provided one quote on road repair and will provide two more quotes in the near future.
Architectural Control Committee (ACC) Report
One applicationwas approved.
Discussion took place on oversized sheds in the backyards. A motion was made by Judy and seconded by Tracy to have an architect look at our back lots and make a recommendation on a new shed size and location to accommodate owner’s who would like more shed storage space. Judy, Tracy, and Randi voted to have an architect evaluate the situation. Linda and Tom opposed the motion. The motion passed.
Grounds Committee Report
The Grounds Committee had nothing to report.
Old Business
Randi led a discussion on the next newsletter. It was suggested that she add to her current draft information on children putting toys away and not leaving them on the common ground area or front yards; children not playing in the streets; and everyone picking up litter. She will also add information from the annual meeting.
The tree work is near completion. There is one stump left to remove. Steve said that it would be taken care of tomorrow.
Environmental Enhancements will start work on the clean up of the ravine area at the end of next week if the weather cooperates.
Steve is working on getting a copy of our retainer agreement from Chadwick, Washington, Moriarty, Elmore & Bunn P.C.
The community clean up is scheduled for Saturday, March 31. Judy will forward the task list to the board, design a flyer, and provide Tracy with supplies used from previous years.
New Business
Judy got information from Mosquito Squad on spraying the common areas for mosquitos, tics, and gnats. She will forward the information to the board via email.
The spring walk through will be in the early part of May. Steve will repurpose a past letter andsend it to the board for comments before sending it to residents and owners.
A discussion took place on reactivating the Grounds Committee. It was decided to table the discussion for a future meeting.
Electronic billing was discussed. Owner Wayne Stewart discussedonline and electronic debiting and agreed to provide information and an article to Randi for the community newsletter.
Executive Session
The board went into Executive Session at 8:20 pm and ended at 8:40 pm. Discussion took place on delinquent accounts; Tom announced Jake Kwon’s resignation from the board; and new officers were elected as follows: Tom Anderson – President; Randi Grinbergs – Vice President; Russel March – Treasurer; Linda Graniti – Secretary.
At 8:50 pm Linda made a motion to adjourn seconded by Judy. The motion was approved unanimously and the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Judy Iwler
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